Script Function: Opens an XML document for processing purposes.


XML_OPEN (DOCU, [Object Name], @Documentation)

XML_OPEN (REPORT, [RunID], Report)





Source of the XML document.
Format: AE name, script literal or script variable

Allowed values: DOCU, REPORT, and STRING

DOCU - Structured documentation.
REPORT - Report of an SAP job.
STRING - XML in the form of a string.

For structured documentations

Object Name

Name of the object.
Format: scriptEgalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. literal or script variable

This parameter is optional if this is the own object's tab.


Name of the documentation tab with a preceding "@".
Format: script literal or script variable

For reports

RunIDAbréviation du numéro d'identification unique. Il s'agit plus précisément d'un nombre qui identifie clairement l'exécution d'une Tâche. Le RunID peut comporter entre 7 et 10 caractères . Ils sont attribués par le composant Automation Engine.

Run number (RunID) of the task whose report should be opened.
Format: script literal or script variable

This parameter is optional if the report of the own object is concerned.


Type of XML report

For strings:  

String that contains the XML.
Format: script variable or script literal

Return code

Reference to the XML document.


The script function opens an XML document for processing purposes. This can be the structured documentation or the report of an SAP job.

In order to add further descriptions and explanations, you can use tabs for documentation purposes. You can define them for the individual object types in the variable UC_OBJECT_DOCU. The structured documentation is a specific type of description which is characterized by a preceding "@". Structured documentation can be processed with specific script elements. 

Reports of SAP jobs are stored as XML documents. For XI_GET_CHANNEL, they contain a list of selected communication channels.

The return code of this script function is a handle which refers to the XML document. Some script elements that are used to process the XML document use this handle as a parameter.

You can close the XML document by using XML_CLOSE.

You cannot open more than one XML document at a time.

In previous Automation EngineCe composant commande un système Automation Engine. Il se compose de plusieurs processus serveur. releases, this script function XML_OPEN_DOCU was renamed to XML_OPEN. You can still use the old notation.


In this example, the Details tab of the object MM.DAY is opened for further processing.


This example opens an XML document with a string.

:set &ref# xml_open('STRING','<xmlstring>')
:set &ref# = sys_last_err_nr()
:if &ret > 0
:  set &txt# = sys_last_err_ins()
!   implement error handling here

A bad XML string either leads to run time error, or returns a return code which can be read with sys_last_err_nr().

See also:

Script element Description


Closes XML documents.

Script Elements - Read or Modify Objects

Structured Documentation


Sample Collection:
Retrieving Error Message and Number

About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

Script-Elements - Ordered by Function