Start Parameters - Agents

This document lists and describes the start parameters of the AE agent.


Start Parameter


BS2000 agent

-IFile name

Name of the INI file
INI files are assigned with /FILE...,LINK=INI

Java agents (JMX, SAP (Windows and UNIX), RA, Database)

-IFile name

Name of the INI file

PS agent -Xmx256m Increases the memory of the Java Virtual Machine

UNIX agent

File name

Name of the INI file
The name of the INI file is specified without -I

VMS agent

/INI=File name

Name of the INI file



Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number in the following format:

"Agent file name version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number"

Windows agent

-IFile name

Name of the INI file




All agents which run on UNIX


Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number in the following format:

"Agent file name version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number"

All agents which run on Windows


Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number in the following format:

"Agent file name version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number"

See also:

Start Parameters - Automation Engine and UserInterface
Start Parameters - Utilities

Start Parameters - ServiceManager