Evaluating with a Fixed Value

With this setting, a static limit is specified for the runtime. This fixed value is taken as the estimated runtime (ERT). Automic recommends verifying from time to time if it still meets all requirements.

Fixed Value Set Too High

The completed execution is assessed too high because it always starts from the maximum permissible runtime (worst case). Therefore, the forecast cannot give realistic values.

Minimum Runtime Supervision
Always results in ELSE action"Voir ""Action en cas de non-respect (AWI Service Orchestrator)""." because the real runtime is always below the specified ERT.

Maximum Runtime Supervision
Never results in ELSE action because the specified ERT is never reached.

Setting the Latest End
If the frame for the complete execution is too limited, the task will be executed only occasionally or, in extreme cases, never, even though the time would have been adequate for a real run.

Fixed Value Set Too Low

The completed execution is assessed too low because the real runtime is mostly above the set value. Therefore, the forecast cannot give realistic values.

Minimum Runtime Supervision
Occasional ELSE actions occur because the real runtime is mostly above the specified ERT.

Maximum Runtime Supervision
Too many ELSE actions occur because the specified ERT is exceeded.

Setting the Latest Possible End
The estimated runtime of the task is too short because the fixed value is set too low. Therefore, a task is often started although there is not enough time for a real run (due to the setting of the latest possible end).