Overview of the Automic Web Interface

The Automic Web Interface is a browser-based application that provides a web interface to access all functions. It is divided into various perspectives that have a similar pane structure. This topic describes how to navigate among perspectives and how to access the available functions.

This page includes the following:

Menu Bar

The menu bar at the top of your screen provides access to the following functions:

Home icon

Click it to open the Dashboards perspective, which is the only perspective that is always available, regardless of your privileges.


You have access to other perspectives according to your user rights and privileges.


The notification area has two buttons:

Global Search

The global search is the fastest way to search for objects, object dependencies and tasks. See Global Search and Advanced Search.

Session information and access to user settings

This area displays the following session information: User name, department, Automation Engine system, and Client to which you are logged on. Click the arrow on the upper right corner of your screen area to expand a list with further options. See Session and User Settings.

Perspectives and User Roles

Perspectives are functional areas that provide access to the functions to which you have access. These functions depend on your user role.

Administration perspective

This functional area is visible and accessible only to users with administrator rights. See Administering the Automation Engine.

Process Assembly perspective

See About the Process Assembly Perspective.

Process Monitoring perspective

See About the Process Monitoring Perspective.

Release Automation

See Release Automation Perspective

My Catalog

See Configuring the User Catalog.


See Dashboards.

Working with the Perspectives

When you log out, a dialog is displayed that asks you whether you want to save the open tabs. If you click Save, the open perspectives are visible the next time you log in.