Administration Guide > Installation > Upgrade Installation > Upgrading from Version 9

Upgrading an AE System from Version 9

Guidelines for upgrading to a new Automation Engine version.

Below you find the necessary steps for upgrading your system to the latest version.
To help you follow the individual steps of an upgrade process of your AE system meticulously, this page is divided into several steps.

Our consultants are experts in upgrading AE systems. Contact Automic, our experts will be pleased to assist you whenever it is necessary.

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Preliminary Information


To ensure that your upgrading process is successful Automic recommends that you strictly follow the steps that are described in this guide.

Never upgrade a productive AE system without having it tested extensively in a separate environment.

For details about installing hotfixes, see the related topic hotfix installation.

ClosedGeneral Information

It is very important that you follow a structured procedure when you upgrade an AE system, because it guarantees that processing can be continued as soon as possible.
The following guidelines explain the required steps in detail and especially address areas that need special attention. Follow the recommended steps for a smooth conversion process and you will soon be able to use all the new functions of your new Automation Engine version.

When changing the version of the Automation Engine, the utility AE DB Load processes and monitors all the required steps for changing the databaseA database is an organized collection of data including relevant data structures.. This is necessary, because it also modifies data that cannot be changed with SQL. All steps that the utility processes during the upgrading process are logged in the file uc_upd.txt. The file chngdb.sql also informs about the database-relevant statements that were set. These statements must be processed by the utility. Refer to the Release Notes of the relevant Automation Engine version for changing the database and preparing the necessary steps.

The upgrading process comprises of several stages:

  1. Installation and comprehensive testing in a test environment.
  2. Planning the conversion time and creating a plan for a possible re-conversion.
    Never change to a new Automation Engine version without having planned a re-conversion scenario.
  3. Make a backup of the AE database and all the components' directories.
  4. Upgrade your system step by step WITHOUT using the new functions.
  5. Only use the new functions when every component has been converted to the new version and after a particular system-monitoring period.

Each stage consists of many small steps. Your AE system is not upgraded all at once but step by step. The old components are not overwritten and the new files are installed in separate directories. Only the AE database is directly upgraded with the utility AE DB Load. This method has two main advantages:

  1. You can quickly re-convert to the old AE-component version if problems occur in your system environment. Therefore, there is almost no risk for your processing.
  2. Depending on the size of your AE system, the complete upgrading process can take some time. The advantage of upgrading step by step is that you can do so in individual and shorter periods of time which makes it easier to coordinate the upgrading process with other departments and processes. And it is also easier to locate errors that might occur.

First upgrade your test system. Possible problems can so be recognized and solved before they occur in your production system. Test the individual upgrading steps, thereby setting up a plan for upgrading your production system.

The AE system is not available while the database is upgraded.

After each step of the upgrade installation, it is essential to monitor the new components for some time. Only continue the upgrading procedure when they have proven to run stably.

Note that the upgrading process Automic recommends enables production to be continued in the old Automation Engine version at any time. The only requirements are a parallel installation of the components and the provision of a second database instance.

Use the message-comparing program if you require a list of all changed messages.

Our consultants are experts in upgrading AE systems. Contact Automic, our experts will be pleased to assist you whenever it is necessary.




Carefully read the Release Notes of the relevant Automation Engine version. They include information that must be taken into account during the upgrading process.

The most important requirement is a test system. Comprehensive tests in a separate system are necessary before the new Automation Engine version is used in your production system. The test system helps you to get used to the necessary steps for upgrading your production system and even to optimize them.

Has your database been maintained on a regular basis? Automic recommends starting a reorganization run with AE utilities and database means before you upgrade the database. The smaller the database, the quicker the upgrading process. Note that it will still take some time to upgrade the AE database and that you will need sufficient disk space for having tables duplicated.

Authorizations for the affected computers, databases, ERP systems etc. are required during the various upgrade phases. Ensure that the responsible administrators are available during the particular work steps.

You can request assistance from consultants, developers or even 24x7 support when you upgrade your system. Our experts are trained in providing excellent support when action is taken in critical and sensitive areas of your AE system. Contact your Account Manager or the Technical Support TeamTechnical Support Team as soon as you know when you are going to start the upgrading process.

Ensure that you have the phone number and e-mail address of Technical Support and your login data for the Download Center.

The Installation Steps

Closed1. Check Incompatibilities between Version 11.1 and 11.2

The table below lists new features that might lead to compatibility issues or should be taken care of when upgrading - it does not list all new features of this AE version.
New features are described in full in the release notes.

Description of the table columns:

  • Topic - Name of the general topic or new feature
  • Changed behavior - What has been changed
  • Possible incompatibilities - Impact the change may have
  • Actions/Countermeasures - What can be done to identify and/or remove possible incompatibilities


Changed behavior

Possible incompatibilities


General DB change

Information and the checking instructions apply to all versions, between your existing installation and the latest you want to upgrade to, respectively.

The DB scheme/structure has been changed.

Custom SQL queries on AE DB do not work anymore.

  • Check chngdb.sql for general changes
  • Check and adapt relevant SQL/SQLI/SQLJOBS objects accordingly
  • Check and adapt relevant DB queries used in external tools/programs

Release Packaging

The Release Packaging (zip files, folder structure and its content) have been changed.

The following files and folders have been removed:

  • Folder ./11/ (the content, e.g. UserInterface, AutomationEngine) are now directly in the base directory and no longer in the sub folder.
  • The uc4setup files and the CD image files have been removed.
  • There is a new installer available for single box installation in the product bundles.

Possibly automated installation routines using release images will not work.

If there are scripts relying on the old package structure, you have to adapt the paths.

CP/WP routing 

FORMS request routing to RA agents has been changed.

When you edit RA connection objects, a corresponding RA agent has to be active in the same client to retrieve data.

Assign an RA agent for relevant clients.

Third party monitoring via External Monitoring Interface

The new state-of-the-art JMX interface EMI (External Monitoring Interface) has been introduced.

The existing SNMP interface is still available, but the third party integration with BMC Patrol, HP OpenView, and Tivoli has been de-supported.

There is no incompatibility, but the integration with BMC Patrol, HP OpenView, and Tivoli is not available anymore.

Integrate third party monitoring systems via the new EMI instead.

Doubled MQ tables

MQ tables have been doubled and renamed.

MQ tables might not be considered when you use DB Reorg and existing scripts might fail due to changed table names.

Adapt DB Reorg scripts.

Proxy INI file extensions

Parameters and the format of some parameter values have been changed in the INI file due to functionality improvements.

You will not be able to reuse INI files of Proxy versions prior to v2 without adaptions.

Adapt INI file parameters according to the Proxy user documentation.

Closed2. Check Incompatibilities between Version 10 and 11.1

The table below lists new features that might lead to compatibility issues or should be taken care of when upgrading - it does not list all new features of this AE version.
New features are described in full in the release notes.

Description of the table columns:

  • Topic - Name of the general topic or new feature
  • Changed behavior - What has been changed
  • Possible incompatibilities - Impact the change may have
  • Actions/Countermeasures - What can be done to identify and/or remove possible incompatibilities?


Changed behavior

Possible incompatibilities


Message numbers

(For detailed information on individual possible impact see also the topic Message number changes)

Message numbers are now eight digits long, instead of seven.

Old format: Unnnnnn
New format Unnnnnnn

Filtering on Unnnnnn numbers won't work with

  • Output scan filter
  • Log scan scripts or custom tools
  • Job reports of old java-based agents contain 7 and 8 digit messages
  • Agents of older versions send/log 7 digit message numbers
  • Find out script functions PREP_PROCESS_REPORT and PREP_PROCESS_FILE in scripts via search function e.g. change PREP_PROCESS_REPORT(,,’ACT’,’*U1234567*’) to PREP_PROCESS_REPORT(,,’ACT’,’*U01234567*’) 
  • Check filter objects manually or use a SQL statement such as
    rtext LIKE 'U001%' AND OH_DeleteFlag = 0


Text variable values 


  • 1024 character limit for text based fields/variables has been removed
  • Data type of DB fields has been changed from VARCHAR (1024) to CLOB (unlimited)
  • Oracle DBMS_LOB Package must be installed to handle CLOB  
  • Results on string based operations can exceed 1024 characters instead of string truncation or output error messages
  • Queries of SQL/SQLI objects might operate on tables with text fields of changed data types -> refer to chngdb.sql

Check queries on tables with changed fields (VARCHAR -> CLOB)

e.g. search for "OVW_Value1": SELECT OH_Name FROM OH WHERE OH_Idnr IN (SELECT OVD_OH_Idnr FROM OVD WHERE OVD_SQL like '%OVW_Value1%' OR  OVD_SQLOra like '%OVW_Value1%' OR OVD_SQLDB2 like '%OVW_Value1%')

Script function GET_OH_IDNR

The second parameter client was removed from this Automic script function due to security reasons.

Objects using this script function with the specified parameter client will abort.

Check all script tabs for this function and remove the parameter / correct the function call.

Login Objects for File Events on Windows, Unix, zOS

A new privilege has been introduced for user objects

New privilege is checked and used per default after AE version upgrade.

  • On upgrade the new default is used and no actions are necessary.
  • But if user objects are loaded via Transport Case or XML data is imported for example, this privilege may not be set. It must be set manually, if necessary.

zOS: Replacing Job line in JCL

The value of attribute MVS_JOBTYPE has been deprecated.

Currently no incompatibility, the old value is still compatible.

No checks/adaptions needed

XML Variables (VARA.XML)

  • The "Oracle Instant Client" is no longer supported.
  • "Oracle XML DB Package" has to be installed.
  • The "Oracle Full Client" must be installed (instead of "Oracle Instant Client").
  • The "Oracle XML DB Package" must be installed.

No checks/adaptions needed, part of the AE DB installation


Deactivation behavior of tasks with status  FAULT_OTHER has been changed.

  • In previous AE versions, tasks have been deactivated in activities list by default. As of version 11 their deactivation is bound to the deactivation options of the task.
  • Consequently more tasks will remain in the activities window, than in previous AE versions.

Check deactivation options accordingly.

(If needed, they can be set to archive the behavior of previous AE version)

Script function GET_ATT_SUBSTR(call_text)

In previous AE versions, at least a blank was returned. As of version 11, no value in case of missing call text is returned.

Error occurs on empty call text.


RA agents

Shared third party libraries were removed from the RA agent core.

You have to obtain all needed shared third party libraries and ensure that they are installed properly.

Download Oracle JDBC driver and copy it to the lib directory of the RA core.

This is only required for an RA agent that needs an Oracle DB connection (via JDBC) - e.g. RA Banner, RA Oracle EBS, RA JDE or RA Oracle Retail.

GET_VAR (Upgrade from versions between v9 SP4 and v10) GET_VAR does not resolve recursively anymore.

From version v9 SP4 to v10 SP4, GET_VAR resolves recursively. This means, if a value contains an "&", the script processor tries to resolve this. This has been changed.
Static variable 'MYVAR', Key = 1 Value = 'Schmidt&Partners'
:set &partners = 'no'
:set &value# = get_var('MYVAR','1')

The variable &value# will contain therefore:
v9 SP4 to v10: Schmidtno
V11 : Schmidt&Partners

With version v10 SP4 HF1 the behavior was configurable (key RESOLVE_GET_VAR in UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS).

In v11 the configurationA set of constituent components that make up a system. This includes information on how the components are connected including the settings applied. option was removed. As a conclusion all variable values, that should be resolved recursively, must use the Script function RESOLVE_VAR.

Potentially all scripts that use GET_VAR and a variable value that contains "&" characters, are affected.
Affected scripts/variables are not easy to determine, especially with dynamic variables.
Automic suggests that you apply comprehensive tests.

To determine affected Variable objects, you may use this SQL query:

select oh_client, oh_name from oh where oh_idnr in
(select ovw_oh_idnr from ovw where

ovw_value1 like '%&%'
or OVW_Value2 like '%&%'
or ovw_value3 like '%&%'
or ovw_value4 like '%&%'
or ovw_value5 like '%&%'
) order by OH_Client, OH_Name asc

The Script function RESOLVE_VAR may be used to recursively resolve a static Variable object.

Script functions GET_VAR and STR_MATCH

Script variables have been changed to unlimited length.


You can use GET_VAR to check for a non-existing key, which returns a blank, as shown in this example:

If you use STR_MATCH() following on this, with an empty string for the script variable &test#, like this:
:SET &true# = STR_MATCH(&test#,"")

in v10 of the Automation Engine the return value for &true# will be "Y"
In V11 it will be "N".

In STR_MATCH() a variable of length 0 is expected (""). Since the variable &test# contains a blank (" "), the return value for &true# is "N".

The v11 behavior thus is correct.

Script statement :SET - Spaces not allowed as part of numeric values of script variables.

The result of the following script is different in v10 and v11.1:

:SET&TEST#=' 0000000050'
:IFFORMAT(&TEST#, "0") =50

In v10 it will result in the output "valid" in the report.

In v11.1 you will receive an error message about not allowed non-numeric line input.

Scripts that contain a space as part of their numeric value will return an error message. Check scripts for possible spaces and remove before using them with v11.2.

Closed3. Check Incompatibilities between Version 9 and 10

The table below lists new features that might lead to compatibility issues or should be taken care of when upgrading - it does not list all new features of this AE version.
New features are described in full in the release notes.

Description of the table columns:

  • Topic - Name of the general topic or new feature
  • Changed behavior - What has been changed
  • Possible incompatibilities - Impact the change may have
  • Actions/Countermeasures - What can be done to identify and/or remove possible incompatibilities


Changed behavior

Possible incompatibilities


IT environment requirements     Make sure that your IT environment complies with the system requirements of the Automation Engine version in question before you start the installation process.
You will find all necessary information on supported platforms and versions in our online database, the Automic Compatibility Checker
Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package     As of v10, components that run under Windows require the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package Version 2010.
Agent for OracleApplications discontinued     As of Version 10, the agent for OracleApplications will no longer be supplied.
The job templates will still be available.
File Transfers As of v10, will be processed asynchronously, which improves performance.
This improvement has been achieved by changing the default values of the settings FT_ASYNC_QUIT_* in the variable UC_HOSTCHAR_*.

In v9, the default values of these settings had the effect that file transfers were processed synchronously.
They will still be processed synchronously after an update to v10.

