Preparing the AE Database - DB2

This topic guides you through the steps necessary to set up a DB2 database for the Automation Engine.


This page includes the following:

Disk Space Required

The initial database space required for an Automation Engine installation depends on the type and size of the system:

For more information, see AWA System Requirements and Sizing.

General Requirements

Installation settings for DB2 (to be configured on the DB computer):

The following scripting example creates a new database with a specific coding:

create db uc4
automatic storage yes
on ...
using codeset <code set> territory <short form of country> ;

The following is a scripting example for the US:

create db uc4 automatic storage yes on ... using codeset iso-8859-1 territory us ;

DB2 for UNIX or Windows

Special Requirements


The following parameters have to be set in order to improve performance for DB2 on UNIX/Windows:

These parameters can be called using the command "get dbm cfg" which requires no authorizations:

They can be set with db2set. For example: db2set DB2_EVALUNCOMMITTED=YES.

Setting up DB2 Alias on CAE Client

Setting for the DB2 code page:

db2set db2codepage=819

Login with DB2 Admin:

catalog tcpip node <servername> remote <servername> server 50000
catalog database <db-name> as <alias-name> at node <servername>

Definition of Tablespaces

Create 3 tablespaces as follows:

See also:

Recommendations for DB2