Combo Boxes

The Automic Web Interface has various types of combo boxes. While some only allow you to select data, the combo boxes to select objects provide many more functions. For example, they display Client 0 objects that are relevant for objects in other Clients. Combo boxes also let you create objects and modify existing objects. All types of combo boxes give you useful tooltips. They support keyboard navigation and provide various search and selection functions that help you quickly filter their contents.

This page includes the following:


Start typing the name of the entry you want to select in the field at the top of the combo box. The contents of the combo box is filtered with your input. Input fields use implicit wildcards, that is, entering ABCDE filters entries with *ABCDE*.

The same applies to fields that support the input of variables and VARA objects. Both have a specific syntax. When you start typing either { (for VARA objects) or &$ (for variables), the list is filtered. It displays only VARA objects or variables, including the ending #. For more information, see Variable Names and Retrieving Values.

Single Selection and Null Value

Some single selection combo boxes have an empty line (null value). They behave in one of the following ways:

Bulk Selection

Lists that allow bulk selection display All in the input field, which means that not selecting anything is the same as selecting all entries.

When you select multiple entries, the first one is displayed in the combo box input field followed by a number. It indicates how many more are selected but not visible when you close the drop-down list. To see all of them, hover your mouse over this field. A tooltip shows the complete list. For performance reasons, it can contain up to 1000 entries.

Selecting Objects

Combo boxes for selecting objects display only the objects to which you have at least read rights. The combo boxes provide many functions that are tailored to your rights and to the context in which they are available. Expand the combo box to access these functions.

Associated Object Functions

The list of objects in the combo box provides the same associated functions to objects that you have in the Explorer in the Process Assembly perspective. Right-click one or more objects to open a context-menu with the available functions. For more information, see Working with Objects and Bulk Selection.

Client 0 Objects

Some objects are stored and maintained centrally in Client 0 and are available for selection in the combo boxes of all other Clients. This is useful for objects such as Calendars, Time Zones, Login, Connection, and many more. They are typically managed by system administrators and valid for the entire installation.

Objects from Client 0 display the Client 0 label next to their name. Client 0 objects cannot be edited. You can only open them in read-only mode to check their settings. They also provide fewer associated functions than objects stored in the current Client.

Adding Placeholders

When designing an object, you may want to select another object that does not exist yet. Instead of stopping the current object definition to create the missing object, you can do so directly from within the corresponding combo box.

Start typing the name of the new object. The autocomplete function recognizes that the object does not exist yet and labels it with Placeholder to help you distinguish it from existing objects.

The Placeholder label is removed from the combo box after you have created the actual object.


Hover your mouse over an object in the combo box to display a tooltip with additional information about the object. This is useful for Calendar Events because the tooltip contains the name of the Calendar.

Deleted Objects

Refreshing the list of objects available in the combo boxes can take some time in large installations with many objects. For this reason, if another user deletes an object and you open a combo box before the list has been refreshed, it displays the Placeholder label next to its name.

Keyboard Navigation

Use your keyboard to navigate and work with the contents of the lists: