Messages U451xx

U00045100 Parameter [REST]/keystore is missing in the configuration file.
U00045101 The alias "jetty" does not exist in the keystore '&01'.
U00045102 Error: All defined ports in the configuration file are already in use.

In ucsrv.ini there is no free instance in [PORTS] because all ports are already used. Solution: Add a new instance in [PORTS], for CPs a new message queue table must be created.

U00045103 The database table '&01' for this server '&02' does not exist.

A CP message queue table for the JCP was not found. Please create the table.

U00045104 reserved
U00045105 Log on of '&01' successful.
U00045106 The request is invalid and cannot be processed by the Automation Engine.
U00045107 Cannot logon to Automation Engine.
U00045108 The logged on user is not allowed to access the resource.
U00045109 The requested resource cannot be found.
U00045110 An Automation Engine internal error occured.
U00045111 Object to be executed has to have the attribute "generate at runtime" set.
U00045112 Object execution has been requested already successfully (UUID).
U00045113 Given string is not a valid object name.
U00045114 Given string is not a valid execution type. Following entries are supported: &01.
U00045115 The object is not an executable one.
U00045116 The object does not exist.
U00045117 Given string is not a valid action type. Following entries are supported: &01.
U00045118 reserved
U00045119 reserved
U00045120 The given pagination request is not valid.
U00045121 reserved
U00045122 Search index update: updated &03 objects (&02)
U00045123 Search index update: processing OH changes since &04 (&05)
U00045124 Search index update: resuming after minimum delay of &04. Waiting for incoming kicks or &05 until searching for new objects.
U00045125 Search index update: triggered after &04 (&03).
U00045126 Search Index Update: complete (&03). Pausing for &04.
U00045127 Search index update: skipped, process is not first JWP on host.
U00045128 Search index update: cancelled.
U00045129 Search index update: deactivated.
U00045130 Search index update: not activated (This process was not started as JWP)
U00045131 Search index update: not activated (not enabled per configuration)
U00045132 Search index update: skipped (This process is not the first JWP on host)
U00045133 Search index update: executing &03 partition(s) for &04 object(s).
U00045134 Search index update: partition #&03 finished (&01).
U00045135 Search index update: failed to determine time-stamp of last search index update. Rebuilding entire index.
U00045136 Search index update: modified=&03 deleted=&04 objects. (&01)
U00045137 Search index update: Unexpected error on updateDocument: &03
U00045138 reserved
U00045139 Mandatory client segment is missing in URI.
U00045140 reserved
U00045141 Cannot extract client segment from URI.
U00045142 Cannot create table '&01'.
U00045143 A new table '&01' has been created successfully.
U00045144 The request cannot be processed due to concurrent database activities.
U00045145 ILM actions are ongoing at the moment.
U00045146 The network module will be re-initialized. All connections will be closed in one second.
U00045147 This JCP is currently not connected with a primary work process. Please retry the REST call later.
U00045148 This process was initially started at '&01'.
U00045149 Client#&01 is not allowed to perform this action.
U00045150 Property '&01' may not be null.
U00045151 Property '&01' contains an invalid value. &02
U00045152 Waiting for database connections timed out after '&01' milliseconds, there are still '&02' connections in use.
U00045153 reserved
U00045154 OpenAPI documentation not found for bundle '&01'.
U00045155 reserved
U00045156 Failed to notify a WP for queue table '&01' because this JCP is not connected.
U00045157 TIMEOUT: This JCP did not get a reply message for the following request within '&01' seconds.
U00045158 Permission check failed.
U00045159 Thread '&01' has ID '&02'.
U00045160 Given string is not a valid object execution alias.
U00045161 RunId '&01' received from '&02'. Old RunId was '&03'.
U00045162 reserved
U00045163 Property '&01' exceeds maximum length '&02'
U00045164 Property '&01' contains an invalid Date / Time / Timestamp value: '&02'. Expected format: '&03'
U00045165 reserved
U00045166 Value '&01' not allowed for Property '&02'. Allowed values are: &03
U00045167 Invalid combination of parameters. Following properties must not be used together: &01
U00045168 Insufficient parameters specified. One of these properties is missing: &01
U00045169 Given string is not a valid enum value. Following values are supported: &01.
U00045170 Value '&01' of property '&02' is outside the allowed value range. Minimum: '&03', Maximum: '&04'
U00045171 Property value has to be a date that does not lie in the past.
U00045172 reserved
U00045173 Usage:Unload initial data from a database, used to create a repo:java -jar ucsrvjp.jar [-Iucsrv.ini] -filesync [-OexportPath] -unloadLoad xml files to an empty database, used for the initial data build:java -jar ucsrvjp.jar [-Iucsrv.ini] -filesync [-OexportPath] -loadReload xml files to an existing database. Be aware that system tables are not reloaded:java -jar ucsrvjp.jar [-Iucsrv.ini] -filesync -reloadUnload a single initial data object, table or folder:java -jar ucsrvjp.jar [-Iucsrv.ini] -filesync [-OexportPath] OBJECTNAMEjava -jar ucsrvjp.jar [-Iucsrv.ini] -filesync [-OexportPath] TABLENAMEjava -jar ucsrvjp.jar [-Iucsrv.ini] -filesync [-OexportPath] -pPATHUnload a folder and all containing objects recursivelyjava -jar ucsrvjp.jar [-Iucsrv.ini] -filesync -cCLIENT -oEXPORT_PATH -pAE_FOLDER_PATH\
U00045174 reserved
U00045175 Property start_at_run_id contains a non existing run_id '&01'.
U00045176 FileSync: Exporting object '&01' of type '&02' with id &03 as &04 ...
U00045177 FileSync: Directory '&01' does not exist.
U00045178 FileSync: Calculate checksum of UC_HTYP ...
U00045179 FileSync: Start import of system tables ...
U00045180 FileSync: Import of '&01' system tables finished.
U00045181 FileSync: Start import of objects from <No Folder> ...
U00045182 FileSync: Start import of initial data objects in client 0000 ....
U00045183 FileSync: Import of '&01' objects finished.
U00045184 FileSync: Start import of '&01'.
U00045185 FileSync: Import of object '&01' with type '&02' and id &03 finished.
U00045186 FileSync: Created folder: '&01' with ID '&02'.
U00045187 FileSync: Path to unload is missing.
U00045188 FileSync: Unload of '&01' objects finished.
U00045189 FileSync: Unload system tables:
U00045190 FileSync: System tables unload finished.
U00045191 FileSync: Export system table '&01' ...
U00045192 FileSync: Initial data load finished successfully.
U00045193 FileSync: Import of '&01' objects in <No Folder> finished.
U00045194 The password request failed because '&01' external vault is not supported or not configured properly.
U00045195 The password request failed with the error message: '&01'.
U00045196 FileSync: Cannot read file: '&01'
U00045197 FileSync: Import object '&01' of type '&02'
U00045198 FileSync: Export folder tree '&01' of client '&02' to the file location '&03'.
U00045199 FileSync: Export folder '&01'