Inside Automation Engine > Runtime > Runtime Evaluation > Runtime Evaluation

Runtime Evaluation

A large amount of runtime data is required for the various planning and monitoring functions. This runtime data is collected from real runtime information. Based on this information, the estimated runtime can be calculated.

Real Runtime (RRT)
The real runtime (RRT) is the time that passes from the beginning of a task to the end of a task. For all executable objects, the last 25 real runtimes are saved with the object data. These are used as the calculation basis for evaluating the estimated runtime.

Estimated Runtime (ERT)
The estimated runtime (ERT) is the calculation basis for dynamic runtime supervision, for making forecasts and for the most recent ending of a task. It is calculated after each execution of a task.

The type of calculation is based on the defined dynamic method for this object. It can be set in the Runtime tab. If the method changes, the estimated runtime for the task is also re-evaluated.

For a better understanding of this relationship, both runtimes can be displayed in the form of a diagram. The real runtime is displayed in blue, the estimated runtime in green.

When duplicating objects, the settings in the Runtime tab and the calculated RRTS and RTS are taken. This is also occurs when objects are transported.

The runtime represents a task's execution time. This is the period between its start and end, in other words the time during which the task is active. Its activation time is not included in the runtime. The time a task spends waiting for the host is also not included in the runtime.