Script statements: Pre-compiler instructions for skipping scriptEgalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. blocks depending on the installed Automation EngineCe composant commande un système Automation Engine. Il se compose de plusieurs processus serveur. version.


:IFVERS Version

[Other Statements] ]




AE version

Format: Major[.Minor[.Patch]] without quotes


One or more statements that will be executed when the version condition is "True".

Format: script statement

Other Statements

One or more statements that will be executed when the version condition is "False".

Format: script statement


This script statement was originally introduced to be able to keep initial data objects compatible, during an upgrade scenario with zero downtime.

The primary UseCase for this statement is the Automic developing environment.

:IFVERS blocks cannot be nested.

These statements will be automatically treated as comments, if the version information should not fit the one used.

Comparison operators

A condition contains one of the following comparison operators:




This expression is "True" if at least one of the comparison values equals the Value.

<> This expression is "True" when none of the comparison values equals the Value.


This expression is "True" if one comparison value corresponds to the defined condition.


: IFVERS >= 11.2
!any script command
!any other script command

See also:

Script element Description

:IF... :ELSE... :ENDIF

Branching under certain conditions.

:SWITCH... :CASE... :ENDSWITCH It verifies whether the value of a variable complies with certain values and depending on the result, it runs various statements.

Script Elements - Read or Modify Objects
About Scripts
Script Elements - Alphabetical Listing

Script Elements - Ordered by Function