Infrastructure Manager REST API - General Info

As an Administrator, you can use the Provisioning REST API to:

This page includes the following:


The Provisioning REST API provides an interface for third-party applications to create, delete and update provisioned Environments leveraging the Terraform capabilities. You can additionally perform other actions like getting the environment history or the Terraform execution log.

The current version of the Provisioning REST API is v1. This information is reflected in the URI and is therefore relevant when accessing your Provisioning REST API interface.


The Infrastructure Manager REST API messages are only supported in English.

Health Check Requests

A health check to ensure that the application is up and running is available under GET provisioning/api/v1/management/health. Be aware that only the HTTP status code should be used to determine the health ([200] = service is up).

// Response


"status": "UP"


Note: no authentication is needed.


The Provisioning REST API supports only basic authentication. Terraform decides whether a REST request in the user context is allowed or not and responds accordingly.

Pagination, Filtering, Sorting

The Infrastructure Manager REST API supports pagination, filtering and sorting. For more details refer to the corresponding endpoint request parameters in the Infrastructure Manager Swagger documentation.