CDA REST API - General Info

As an Application Developer or Administrator, you can use the REST API to communicate with the CDA system.

This page includes the following:


A REST API allows you to make requests for resources on a web server which, in turn, returns responses containing the requested information. Calls to REST API endpoints can be made with almost any programming language.

Unlike SOAP, REST APIs use HTTP as the transport protocol (although both server and client can be based in any language). Furthermore, a REST API does not follow a standard message format, the message specifications are only to be found in the corresponding documentation.

Do you want to execute workflows? Simply send a POST request to http(s)://myCDAServer/cda/api/data/v1/executions. Get the Package with ID 6784? Send a GET request to http(s)://myCDAServer/cda/api/data/v1/packages/6784. The CDA REST API allows this and much more!

CDAREST API architecture

Image displaying ARA REST API architecture

What can I do via REST API?

The CDA REST API allows you to:


CDA REST API enables you to perform operations such as:

General Patterns of the CDA REST API

URI Format

The REST API URIs have the following structure:



Common Request and Response Parameters

Request parameters

You can add query parameters to the URIs to filter the response output.

Name Value Description
start_at integer Filters by page number of the response to be displayed. For more information see: Pagination
max_results integer Sets a maximum number of results to be displayed per page (=pagesize). For more information see: Pagination

Important! An error message will be displayed if an unexpected query parameter is submitted.

Response parameters

Note: Values of protected properties (both custom and dynamic) will never be exported, the properties will be contained in the response with null value. Null values for protected properties will be ignored in update operations, the original values remain unchanged. Nevertheless, setting an empty string like "password": "" will reset the value to an empty value.

Collection resources

If a resource is a collection of entities, the response shows the total number of entities:


GET / applications/98454/ components

Image displaying example for resources

total: in this example, the Application with ID 98454 has 3 components (total= total number of resources in the collection).

hasmore: indicates if the response contains all data in the collection. Possible values:

data: objects contained in the collection.


The following methods are used for resources:

Verb Action

Used to get a list of resources or a single one. No data is changed with this operation.

  • GET / applications (list of resources)
  • GET / applications / ID (single resource)


curl -D- -u <client>/<username>/<department>:<password> -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<host>:<port>/cda/api/data/v1/applications


Used to add a resource or to modify an existing one.

  • POST / packages (to add a new resource)
  • POST / package / ID (to update an existing resource)


curl -D- -u 100/AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC:automic -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://<host>:<port>/cda/api/data/v1/packages -d '{"name": "11.22.33", "folder": "CR08", "owner": "100/AUTOMIC/AUTOMIC", "custom_type": "Deployment", "application": "DemoApp"}'

Note: Resources can only be added or updated by one.


Used to delete single resources.

Example: DELETE / packages / ID

DELETE /applications -> not allowed

Important! Other HTTP methods such as PATCH, PUT or HEAD are not used.

Note: Leading and trailing spaces in the API input will be trimmed.


The REST API requires basic authentication. In order to send requests, you must enter the same credentials as to connect to an AE system on your GUI client. The client, user, department, and password information must be part of the HTTP(S) header: (CLIENT/USERNAME/DEPARTMENT) + Password. The Automation Engine decides whether a REST request in the user context is allowed or not and responses accordingly.

The CDA REST API does not support password encryption for the password that is stated in the REST request. It is recommended to use HTTPS to secure the transmission of this information.


In CDA REST API, responses are paginated to make results easy to handle.

Pagination can be very useful when you make a request to the CDA REST API and receive a lot of results. For example, if you send a request to get all existing components, thousands of records may be retrieved.

How to set limit parameters

CDA REST API allows you to set the following limit parameters:

Note: If "start_at" or "max_results" are not set, default values will be used.

How do I know that I am on the last page?

You can see that you have reached the last page when the value of the hasmore field in the response is "false".

Imgae displaying hasmore value in code


You can apply filters to narrow the number of records returned.

GET requests can be filtered by the filter operator "=" (equals).

For example: GET /packages?name=cda

See also: