Preparing Log Files for Error Reporting

If you are running into errors or other problems in AWI that you cannot resolve, you can collect detailed logging data to try to find the source of the errors yourself or to send to CA Automic Support for analysis. This topic explains what AWI can log and where you can change log and trace settings. It also covers what you should to prepare for CA Automic Support, when submitting a support ticket for error resolution.

What AWI can log and where you turn that on

AE API tracing

This logs the communication between AE and AWI from the AWI point of view.

In the file uc4config.xml, set the trace element parameters to <trace count="10" xml="3"></trace>


Logging AWI events

Logging of AWI event messages is handled by the logback framework for Tomcat. This logging covers everything that happens in AWI except for the communication with the AE API .

Define the level of messages that are logged in the file logback.xml. To collect log data for debugging AWI problems, set the log level to DEBUG (<root level=“DEBUG”>). In most cases, this setting collects sufficient log data for effective debugging, without an excessive burden on performance. However, in some cases, CA Automic Support might request that you turn on full TRACE logging.

Activating logging

If you change the trace or log settings as described above, you have to restart the Tomcat server for the changes to go into effect.

To Prepare and Send Log Files to CA Automic Support

  1. Recommended: Save the old log files.

    Move the log files to a backup location, so that you have them in case the error cannot be reproduced.

  2. Turn on tracing and logging as described above under What AWI can log and where you turn that on.
  3. Restart your AWI Tomcat server.
  4. Try to reproduce the error.
  5. Collect the following information and send it to CA Automic Support:

If you need help, contact our support experts, see Support.