Attributes Tab

The Attributes tab is object-type specific and is only available in VariableEnregistre ou fournit les valeurs dynamiques de l'exécution. Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans Automation Engine. objects. Use this tab to define the data types and the sources of values.

Object: Variable
Object class:
Active object
Object type (short name):





Reference source for the Variable object's values. The contents of the Variables page depend on this setting.

You must define the variable source when you create an object. It cannot be changed subsequently.

Values can be written to the Variable object either manually by a user, or via a scriptEgalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. (static). It can also be dynamically retrieved from a database (SQL), other Variable objects (Multi), or a computer (Filelist).

The script elements :PUT_VAR, :PUT_VAR_COL, and :DELETE_VAR are only available for variables with a static source.


This executes an OS command on a computer and supplies the result as variable values.

The data type of backend variables is set to "Text" and cannot be changed.

In the variable tab, you must define the computer and one or more commands. Filters can be used to define commands for various OS systems and / or OS versions.


The values of another executable object are read and passed on to the executable object that has triggered the process.

You can also assign additional parameters to the executable object that should be read, which will then process these parameters and return their value to the dynamic Variable object EXEC.

Make sure that the names of a PromptSet's elements are the same as the parameter names that are used in the dynamic variable EXEC.


Selecting the file list as the source means that the variable values are file names, retrieved from any directory of a computer. The data type is set to "Text" and cannot be changed.

Doing so requires an OS agent"Programme permettant l'exécution de Traitements sur des systèmes cible comme un ordinateur ou des solutions d'entreprise. Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. [Anciennement appelé ""Exécuteur de tâches"".]" and a specific directory that must be defined in the variable tab. Sub-directories cannot be selected.


The setting "Multi" can be used to combine two Variable objects into a single one. The variable obtains the combined value of two variables of your choice.

You can define the source variable and the type of combination in the variable tab. When you are combining variables of different data types, the result values will show the data type "String".


These variable object types are referred to as database variables. They retrieve values from SQL statements.

For security reasons, you cannot create or modify SEC_SQLI or SQLI variables by default. You can change this setting via SQLVAR_INTERNAL in the system variable UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS.

SEC_SQLI and SEC_SQL can always be inserted in SQL statements, regardless of the setting VAR_SECURITY_LEVEL setting in the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS variable. To include variables in the SQL, you need to use bind parameters. In doing so, you cannot compose SQL statements, and this protects the database from the risk of an SQL injection.


Values are written to the Variable object by a user or a script. In contrast to dynamic sources, the values remain stored in the object.

You can simplify the access to a static variable by using a script (:PUT_VAR / GET_VAR) if you specify the setting "Scope".

In Variable objects that use the source "STATIC", the variable's value and validity are defined depending on the selected data type and scope. These values can also be set using the script element MODIFY_OBJECT.


The same conditions apply as for the sub-type "STATIC".

The static Variable object XML differs in two aspects from other static objects:

  • It contains only one value column, instead of the usual five.
  • As values only data of the type XML, complete (also called: well-formed) may be used.
Data Type

The data type decides the format of the variable's values.

The exact format of the selected data type (exception: "String") can be determined using the attribute "Output Format".


Alpha-numeric string.

Blanks at the end of the string will be truncated. Leading blanks are retained.

If the Text limit setting has not been selected, there will be no limit to the length of the character string.


Any numbers in the specified area between 0 and 2147483647.


Any date or time value.

Time Time value.
Date Date value.

The data type of the values that are available in the first column is checked. The variable's data type must match the data type of the first column returned by the SQL statements when you use the sources "SQL" or "SQL internally". Data can also be processed using specific SQL statements. An error occurs if static variables should be stored or dynamic variables are accessed and the data types do not match.

Variable objects with the source "Filelist" or "Backend" are always created with the data type "Text". This type cannot be changed.

Note the following if you change the data type of static Variable objects that already include values:

  • You can easily change "Number", "Timestamp", "Time", and "Date" to "Text". The values are converted without any changes.
  • An output format must be selected if "Text" has been changed to "Number", "Timestamp", "Time", or "Date". When the Variable object is saved, the system verifies that the values match the specified format.
  • You cannot directly modify the data types "Date", "Time", "Number", and "Timestamp". They must be converted to the data type "Text" before you can modify them.

The data type of variables with the type "Multi", "SQL", or "SQL internally" can be changed at any time.

