Script function: Adds a line to a specific data sequence


PUT_PROCESS_LINE(Data sequence reference, Line, [Delimiter ])



Data sequence reference

Reference to the data sequence to which a line should be added.
Format: script variable


Line that should be added to the data sequence
Format: scriptEgalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. variable or script literal

You can also specify a script array.


Arbitrary character that splits up the specified line to columns.
Format: script variable or script literal

If an array has been specified for line, this parameter has no function

Return code

"0" - Data sequence was succesfully extended by the specified line.


This script function adds a line to a data sequence. The data sequence is changed directly - the return code only indicates if the procedure ends successful. Specify the reference to the data sequence and the line that should be added.

Data sequences can be created with the script element CREATE_PROCESS or with the PREP_PROCESS* functions.

Make sure that you specify a data sequence that exists or has not been closed with :CLOSE_PROCESS. Otherwise, a runtime error will occur. You cannot use this script function to create a new data sequence.

The line that should be added can be specified either as a string (script literal or script variable) or as script array (script variable). If you use a string, a delimiter can be specified to split it into clumns. If no delimiter is used, the line consists of only one column that contains the whole string.

If you specify a script array its splitted automatically into columns according to its elements. Note that the empty array elements at the end are ignored.


Following Example creates a data sequence which contains a file list. Then a file name is retrived from a VariableEnregistre ou fournit les valeurs dynamiques de l'exécution. Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans Automation Engine. object and added to the data sequence.

:SET &HND# = PREP_PROCESS_FILENAME("WIN01","C:\AUTOMIC\temp\test*.txt","Y",,)

See also:

Script element Description


Discards an unnecessary data sequence.


Loop for line by line processing of a data sequence - a sequential file or a command result, for example.

CREATE_PROCESS Creates a new data sequence.


Returns the content of the current line of a data sequence.

About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

Script Elements - Ordered by Function