Reads data from an SAP monitor.

Transaction: RZ20
Interface: Standard






Name of monitor set (maximum 60 characters).
Format: Name or script literal


Name of  monitor (maximum 60 characters).
Format: Name or script literal


Name of the file in which the result (current monitor data) should be stored.
Format: Name or script literal


Encoding for the generated output file (Parameter FILE=).

Example: UTF-8

Default value: ISO-8859-1

When you specify an encoding format that is not supported or invalid, the job will abort with an error message.

The SAP Forms provide an input assistant for this field which lists all the supported encoding formats.

This script element is used to read data from an SAP monitor and store it in a file.

The SAP Agent puts individual lines that are supplied by an SAP monitor into fixed columns. It stores column names and column size as the first line in the file and provides data for the current monitor. The following columns are available:

PATH - Path specification of a value,
NAME - Name of the value,
VALUE - Current value,
STATUS - Status: 1 = green, 2 = yellow, 3 = red,
DATE - Date of test,
TIME - Time of test,
MESSAGE - Message which is displayed with a protocol attribute.

Note: The timestamp is returned in UTC and can differ from your local time. You can write a script to convert the date and time to another time zone.

More information:

You can also prepare and edit monitor data using script elements for the data sequences. R3_GET_MONITOR is used in the event job "EVENT.R3MONITOR" in client 0000. You can writes scripts that create a data sequence from an SAP monitor. For more information, see PREP_PROCESS.

You can also use scripts to process the data sequence, and access each individual line of the data sequence and its columns. For more information, see Script Elements for Data Sequences.

Note: By default, created files are saved on the computer on which the agent is installed  (for example, R3_GET_JOB_SPOOL; FILE=).

See also: