The Java Work Process (JWP) is a special kind of work process. Implemented in Java, it is used to host special services, which have been developed in Java.
As of v12 several important functions in the Automation EngineCe composant commande un système Automation Engine. Il se compose de plusieurs processus serveur. and thus AWA depend on the JWP being installed and running.
Therefore the JWP's installation is mandatory.
For AWIProduit Automic : interface Web, simple et claire, qui permet l'+char(39)+'accès aux différentes fonctionnalités d'+char(39)+'Automation Engine. services you will have to start more than one JWP.
At this point in time there is no work load distribution of the listed services implemented between the active JWPs of an Automation Engine system. Unlike other kinds of work processes.
System Overview
The System Overview lists all server processes of the AE system.
The symbol and type "J" identify
Java work processes.
In order to be able to use the services mentioned above, you have to install and start the JWP. For details on installation and configurationUn ensemble de composants qui constituent un système. Ceci comprend des informations relatives à la manière dont les composants sont connectés, ainsi que les paramètres appliqués. refer to the installation description.
See also: