Script Statement: Stores a value in a script variable.


:S[ET] Script variable = Value



Script variable

The name of the script variable to which a value should be assigned.

You must always use an ampersand symbol (&) that precedes the script variable's name, and it is recommended that you use a hash (#) symbol to signal the end of the variable's name.

The length of a script variable's name is limited to 32 characters. All characters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, and the following special characters can be used:"$", "_", "@", "ยง" and "#". German Umlauts are not allowed. The first character after the leading "&", which is not part of the 32-character limit, must neither be a number nor a "$" symbol.

For more details about the syntax, see Syntax

Format: script variable


The value that should be assigned to the script variable.

Format: script literal, script variable or script function


Refer to the topic that describes the peculiarities and practical usage of script variables.

If a specified script variable does not exist, it will be created without a specific data type.

You can also use :SET to solve arithmetic expressions. For more information, see Calculations.

When predefined variables that are enclosed in parentheses are used as values and supply numerical values (such as &$CLIENT#), they will automatically be converted to the 16-digit default format.



The following example assigns a file name to the script variable called"&FILE".


The next example retrieves the current date by using the script function SYS_DATE and assigns it to the script variable called "&TODAY".


A script variable can also include numbers:


You can also assign a script variable's value to a different script variable:


See also:

Script element Description
:DEFINE Declares a script variable with a particular data type. You can also use it to redefine variables that have already been defined by :SET.


Assigns a value to an object variable.


Assigns a value to a script variable and saves it to the activation report.


Sets the values of script variables by indirect access.

Script Elements - Script Structure and Processing

About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

Script Elements - Ordered by function