The data type of the script variable in question ("float", "signed", "unsigned", or "string") is irrelevant in values that have been retrieved from Variable objects with the data type "Number" when using the script element GET_VAR. The value can always be stored. Algebraic signs and decimal places are removed if they are not supported by the script variable's data type. The values are always passed on to the script as a "string" if a different data type has been specified in the Variable object.


The selected option defines the scope for static variables.

This setting is only available in static Variable objects.

The setting of the scope in a Variable object can be used to simplify the script that writes values to variables or reads them. Usually, the key must be specified as a parameter in the script element :PUT_VAR or GET_VAR, which makes it difficult to store particular values in a unique way. If the script does not include a key, the system automatically selects a key depending on the settings that have been made in the Variable object (such as the agent name in a job).

No scope

The AE system automatically uses "*" as the key. The variable contains only one entry.

Freely selected

You can use any terms as the key. The variable can contain any number of values.

Host - each host name

The host name (agent) is used if no key has been specified. The variable contains a value for each host.

Task - each task name

The object name is used if no key has been specified. The variable contains a value for each object.

WorkflowLes workflows sont utilisés pour effectuer des déploiements physiques. Un workflow décrit toutes les étapes nécessaires au déploiement de votre application. Votre application étant composée de différents éléments, le niveau le plus élevé du workflow (workflow d'application) représente l'architecture de votre application, et les workflows de composants sont utilisés pour déployer chacun des composants. Vous pouvez définir votre workflow de composants rapidement grâce à des actions prédéfinies. name - each workflow"Permet d'ajouter, regrouper, associer, caractériser ou supprimer les tâches d'un workflow. Egalement un type d'objet propre à Automation Engine. [Anciennement appelé ""chaîne de traitement"" et ""chaîne de job"".]" name

The name of the workflow is used if no key has been specified. The variable contains a value for each workflow.

Workflow session - each workflow session

The RunIDAbréviation du numéro d'identification unique. Il s'agit plus précisément d'un nombre qui identifie clairement l'exécution d'une Tâche. Le RunID peut comporter entre 7 et 10 caractères . Ils sont attribués par le composant Automation Engine. of the workflow in which the task runs is used if no key has been specified. The variable contains a value for each workflow.

User - each user name

The user name (such as SMITH/DEV) is used if no key has been specified. The variable contains a value for each user.

User session - each user session

The running number of the user session is used if no key has been specified. The variable contains a value for each user session which will be deleted together with the key when the user session ends.

Output Format

This setting defines the format that should be used to store values in the Variable object (source: static variables) or to retrieve values from the data source (dynamic variables).

The contents of this selection menu depend on the data type. Several different formats are available for each data type (except for the String type).

The output format only refers to the first column. In static variables, this is the column Value 1; in Database and Multi variables, it is the first basic column. Note that Multi variables use the first basic column as their reference column. This means that the source variable's output format can affect the retrieved values.

The output format of static variables for a particular datatype can be changed at any time. In doing so, the values are converted to the new format. If the values do not match the old format, they cannot be converted to a new format.

The format that is used to enter value in static variables is irrelevant unless it is an AE-supported format of the data type in question. The values are then converted to the relevant output format.

The data type "Text" does not show this combo box.

Data type Available formats Default format





  • MM-DD-RR
  • MM/DD/RR
  • YY.MM.DD
  • YY-MM-DD
  • DD.MM.YY
  • DD-MM-YY
  • MM/DD/YY


  • HH:MM:SS
  • HHMM
  • HH:MM
  • MMSS
  • MM:SS


  • 00.00
  • +00.00
  • -0.00
  • 0
  • +0
  • -0
  • 16 digits
16 digits

Some date formats include RR as a placeholder for the abbreviated year. Having both YY and RR accommodates different century-counting conventions based on the two digits of the abbreviated year value.
YY - The current century applies for numbers between 00 and 80. The previous century applies for 81 - 99. 
RR - The current century applies for numbers between 00 and 49. The previous century applies for 50 - 99.

For example:
Date format DDMMYY and the resulting complete dates:
010305 - corresponds to 01 March 2005
010365 - corresponds to 01 March 2065
010380 - corresponds to 01 March 2080
010385 - corresponds to 01 March 1985

For example:
Date format DDMMRR and the resulting complete dates:
010305 - corresponds to 01 March 2005
010365 - corresponds to 01 March 1965
010380 - corresponds to 01 March 1980
010385 - corresponds to 01 March 1985

The time value for the data type "Time" or "Timestamp" must be a 4 or 6-digit number. Decimal places are removed. 4-digit numbers are converted to hours and minutes.

