Log Configuration

Information about the execution of Process Analytics Admin and Studio is stored in log and trace files. You can configure the logging behavior in the files admin.logging.properties and studio.logging.properties files. They are provided in the conf folder of the Process Analytics Studio and Admin programming directory. Both files are structured in the same way.

admin.logging.properties, studio.logging.properties

Parameter Description

Language that is used to log the messages.

Allowed values:

  • D - German
  • E - English
  • F - French

Alternative language.

If there is no message in the defined language, the system searches for a message in the alternative language.

Allowed values:

  • D - German
  • E - English
  • F - French

Format of the log entries timestamps.

In Process Analytics Studio, this parameter is available in the studio.properties file.

Allowed values: "local" (default) or "iso"

  • local: Uses the locally-specified format of the operating system
  • iso : The format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" is used.

Name and path of the log file.

The / and \ characters for path indications must be specified twice.

The # characters serve as placeholders for the log-file number. The must current log file shows the number 0.

For example:


Maximum log-file size.

The log changes when this value has been reached. This means that a new log file with the current number is created. The counter of all other files increases for 1. This procedure does not affect the current message. The next message is written to the new log file.

Note: The log file also changes when you restart the program.


Number of log files that should be stored.

If this number is exceeded during the log-file change, the oldest log file (the one with the highest number) is automatically deleted.


Name and path of the log file.

The / and \ characters for path indications must be specified twice.

The # characters serve as placeholders for the log-file number. The must current log file shows the number 0.


Maximum trace-file size.

The trace file changes when this value has been reached. A new trace with the number 0 is created. The counter of all other files increases for 1. This procedure does not affect the current message. The next message is written to the new log file.

trace_history_length= Number of trace files that should be stored

Trace flags.

Allowed value:
Number between 0 (default) and 9

Value 0 deactivates the trace function and no files are created.

Important! Set trace flags only in close cooperation with CA Support.

Example of structure of a configuration file:

language = E
alt_language = D

log_file_pattern = .//temp//LOGG_##.TXT
log_max_kb = 10000
log_history_length = 10

trace_file_pattern = .//temp//TRACE_##.TXT
trace_max_kb = 10000
trace_history_length = 10
database = 0
trc03 = 0

The log files are stored in the temp subfolder. No trace files are created because the trace flags are set to 0. A maximum of 10 log files is kept, the oldest one is named LOGG_09.TXT.

The log file changes when a file exceeds 10.000 KB or when you restart the program.