Script Function: Checks whether a user is logged on to AE with a UserInterface.


SYS_USER_ALIVE(Name, Department)




Name of the user.
Format: script literal or script variable


User's department.
Format: scriptEgalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. literal or script variable

Return codes

"Y" - The user is logged on to the UserInterface.
"N" - The user is not logged on to the UserInterface or the User object does not exist.


This script function checks if a user is logged on to AE.

Name and Department identify a user (for example, SMITH/DEV). You can only check users of your own clientEnvironnement indépendant pour la création et l'exécution d'objets dans un système AE. Le nom d'un client est un nombre de quatre chiffres à saisir lors de la connexion d'un utilisateur au système AE. Les utilisateurs et leurs droits y sont aussi définis.Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine..

Users who are logged on via a utility or Call Interface cannot be identified .

The script function returns "N" if the user is not logged on or if the User object does not exist in the current client. If the specified user does not exist, you can react to this error by using the script statement :ON_ERROR and analyze it by using the script functions for error handling. Depending on the settings that have been specified, script processing either continues or aborts.


The following example checks whether a user has logged on to DEV. The user's name and department are passed on to the script function in the form of script variables. The script aborts if the user "SMITH/DEV" is not defined. The result is output to the activation protocol.


See also:

Script element Description


Supplies the department of the user who has started the task.

SYS_USER_LANGUAGE Supplies the language in which the Server generates the log files.
SYS_USER_LNAME Supplies the first and last name of the user who has started the task.
SYS_USER_NAME Supplies the name of the user who has started the task.

Script Elements - User Data

About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

Script Elements - Ordered by Function