
Telemetry is a core element of the Enterprise Software Portfolio License Agreement (PLA) model. It is integrated into all CA Automic One Automation Platform components to send product usage data to CA Technologies, a Broadcom Company (CA). It is mandatory for a customer under Enterprise Software PLA to enable telemetry and share the usage data.

This page includes the following:


Automic Workload Automation, Continuous Delivery Automation, and Automic Service Orchestration collect and send system configuration information about the number of instances in use and whether the systems run as a High Availability cluster. All other usage data metrics differ depending on your system's setup:

Important! No Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or sensitive information is collected. For more information, see our Privacy Policy.

You can use a REST API call to collect and see the relevant usage data before you send it. For more information, see REST API.

Also, you can use the License Reporting Tool (LRT) to make a snapshot of your license usage data if you want to have a baseline before moving to the PLA telemetry model. You can download the License Reporting Tool (LRT) and access the corresponding documentation from

Sending Usage Data Automatically

  1. Click the link in the notification to access the Telemetry page of the (Undefined variable: UIElements.Administration) perspective.

  2. On the Telemetry page, define if the instance is subject to a PLA and consent to send telemetry data.

  3. Select your product:

    • Automic Automation

    • Automic Automation Intelligence

    • Automic Intelligent Remediation

    • Automic Service Orchestration

    • Automic Workload Automation

    • Automic Workload Automation - Task Edition

    • Continuous Delivery Automation

  4. Provide the mandatory Activation Data.

  5. Select the Use a Proxy checkbox if you want to use a proxy to send telemetry data.

  6. Save your changes.

This configuration information is also reflected in the variable UC_TELEMETRY_SETTINGS - Telemetry Configuration.

When you consent to send telemetry data, the Automation Engine collects it in a data report and uploads it once a day, one report per client database.