Installing the Automation Engine SNMP Subagent (Windows)

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is an industry standard for monitoring and controlling systems, devices and components within a network environment. This document guides you through the Windows installation for AE SNMP Subagent.

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To Install the SNMP Subagent in Windows

You can set up the AE SNMP Subagent when you install the Automation Engine or subsequently.

  1. Install the files.

    1. Start the AE SNMP Subagent's setup program or instead, you can also copy the library UCSNMP1.DLL and the INI file UCSNMP1.INI manually to the directory %WINDIR%\System32.
    2. Register the library in the registry database as follows:

    3. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AUTOMIC\SnmpAgent\Vers1]               





  2. Configure the INI files.

    1. Activate the SNMP connection in the Automation Engine's INI file UCSRV.INI using the parameter snmp=1 (section [GLOBAL]) . Also set the parameters snmp= and snmpreconnect= (section [TCP/IP] ). For more information, see Automation Engine.

    2. End and restart theAutomation Engine's communication and work processes on all computers. No restart is necessary if the Automation Engine's INI file is already adjusted.

    3. Configure the Windows SNMP service. For more information, see Windows SNMP Service Configuration.

    4. Adjust the relevant parameters in the AE SNMP Subagent's INI file. For more information, see Agent SNMP.

    5. The AE SNMP Subagent uses the path that is specified in the Windows system environment variable UC_SNMP_INI in order to access the INI file. If this variable is not available, the Subagent searches it in the directory in which the AE SNMP Subagent is installed. If the INI file is not available here, the Subagent uses the default values.

  3. Start the AE SNMP Subagent.

    Restart the Windows SNMP service. It automatically starts the AE SNMP Subagent.

    The order in which you start the Automation Engine and the SNMP Subagent is irrelevant.


See also: