Automation Engine Script Guide > Introduction > First Steps > JCL

Using JCL

- Executing OS commands

Lesson 5

JCL (=Job Control Language) commands can only be used in the Process tab of jobs. These commands are executed on a particular OS, platform or application, and not on AE.

The script element :DATA can be used to explicitly declare JCL lines. The script editor displays JCL in brown.


The following lesson describes the handling of JCL.

The first step executes an OS command on a computer. Create a Job object for this purpose (Windows job). Open the job and enter an agent and a valid Login object in the Notification tab

Verify that the agent is active and that the relevant rights are available (client rights in the Agent object and the User object).

Switch to the Process tab and enter some commands. For example, you can use the following lines to query the file list of a particular directory on the Windows computer:

cd C:\temp

Store the job and start it. The result is available in the report dialog (Report tab).