Data type: Time
Output Format: HH:MM:SS
Value of the user or the data source: 1234, 1234.5, 123400, 12:34, 12:34:00
Resulting variable value: 12:34:00

Data type: Timestamp
Output Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Value of the user or the data source: 20110325 2201, 20110325 2201.5, 20110325 220100
Resulting variable value: 2011-03-25 22:01:00

Min. value
Max. value

The maximum or minimum value of the Variable object. Only available for the data types "number", "date", and "timestamp".

In static and dynamic variables, this limitation refers to the first value column. The Key or result column is not checked.

The variable's source determines the behavior if this value has been exceeded:

  • Static:
    An error message is output if an attempt is made (either manually or by using script) to store a value in the Variable object that lies below the "Min. value" or above the "Max. value". The value is not stored.
  • SQL, SQL - internally, Multi and Filelist:
    Values that are not within the allowed value range are not returned.
Limit text to:

The maximum character length. This input field is only shown if the data type "String" is selected.

Allowed values: 1 to 1024

If this option is deactivated, there is no limit.

The Key column of VARA objects has a maximum limit of 200 characters. This limit always exists and cannot be increased or deactivated.

The result column of dynamic variables has no limit. The length depends on the value columns.

In static and dynamic variables, this limit refers to the first value column. The Key or result column is not checked.

The behavior that follows an exceeded value depends on the variable's source:

  • Static:
    An error message is displayed if an attempt is made to store a value that exceeds the specified max. length of characters. The value is not stored.
  • Dynamic:
    Values that exceed the maximum length are excluded.
Upper Case

Only for the data type "Text". Lower case letters that are used in variable values are automatically converted to upper case.

Only affects the first value column (static and dynamic variable objects).


Specifies the column whose values are used to sort the entries. Only available for static variable objects.

Possible options: Key, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5

Sort order

Type of sorting. This field is only displayed if the value "Static" is selected for the source.

Possible options: Descending or ascending

Key not found  


An error message is displayed if an object attempts to access an item that is not available at runtime via script.

Initial values

Depending on the data type, an initial value is returned if an item does not contain a value at the time an object attempts to access it via script:

  • String - " ".
  • Number - "0000000000000000".
  • Timestamp - "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
  • Time - "00:00:00"
  • Date - "0000-00-00"

The result or output format is not used.

The variable data types "Number" and "Timestamp" can only be selected if the scope "Freely selected" is specified. All other scopes require the data type "String". Otherwise, an error occurs when they are accessed using the script elements :PUT_VAR or GET_VAR, or when the Variable object should be saved.

Scope examples

This example illustrates the possible settings of a variable object.

Create the following objects:

The variable VARA.JP_NAME uses the scope "Workflow Name" and the variable VARA.JP_SESSION uses the setting "Workflow Session".

The job contains the following script, which writes values to the two variable objects:


First, attempt to start the job. It fails because this task does not run within a workflow. Now start the workflow. It will be executed without error. The next step is to open the variable objects. The variable VARA.JP_NAME contains the name as key, and the variable VARA.JP_SESSION contains the workflow's RunID. Close the variable objects.

In the next step, restart the workflow. The variable VARA.JP_NAME remains unchanged; the variable VARA.JP_SESSION now contains two values. Remove the two workflows from the Activity Window. The variable VARA.JP_SESSION is empty because values saved in the job session are only kept until the workflow task is deactivated.

In the last step, duplicate the workflow object and execute both workflows. The variable VARA.JP_NAME contains 2 values with the names of the two workflows as keys.

Variable Objects in System Client 0000

The attribute "Variable type" is also available for variable objects that are created in system clientEnvironnement indépendant pour la création et l'exécution d'objets dans un système AE. Le nom d'un client est un nombre de quatre chiffres à saisir lors de la connexion d'un utilisateur au système AE. Les utilisateurs et leurs droits y sont aussi définis.Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. 0000. This variable affects access to other clients' variable objects.



Variable type


Not shareable

The variable can only be accessed in the system client. VariablesVariables comportant les paramètres de configuration du système AE. of the same name that are saved in a different client are not connected to the variable in the system client.

Read only

The variable can be accessed from other clients in read mode. Modifications can only be made in the system client. A variable of the same name cannot be created in other clients.


The variable can be copied to other clients using the drag & drop function. If the variable is accessed in "read" mode; it is first searched for in the client, and only if it is not available there is the one in the system client used. Access in "write" mode automatically creates the variable in the client if it does not yet exist there.

The attributes of referenceable variables can only be changed in the system client. This tab is thus write-protected in user-defined clients.