The ServiceManagerProduit(s) : AE, RA_JMS. Le ServiceManager permet de démarrer ou d'arrêter des composants, tels que des processus d'Automation Engine ou des agents, depuis un point central. serves to start, stop and access components such as the Automation EngineCe composant commande un système Automation Engine. Il se compose de plusieurs processus serveur. processes or agents from a central point.
Install the ServiceManager program in Windows as a service. The AE components can then be automatically started in the background during Windows system start-up without having to be entered as a service.
A ServiceManager must be available on the same computer as the components which it uses. If the components are installed on different hosts, you must install a ServiceManager on each of these computers.
Select the start type "Automatic" in the service properties if the ServiceManager should be started together with Windows,.
See also:
ServiceManager - Dialog
ServiceManager - Command Line Program