Script function: Supplies the number of restarts that were made for workflow"Permet d'ajouter, regrouper, associer, caractériser ou supprimer les tâches d'un workflow. Egalement un type d'objet propre à Automation Engine. [Anciennement appelé ""chaîne de traitement"" et ""chaîne de job"".]" tasks using the action"Voir ""Action en cas de non-respect (AWI Service Orchestrator)""." RESTART TASK (Postconditions).



Return code

Number of restarts


This scriptEgalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. element retrieves the number of times a task has already been restarted within a workflow using the action RESTART TASK. You can define this action in the task properties of the Postconditions tab.

This value can also be retrieved using the predefined variable &$RESTART_COUNT#.


The following example queries the number of times that the workflow task has been restarted and writes the corresponding information to the activation report.

PRINT "The task has not yet been restarted."
PRINT "Number of restarts: &RCOUNT#"

See also:

Script Element Description


Sets restart points in an executable object.


Retrieves whether the object has been activated in restart mode.

SYS_ACT_RESTART_ME_NR Returns the run number (RunIDAbréviation du numéro d'identification unique. Il s'agit plus précisément d'un nombre qui identifie clairement l'exécution d'une Tâche. Le RunID peut comporter entre 7 et 10 caractères . Ils sont attribués par le composant Automation Engine.) of an object that has been activated in restart mode.