User Guide > Objects > Alphabetical Listing > Start Time Tab

Start-Time Tab

You can use the Start time tab in order to set the time at which the Schedule object should start a task. You can set tasks inactive that do not start but should still remain in the Schedule object.  

For example:
The task that is shown above is started by the Schedule object at 08.00 pm on the same calendar day on which the period starts or changes.





Task's starting time in hours and minutes.

Start of period+ ... Day(s)

Number of days (calendar days serve as the basis) that must have passed after the start of the period. Subsequently, the task starts at the specified time.

The logical datespecifies the period's start.


The task is active in the Schedule object if the check box is selected.

If the check box is not selected, the task is not active. It is therefore not executed but is still part of the Schedule object.


You can specify the duration of the period in the Schedule object'sAttributes tab. If it lasts several days, you can additionally define that a particular task should start on a day that is not the starting day. Pay special attention to these definitions if the periodic turnaround does not take place at 00:00 o'clock.

Start-time days are based on actual calendar days. This includes that a new calendar day always commences at midnight. This is of special importance if the periodic turnaround does not take place at 00:00 o'clock. A period that covers one day (24 hours), with a periodic turnaround that takes place at 10:00am lasts two calendar days. Therefore, tasks can start between 00/10:00 am and 00/11:59pm and between 01/00:00am and 01/10:00am.

For example:

Period: 2 days
Periodic turnaround: 06:00 am

Start time: 08:00 am
Start of period: + 1 day

The following table shows the Schedule object's first 5 execution days:






03:00 pm

Activation of Schedule object

08:00 am

TASK starts

06:00 am

Periodic turnaround takes place.

08:00 am

TASK starts

06:00 am

Periodic turnaround takes place.

The system verifies that all specified times lie within the Schedule object's period. You cannot specify times that lie beyond this period.

Vice versa, if you want to reduce the period of a Schedule object that already includes tasks, the start time of the latest task is decisive (calculated from the period's start time). If a task starts at 5:00pm on the period's third day (03/5:00pm), the complete period cannot be shorter than 4 days.

Display in the Schedule object and its Monitor

The graphical display shows the start time in the Definition column in the format period/time. A gray clock symbol indicates that the task is currently inactive.