To change this behavior, you need to specify the required settings in the  variable UC_HOSTCHAR_*.
AE.WebInterface The AE.WebInterface is no longer supplied or supported as of v10. All the related documentation topics have been removed.   For handling the Automation Engine via a web browser, you can now use Enterprise Control Center.
Oracle Database Versions Oracle versions 9, 10 and 11g1 are no longer supported. For the Automation Engine and the utilities, this means that the library ucuoci is only provided for Oracle version 11g2. Thus there is no need for you to rename this during the installation process.  
IBM DB2 IBM DB2 versions 9.1 and 9.5 are no longer supported for the AE database and the Database Agent.    
UNIX agent and the utilities for HP-UX The UNIX agent and the utilities for HP-UX are no longer provided for the PA-risc architecture.    
UNIX agent The UNIX agent is no longer supported for SCO Unixware.    
INI-file parameters As of version 10, the INI-file parameters "reorg_mode=", "suppress_output=", "max_rt_number=" and "show_stats=" of the utility AE DB.Unload are meaningless.
The reason is that this utility now uses only the new deletion method.
In the new deletion method it is essential that no REORG files are created during the database reorganization process. This is the same behavior as with the parameter setting suppress_output=1 which always suppresses the generation of REORG files.
So far, you could define the method for deleting data by using the INI-file parameter reorg_mode= ([REORG] section; old method: reorg_mode=0, new method: reorg_mode=1). The old deletion method consumed a lot of memory and could eventually cause performance problems.
Documentation Folder Structure The folder structure of the supplied documentation has changed. The folders "uc4" (this includes "htmlhelp") and "unix" are now located in the directory "Guides" . The new folder "Release Notes" includes the Release Notes for Automation Engine and the UI plug-in as PDFs.    
MS SQL Server 2005 As of v10, MS SQL Server 2005 is no longer supported for the AE database, the utilities, and the Database Agents.    
MBean for SAP ACC The MBean for SAP ACC is no longer supplied or supported. The related documentation topics have been removed.    
Microsoft Access and SAP MaxDB The databases Microsoft Access and SAP MaxDB are no longer supported for the Database Agent.    
AutomationEngine, ServiceManager, agents and utilities for Windows and Linux The components AutomationEngine, ServiceManager, agents and utilities for Windows and Linux are no longer supported on Itanium processors.    
Workflow tasks Workflow tasks that are waiting for their starting time now appear blue in the monitor.    
Java Application Interface Java Application Interface: The measurement unit for the method DeactivateCondition.setDelay(n) has been changed from days to minutes.   To indicate a delay of one day, you must now specify the value 1440 instead of 1.
Keep in mind that you must adjust existing Java codes correspondingly.
Documentation File Names

The names of the files that are used to access the documentation have changed. The new names are as follows:

  • HtmlHelp: help.chm
  • WebHelp: help.htm
  • Message documentation: Messages.chm/Messages.htm


Object variables (:PSET, PASS_VALUES)   When upgrading from v8 to v10, object variables (:PSET, PASS_VALUES) may not correctly be inherited when the workflow- or task-generation process has already started in v8 and continues in v10 (generating at runtime, for example). Automic recommends setting such workflows inactive before starting the upgrade process.
Rollback function Rollback function restricted: Since "Deactivate (forced)" has now been enabled for sub-workflows, a workflow's rollback function will fail for sub-workflows, which have already been deactivated by the "Deactivate (forced)" function, as the sub-workflow is no longer available in activities.    
CANCEL_UC_OBJECT script function In previous releases, the CANCEL_UC_OBJECT script function could be used for ended tasks to triggered a deactivation. This is not possible any more.  
  • Use search function to find objects using the function CANCEL_UC_OBJECT in process tabs (go to Further options / [x] Search in Process, Text: CANCEL_UC_OBJECT)
  • Replace function CANCEL_UC_OBJECT with DEACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT in cases where a task has to be deactivated but not cancelled by the function.

Now you need to use the DEACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT script function instead.

PromptSets Use PromptSets within an activity   As of v10, users have to have "X" execute permissions defined for PromptSet objects in their User objects' Authorizations tab.
Webhelpsplitter tool As of v10, the Webhelpsplitter tool is no longer supplied or supported.    
Task sync As of v10, if a task uses a sync and has a START and END action defined, but no ABEND action, then during a restart on abend, it does not execute the START action again. This is because no END action has been executed.    
Term "Modification Archive" Instead of the former term "Modification Archive", AE now uses "Release Notes" in all languages. This applies to the Automation Engine documentation, the supplied files, and the Automic Download CenterThe Download Center ( is the place where you find everything you need to know about your Automic solution to make sure you are using our products to their fullest potential..    
Folder Name Documentation The folder "Docu", which is part of the supplied disk image, has been renamed to "Documentation".    
Object variables and PromptSet variables As of v10, object variables and PromptSet variables can be used within the bind parameters of SQL SECURE-type and SQLI SECURE-type VARA objects.    

Closed4. Prepare for Upgrade



Work steps

ClosedRead Release Notes

  • Start off by reading the Release Notes of the Automation Engine version to which you intend to upgrade. They are available in the "Release Notes" chapter of the Automation Engine documentation.
  •  The section "Check Incompatibilities between Version X and Y" is very important. It contains information about incompatibilities and points out additional work steps that can be required during or even before the installation. Automic recommends preparing your AE system and your system environment accordingly.

ClosedDeny New Job Starts

  •  Processing must not be changed during the whole upgrading procedure. If a problem occurs in your system environment during a particular step, you can either restore the AE database or directly use the original one if you made a copy. In doing so, there is almost no risk for your processing.
    Note that statistical data, reports, and modifications made to Variable object and Sync object contents are lost.
  • Inform all affected persons about the upgrading process and make sure that processing is not changed.
  • Create a user group that explicitly denies everything and assign all users to this group.
    If the Revision Report is activated in your AE system, the assignment to the user group must be made in the User object because the tab is locked in the user group object in this case.

ClosedPrepare the Upgrading Process of Core Components

  • Determine a point in time for upgrading the core components. Note that the Automation Engine must temporarily be stopped which interrupts processing. For this reason Automic recommends determining a time during which only a few activities take place. The duration of the upgrading process depends on the size of your AE system. Your experiences when upgrading the test system will help you estimate the required time to upgrade your productive system.
  • Ensure that you have the phone number and e-mail address of Automic Support and your login data for the Automic Automation Support zone ready. Carefully think about requesting temporary 24x7 support, if sensitive systems should be upgraded or if the upgrade is not made during the regular business hours of our support team.
  • Our experts are trained in providing excellent on-site support in upgrading your AE system. Contact your Account Manager or the Automic Support Team. Your request will be forwarded to the relevant expert in order to make an appointment.
  • During the upgrade process, you require access to the AE database and to all computers with AE core components (such as the Automation Engine, utilities etc.). Access to all affected computers is required, if you work in a distributed Server environment. Ensure that the responsible administrators are available and that the login data (such as passwords) is correct.
  • The UserInterfaces may already be upgraded. If you upgrade them together with the core components, access to the relevant computers is required.

ClosedUpgrade UserInterfaces

  • In order to upgrade, start the program SETUP.EXE in the IMAGE:USERINTERFACE\WINDOWS directory.
    All files required for UserInterface operation are copied into the specified directory. The default directory is C:\AUTOMIC\USERINTERFACE\BIN.
  • On UNIX follow the steps as described in the new installation of the UserInterface (UNIX).


  • When you execute the setup.exe, the installation will find and keep existing configuration files from the previous installation.
  • Automic recommends using UserInterfaces in a preceding AE system only for a few days when converting to a later version. As of version 9.00A, UserInterfaces can also be used in the particular preceding version. The only requirement is that your AE system has the latest hotfix version. Be informed that the UserInterface is not completely downwards compatible. Some functions are not fully available.
  •  Changes made in the UserInterface's interface only become visible when the core components have been upgraded to the new version.
  •  Older UserInterfaces cannot be used with AE systems of a newer version. They must be upgraded at least when the core components are upgraded.
  •  This does NOT apply to agents which function the other way round. Later agent versions CANNOT be used in former AE systems. But former agent versions can also be used in the succeeding Automation Engine version (this means that an 9.00A agent can also be used in a 10.x AE system). This requires the most current hotfix version to be installed on your AE system.

ClosedUpgrade the Enterprise Control Center

Upgrading from ECC 2.1 or 11.1 to 11.2

Upgrading an existing ECC installation to a new release upgrades the ECC framework and all its plug‑ins at the same time. Use the same steps to install hot fix packages between releases.


To upgrade from Enterprise Control Center 2.1.x or 11.0 to 11.2 .x.x involves the following steps:

No data migration is needed.

Closed1. Stopping the Apache Tomcat Service

Closed2. Backing Up Current Configurations

Closed3. Upgrading Apache Tomcat

  1. Check the System Requirements in our online database, the Automic Compatibility Checker to see which version of Tomcat you need.
  2. Go to the Tomcat home page and then download and install the required version. You will find the installation instructions and other relevant information on their home page.

    For Windows: Download the package called "32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer." This will install Tomcat and a Windows service for it.

  3. Increase the memory that Tomcat can allocate to ECC to the amount described in the table that follows..

    Reason: By default Tomcat allocates a low amount of memory to an application. This is not sufficient for ECC, which keeps a lot of UI state data in memory.

    Memory ParameterAmount to Allocate
    PermGen Space256m
    Heap size

    As much as possible (at the very least 2GB)

    On Windows

    1. Go to the "bin" folder in your Tomcat installation (...Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\bin).
    2. Right-click the file tomcat7w.exe and from the context menu select Run as administrator.
    3. On the Java tab make the following changes:
      • In the Java Options, set the PermGenSpace by adding the parameter
        "-XX:MaxPermSize=256m". (Attention: Case sensitive parameter!)
      • Set the heap size by setting the Maximum memory pool to the maximum possible on your system, for example 8192MB, as shown below.

    On Linux: In the CATALINA_OPTS environment variable, set the permGen size to 256MB and the heap space to the maximum possible on your system. In this example, the heap space is set to 8192MB: 

    -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xmx8192m

Closed4. Restarting the Apache Tomcat Service

Closed5. Deploying the New ECC WAR File

Closed6. Configuring the New ECC Version

Closed7. Starting the New ECC

ClosedMaintain the AE database

  • Automic generally recommends that you maintain your AE database with our utilities and database-specific tools on a regular basis. However, reorganize your database before you upgrade it. The smaller the database, the faster the upgrading process to the new Automation Engine version will be.
  • Carefully read the AE Scripts that refer to the AE database and prepare adjustments (e.g., tablespaces). In doing so, you see the actions that will take place and respond to them in the database and on the computer on which the database has been installed (e.g., by providing disk space).

These scripts are provided in the directories IMAGE:DB\GENERAL\<version> and IMAGE:DB\<database type>\<version>. The files uc_upd.txt and chngdb.sql are especially important.

ClosedDuplicate the AE database

  • For company-critical processing in the AE system Automic recommends duplicating and backing up your database.
    In doing so, you may leave one of the databases unchanged and easily re-access your old database, if any problems occur in your system environment.
  • The database can be duplicated in several ways:
    • For smaller databases: Dduplicate the database in offline mode. This can be done during the upgrading process of the core components. During this time, the AE system is not available anyway.
    • For larger/complex databases: Upgrade in online mode before the core components are upgraded.
      Inform your database-administration group because the current log files must be stored in the duplicated database.

Closed5. Upgrade the core components



Work steps

ClosedUpgrade Utilities

  • Always use a separate directory in order to avoid mixing files of the different Automation Engine versions. Depending on the computer, you will either install one or several components. First create a folder whose name represents the Automation Engine version. Then create an individual sub-folder for each component. An example is shown in the chapter about new installations.
  •  Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of your utilities. Back up the corresponding folders in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version if any problems occur.
  • Install the utilities (UNIX or Windows).
  • Copy the folder "DB" from the CD to the directory of the utilities. It includes the files for loading the AE database. The DB folder must be a parallel folder of the utilities' BIN directory.

    Example for Windows:


    Database files in C:\AUTOMIC\UTILITY\DB

ClosedUpgrade AE and ServiceManager

  •  Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of your Automation Engine and the ServiceManager. Back up the corresponding folder in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version.
  • Install the Automation Engine (UNIX or Windows) to a new directory.
  • Install the new ServiceManager version. Use a new name for the ServiceManager environment (phrase).

