Definition of table: EJPP - jobplan process (active)

generated: 09.12.2016 10:27:19
by UC2010.accdb

AE Database 12.0 (Step 013)

Name Type Len Attributes Description
EJPP_AH_Idnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=False reference to the executive header (EH)
EJPP_Lnr Integer 2 UC: Null=False ascending number of the process
EJPP_Status Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True state of the process line of the jobplan (blocking ...)
EJPP_JobStatus Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True state of the process line from the job execution (ok,ended,abended)
EJPP_SubStatus Text 1 UC: Null=True sub state (H, A) if precondition (WHEN) is not true
EJPP_OType Text 8 UC: Null=True 1=START, 2=JOB, 3=JP, 4=GROUP, 5=Script, 6=FT, 7=Event, 8=Call Operator, 9=END
EJPP_Object Text 200 UC: Null=True object name
EJPP_Comment Text 40 UC: Null=True Bemerkung zb. f. Eindeutig machen
EJPP_ErlstStTime Text 10 UC: Null=True Earliest start time
EJPP_LtstStTime Text 10 UC: Null=True Latest start time
EJPP_LtstEndTime Text 10 UC: Null=True Latest end time
EJPP_WElse Text 1 UC: Null=True WHEN ... ELSE S=SKIP, H=HALT, A=ABEND, X=Block + Abort Signal
EJPP_WCType Text 1 UC: Null=True WHEN condition type: space = AND, O=OR
EJPP_CCType Text 1 UC: Null=True CALE condition type: 2=CALE EQ, 3=CALE NE, 1 =CALE AND, 4=CALE Ext.
EJPP_StartTime Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True start time
EJPP_EndTime Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True end time
EJPP_PreCnt Integer 2 UC: Null=True number of internal predecessors (EJPPA) of this EJPP
EJPP_PreOpen Integer 2 UC: Null=True number of not yet completed internal predecessors (EJPPA) of this EJPP
EJPP_TimeOk Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True flag whether or not the "after time condition" is true
EJPP_Row Integer 2 UC: Null=True y-coordinate for jobplan graphic
EJPP_Col Integer 2 UC: Null=True x-coordinate for jobplan graphic
EJPP_MsgNr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True return code
EJPP_MsgInsert Text 255 UC: Null=True L=1024 message insert to the message number
EJPP_RetCode Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True return code
EJPP_ErlstStTimeT Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True Earliest start time (timestamp)
EJPP_LtstStTimeT Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True Latest start time (timestamp)
EJPP_LtstEndTimeT Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True Latest end time (timestamp)
EJPP_Restart Byte 1 UC: Null=True was this a restarted activation?
EJPP_RefNr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True reference job number
EJPP_WhenExecute Text 200 UC: Null=True Call-Operator for HALT
EJPP_Active Byte 1 UC: Null=True bitmask: bit 1= active/inactiv, bit 2: hold/normal
EJPP_RWhen Text 30 UC: Null=True Result: standard result
EJPP_RExecute Text 200 UC: Null=True Result: Call Operator
EJPP_RElse Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Result: else 1=halt 2=ignore 3=JP abend
EJPP_RRepMTimes Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Result: number of maximum repeats
EJPP_RRepWait Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Result: time between repeats
EJPP_RRepTimes Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Result: repeat counter
EJPP_MrtMethod Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Method for Max. Runtime (bitmask) 0=no audit, 1=fix in seconds, 2=fix time, 4=ERT+xx%, 256=Cancel, 512=Start Object, 1024=JP overwrites Object-Settings
EJPP_Mrt Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Max. runtime in sec.
EJPP_MrtTime Text 6 UC: Null=True Max. runtime in time ddhhmm
EJPP_MrtErt Integer 2 UC: Null=True MRT=ERT+xx%
EJPP_MrtExecute Text 200 UC: Null=True Object to start
EJPP_TcpATime Text 6 UC: Null=True AFTER TIME > time
EJPP_TcpExecute Text 200 UC: Null=True Object to start
EJPP_TcpATimeT Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True AFTER TIME > time (timestamp)
EJPP_Srt Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Min. runtime in sec.
EJPP_SrtErt Integer 2 UC: Null=True SRT=ERT+xx%
EJPP_TaskIdnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True AH_IDNR of the task, -1 if there is no task (inactive); EXT: AH_IDNR which satisfied this condition
EJPP_TcpATimetTZ Text 8 UC: Null=True Timezone for time check point
EJPP_ErlstStTimeTZ Text 8 UC: Null=True Timezone for erleast start time
EJPP_LtstTimeTZ Text 8 UC: Null=True Timezone for latest time
EJPP_MrtTZ Text 8 UC: Null=True Timezone for max. Runtime when a fixed time is used
EJPP_ConFlag Integer 2 UC: Null=True Bitmask: bit 1=Task is not connected to END
EJPP_RExecFlag Integer 2 UC: Null=True Result: 0=execute after each unsuccessful execution, 1=execute only after all retries are unsuccessful
EJPP_NextOccur Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True Next occurence of this task in case of calendar conditions
EJPP_ModFlag Byte 1 UC: Null=True 1=Task was modified
EJPP_USR_Idnr Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True Only UC_SYSTEM_SCHEDULE: reference to user who activated this task
EJPP_LDate Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True Only UC_SYSTEM_SCHEDULE: logical date of this task
EJPP_PreCntExt Integer 2 UC: Null=True nimber of external predecessors (EJPPA) of this EJPP
EJPP_PreExtOpen Integer 2 UC: Null=True number of not yet completed external predecessors (EJPPA) of this EJPP
EJPP_ParentObject Text 200 UC: Null=True Only EXTERNAL: Jobplan Name
EJPP_ExtWhen Text 30 UC: Null=True External Precondition: (Status)
EJPP_ExtSLTType Text 1 UC: Null=True External Precondition: Satisfaction Lead Time Type: 0=since last run, 1=after job plan start, 2=within hh:mm
EJPP_ExtSLTWithin Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True External Precondition: Time in Seconds
EJPP_ExtElse Text 1 UC: Null=True External Precondition: Else: 0=Wait, 1=Skip, 2=JP Abend
EJPP_ExtElseAlarm Text 1 UC: Null=True External Precondition: Else Alarm: 0=no, 1=yes
EJPP_ExtTimeout Long Integer 4 UC: Null=True External Precondition: Timeout in Seconds
EJPP_ExtTimeoutE Text 1 UC: Null=True External Precondition: Timeout Else: 0=Wait, 1=Skip, 2=JP Abend
EJPP_ExtTimeoutA Text 1 UC: Null=True External Precondition: Timeout Alarm: 0=no, 1=yes
EJPP_ExtExecute Text 200 UC: Null=True External Precondition: Alarm Object
EJPP_ExtFirstCheck Byte 1 UC: Null=True Typ=Boolean On=1. Check done, ELSE processed
EJPP_ExtTimeoutT Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True UTC Time for timeout
EJPP_ExtSLTT Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True UTC Timestamp for Satisfaction Lead Time
EJPP_TimeoutFlag Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True External Precondition: Timeout On=1, Off =0
EJPP_CmtFlag Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True 0/1 flag for menue prompting + flag in runnr# field
EJPP_CType Text 8 UC: Null=True Containertype when Hostgroup ALL
EJPP_CondOpen Integer 2 UC: Null=True 0 = No open conditions, 1 = Open Conditions
EJPP_CondNextCheck Date/Time 8 UC: Null=True Next check for next condition check
EJPP_EJPPV_Flag Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Task has EJPPVs
EJPP_PreCondFlag Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Task has Pre-Conditions
EJPP_PostCondFlag Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Task has Post-Conditions
EJPP_Alias Text 200 UC: Null=True Alias Name for ProcessFlow task
EJPP_ParentAlias Text 200 UC: Null=True Alias Name for ProcessFlow task in ExternalDependencies
EJPP_ChildFlags Text 16 UC: Null=True Flags for Subtables
EJPP_ShowPrompt Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Prompt will be shown, or not
EJPP_PromptAtGen Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Prompt at Processflow-Generation or at Job-Generation
EJPP_BranchType Integer 2 UC: Null=True position (branch) of the object in IF: 1=true; 2=false; or FOREACH: 1=LoopPath; 2= EndPath
EJPP_RunPerPatch Long Integer 4 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Flag, if Task is running per Patch
EJPP_RollbackFlag Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Rollback is enabled for task (overrides EH Flag)
EJPP_RBPreOpen Integer 2 UC: Null=True Number of internal predecessors (EJPPA) of this EJPP
EJPP_RollbackMark Byte 1 UC: Typ=Boolean Null=True Task is marked for automatic rollback
EJPP_RunPerTarget Integer 2 UC: Null=True Run per Deployment Target (1=serial, 2=parallel)
EJPP_SubType Text 8 UC: Null=True OType specific SubType


Name Fields
NK_EJPP_Object EJPP_Object, EJPP_EndTime
NK_EJPP_Status EJPP_Status, EJPP_ExtTimeoutT
NK_EJPP_TaskIdnr2 EJPP_AH_Idnr, EJPP_TaskIdnr

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