Setting Up a Distributed Server Environment

This functionality is needed in case you are using more than one server. The following steps will help you set up a distributed server environment.


This topic includes the following:

To Set Up a Distributed Server Environment

  1. Install the Automation Engines. (Server computer)

    • Install the Automation Engine on the particular computers as described in the relevant documentation about new installation.
  2. Set up the system environment. (Server computer)

    • Adjust the INI file of the Automation Engine to your system environment. For more information, see Automation Engine.
      • Enter the same system name (maximum 8 characters, no special characters) in all INI files.
      • Activate the SNMP connection (if used) with the parameter snmp=.
      • Enter the connection information to the AE database in the section [ODBC].
      • Enter the same port number for the primary work process in all INI files (parameter pwpport=).
      • Adjust the section [PORTS] in all INI files. The server processes defined in this section participate in the AE system's processing. The following rules apply:
        • Port numbers must be unique even if they are distributed among several computers.
        • The same guideline applies to server process names. Numbers must be used in ascending order; omitting numbers is not permitted. The following example illustrates a distributed Server environment with two communication processes and four work processes (cp1, cp2, wp1, wp2, wp3, wp4).

    Leave the original list of server processes in the INI file. Non-required entries can be commented with a semi-colon. This can be helpful if you use two INI files; one file can contain even server process numbers, the other one the uneven numbers.

    • Short INI file version of computer A:


    • Short INI file version of computer B:


  3. If you have installed the ServiceManager you may use the ServiceManager Dialog to start or stop AE server processes. (Server computer). For more information, see ServiceManager - Dialog Program.

Next step:

Installing the JWP