Script Function: Supplies the name of a superordinate task.


SYS_ACT_PARENT_NAME([Activation type])



Activation type

Allowed values:

ACT = Activator
PRC = Processor (default value)

Return code

Name of the superordinate task
"*SCRIPT" - The task has been activated via a CallAPIInterface de programmation pouvant être exécutée en direct ou à partir d'un autre programme, afin d'exécuter un Script dans le système AE.
" " - There is no superordinate task (only for activation type PRC)


This scriptEgalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. function supplies the name of a superordinate task (parentUn objet peut être activé de différentes façons. L'initiateur de l'activation s'appelle Tâche de niveau supérieur (parent). (voir aussi Enfant, Enfants)).In the case of manual activation, this is the name of the User object (e.g. SMITH/DEV).

If no activation type is indicated, this script function supplies the processor.

In order to facilitate that the name of a group may be retrieved, "Generate at Runtime" (Attributes tab) must be activated in the task using this script function. Otherwise, the name can only be retrieved for jobs in post process.


The first example checks whether the task runs in a group, workflow"Permet d'ajouter, regrouper, associer, caractériser ou supprimer les tâches d'un workflow. Egalement un type d'objet propre à Automation Engine. [Anciennement appelé ""chaîne de traitement"" et ""chaîne de job"".]" or schedule. If so, the name of this task is written in the activation protocol. If there is no superordinate task, the corresponding entry is made in the activation protocol.

IF &NAME# NE " "
PRINT "Name of parent: &NAME#."
 PRINT "No parent"

The second example determines the Activator of a task whose name is output in the activation log. In the case of manual activation, the protocol shows the name and department of the particular user.

PRINT "Task was activated by &NAME#."

The third example also serves to determine the Activator of a task. If it was activated through the CallAPI, the following line may be printed in the activation protocol:

2004-01-27 13:19:36 - U0020408 Task was activated by *SCRIPT.

See also:

Script element Description


Supplies the run number (RunIDAbréviation du numéro d'identification unique. Il s'agit plus précisément d'un nombre qui identifie clairement l'exécution d'une Tâche. Le RunID peut comporter entre 7 et 10 caractères . Ils sont attribués par le composant Automation Engine.) of the superordinate task.


Returns the object type of the superordinate task.

Script Elements - Activation Data

About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

Script Elements - Ordered by function