XML Files of Queries

Queries are stored in the sub-folder "queries" in the form of XML files.

The utility generates the XML files. No manual adjustment is required for the entries.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

XML Declaration

<QUERY version="Automation EngineCe composant commande un système Automation Engine. Il se compose de plusieurs processus serveur. version">

Automation Engine version of the utility which created the query file

<file css="style sheet" type="format">report file</file>

Evaluation report

"style sheet" = directory and name of the style sheet that should be integrated in the HTML file

"format" = file format of the report
Allowed values: "HTML" and "CSV"

Report file = directory and name of the file in which the evaluation information is written. The directory must be an existing one.

<clientEnvironnement indépendant pour la création et l'exécution d'objets dans un système AE. Le nom d'un client est un nombre de quatre chiffres à saisir lors de la connexion d'un utilisateur au système AE. Les utilisateurs et leurs droits y sont aussi définis.Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine.>client</client>

Client in which the evaluation should be made


Maximum number of lines the report can have

Allowed values: "1" - "99999"

<source>query type</source>

Evaluation area

Allowed values: "DEFINITION", "FORECAST" and "STATISTIC"


Period for statistical and forecasting evaluations


Date in the format YYYY-MM-DD or the special value TODAY. If TODAY is used, the utility uses the latest date for report creation.

<offset>time range</offset>

Number of hours to be added to the date (forecasts) or subtracted from it (statistics). Therefore, this value includes an algebraic sign (+/-).


Ending of the XML element <reference>


Beginning of the elements about evaluation criteria

<include name="criterion" value="value" />

The individual evaluation criteria are listed as a value pair.


Ending of the XML element <selection>

<output order="order" sort="sorting">

Beginning of the elements for the output columns in the report

"order" - ascending or descending order
Allowed values: "ascending" and "descending"

"sorting" - column determining how elements are sorted

<field name="column" />

Output columns to be included in the report


Ending of the XML element <output>


Ending of the XML element <QUERY>

Example of a Query File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<QUERY version="11.0.0">
<file type="CSV">Output_SAPjobs.html</file>
<include name="OBJECT_TYPE" value="JOBS" />
<include name="JOB_TYPE" value="R3" />
<include name="OBJECT_NAME" value="*T01*" />
<output order="ascending" sort="OBJECT_NAME">
<field name="OBJECT_NAME" />
<field name="LOGIN" />
<field name="SAP_CLIENT" />
<field name="SAP_USER" />
<field name="MODIFIED_DATE" />
<field name="LAST_USE_DATE" />

See also:

Evaluations about Tasks in the AE system
Graphical Interface of the Reporting Tool

Creating Evaluation Reports

Start Parameters