Installing the Action Builder

As a system administrator, you install and configure the Action Builder to create new Actions (sets of objects) for common operations to be used in workflows.

This page includes the following:


You need to have the Automic Web Interface installed to install the Action Builder. For more information, see Installing the Automic Web Interface.

To clone Actions, you need to set the SEARCH_SCRIPT_FOR_USAGE to Y in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS - Various Client Settings.


Installing, Updating and Uninstalling the Action Builder

The Action Builder is delivered as a .zip file and contains a .jar file that has to be either copied, replaced or removed to install, update or uninstall the Plugin.

Note: You need to restart your session after copying the .jar file to be able to use the Action Builder.

To Install the Action Builder

Unzip the .zip file and copy the .jar file to the autoinstall folder in the webapps/ directory of the Tomcat server running the Automic Web Interface.

If your system was set up by the ONE Installer, this should be: <installer-root>/External.Resources/apache-tomcat-x.x.xx/webapps/<awi-webapp-folder>/WEB-INF/autoinstall.

The Plugin Manager is available in the Action Packs tab of the Administration perspective.

Optionally, you can enable logging by adding the following parameters to the logback.xml file in the config folder of the webapps/<awi-webapp-folder> directory on your Tomcat server:

<logger name="com.automic.apm"level="WARN"additivity="false">

<appender-ref ref="LOGGER"/>


To Update the Action Builder

Replace the existing .jar file in the autoinstall folder in the webapps/ directory of the Tomcat server running AWI with the new version. The configuration file will not be overwritten.


C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\AWI\WEB-INF\autoinstall

To Uninstall the Action Builder

Remove the corresponding .jar file from the autoinstall folder of your Tomcat installation.

See also:

Configuring the Action Builder