Java Communication Process

The Java Communication Process (JCP) is a special kind of communication process. Implemented in Java, it is used to host special services such as the AE REST web services.

Several important functions in the Automation Engine, such as triggering and monitoring executions and the advanced object search, depend on the JCP being installed and running. Therefore, the JCP installation is mandatory.

The Java Communication Process (JCP) is a hybrid with the technical configuration from a Java Work Process (JWP) an the logical configuration in part of a Work Process (WP) and in part of a Communication Process (CP).

More Information:

The JCP installation is relevant for the AE REST API and for the advanced object search. You can install a single JCP. In this case, all REST requests are sent to this single AE REST API instance and no REST API is available if the JCP is down. For more information, see Installing the JCP.

You can also set up a system with multiple JCPs. In this case, two JCPs are used in a cluster but only one of both is available at the time.

Important! When using multiple JCPs, it is imperative that each JCP uses its own Automation Engine configuration file (ucsrv.ini). For more information, see Automation Engine. If only one INI file is used for more than one JCP, the first one connects successfully while the others terminated upon trying to register the same REST port if both run on the same node. An error message is written to the log file of the JCP stating the reason for termination.

Setting up a system with multiple JCPs can be convenient for balancing and to provide failover capabilities, because the REST requests are sent and distributed only to available JCPs.

For more information, see AE REST API - General Info.

Administration perspective

The Processes in the Administration perspective lists all server processes of the AE system. The symbol and type "A" identify JCPs.

In order to be able to use the services mentioned above, you have to install and start the JCP. For more information on installation and configuration, see Installing the JCP.

See also: