Job Reports

Job objects write additional reports (external reports) that provide the details of their execution. On the Job-specific definition page you specify when to generate and where to store them. Some Job objects (for example, SAP Jobs, OS/390 Jobs and SQL Jobs among others) provide additional options. This topic describes all of them.

Common Options to all Job Types

Where to Store the Report

You have two options. You can select one or both simultaneously:

When to Generate the Report

You have two options:

BS2000 Options

For BS2000 Jobs you can also specify where to store and when to generate the SysLst protocol.

JMX Jobs

For JMX Jobs you have an additional Add Agent Log option. Activate it if you want also the agent messages on the execution of the job to be also included in the task.

OS/390 Jobs

For OS/390 Jobs you have the following additional options:

OS400 Jobs

For OS400 Jobs you have the following additional options:

SAP Jobs

For SAP Jobs you have the following additional options:

SQL Jobs

For SQL Jobs you have the following additional option:

Add Agent Log: Activate this checkbox if you want also the agent messages on the execution of the job to be also included in the task.

Windows Jobs

The standard output (STDOUT) of Windows Jobs is written to the Job report. If you are using a program that cannot write to this standard output destination, you have two options:

For more information, see Output Pages.

See also: