Knowledge Base > NAT

Automation Engine and NAT

NATing (Network Address Translation) is a device (e.g, a router) which converts an IP address into a different one.

There are also NPTs and NAPTs whose ports or addresses and ports can be modified. The following rules apply:

Connection from an agent or AE client to the Automation Engine:

  1. Every type of IP address can be used without creating a conflict with NAT, NPT or NAPT.
  2. The CP selection is more complex because, by default, the IP address and port number of the first CP are used for the other CPs.
  3. It is possible to specify any host name in the parameter "hostname" of the Automation Engine's INI file. Thus, NAT is no problem here; NPT and NAPT are not supported.

Connection from an agent to another one:

  1. The Automation Engine communicates the IP address and port number from one agent to the other one (Ex1 to Ex2) or vice versa (Ex2 to Ex1) if it is not possible to establish a connection.
  2. Possible NAT problems can be solved via the HOST section of the agent's INI file. The agent's AE name is the relevant parameter. Any IP address or DNS name can be specified as the value.
  3. NPT and NAPT with port number modifications are also not supported.