ClosedUpgrade Framework Integration (optional)

  • Alternately, you can carry out this step after the core components have been upgraded. The function Framework Integration is not available until it has been installed.
  •  Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of your utilities. Back up the corresponding folders in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version if any problems occur.
  • If you use a Framework Integration such as "AE Smart Plug-In for HP OpenView", Automic recommends installing it in the new Automation Engine version.  

ClosedUpgrade UserInterfaces (if they have not yet been upgraded)

If you didn't upgrade during the preparation process, do so now.
Details you find above under "Prepare for Upgrade > Upgrade UserInterfaces".

ClosedUpgrade the Enterprise Control Center (if it has not yet been upgraded)

If you didn't upgrade during the preparation process, do so now.
Details you find above under "Prepare for Upgrade > Upgrade the Enterprise Control Center".

ClosedStop all clients

  •  Starting with this step, your AE system is no longer available until the database has successfully been upgraded.
  • Stop all clients when the upgrading time is ripe. This is easily done in the system control of client 0000.

ClosedStop the Automation Engine

  •  Stop all server processes. If you work in a distributed Server environment, note that all server processes on all participating computers are deactivated.
  •  Pay attention to programs such as Watchdogs, cluster monitoring etc. before ending the server processes. They might raise an alarm or restart the Automation Engine.  

ClosedBack up the AE database

  •  Back up your AE database.
  • As already described in the section on preparations, creating a database copy provides many advantages. Duplicate it now if you have opted for this step but have not yet executed it. If a database duplicate was already made at an earlier point in time, check if this duplicate must be upgraded.

ClosedUpgrade the AE database

  • Automic strongly recommends reading the notes concerning database modifications below before starting the upgrading process.
  • Upgrade your AE database using the utility AE DB Load. The individual steps you find below.
  • If you have created a duplicate, Automic recommends upgrading it now in order to make sure that the original instance remains operable. Keep in mind to enter the correct database connection in the INI files of the utilities.
ClosedNotes on Upgrading the AE Database


Important Notes:

Automic recommends that a database administrator execute the following steps.

 Direct modifications that are made in database contents without using AE programs will result in an inconsistent database.

Always make a database backup before you process any work steps.

This process can take a while depending on the database size and upgrading complexity.

Ensure there is sufficient disk space for the \AUTOMIC\DB directory and that the database's LOG section can store all this data.

 Schemes that provide access to the database should be removed after the updating process in order to avoid unintended database modifications.

DB2: After updating the AE database, check the size of the tablespaces and if required, run the following SQL statement:

alter tablespace <UC4 tablespace name> reduce max;

ClosedDatabase Upgrade with AE DB Load Utility


  • The DB directory of the installation CD can include several versions of SQL scripts and database files. They are required if you upgrade several versions. Be sure to use the correct version if <vers> is indicated in the document.
  • Automic strongly recommends you also read the notes for upgrading the AE database above.
  • Modifications that should be made are available in the special_rt.sql file. Also execute the new_mq.sql file. Search the UC_UPD.TXT file for the lines shown below and remove the comment "message" at the beginning.
  • Extract of the adjusted UC_UPD.TXT file:
  • process_sql_file new_mq.sql
    process_sql_file special_rt.sql
  • The special_rt.sql file converts the stored reports in the database. Depending on the number of report data records that are affected by the conversion it is important to ensure that there is sufficient memory and a transaction log of the appropriate size. Because the table is copied, it exists twice for a while which also prolongs the conversion process. Automic recommends reorganizing the reports before you execute the UC_UPD.TXT file in order to minimize the number of report data records.


1. Changing the database scheme and loading new initial data to the database

  • Server computer
    All server processes must be stopped. Pay special attention if server processes run on several computers. The following steps must only be processed when all server processes have been stopped.
  • Admin computer
    The directory containing the database files must be stored at the location that has been specified in the INI-file parameter INPUT of the utility AE DB Load. The folder that includes the BIN directory of the utilities is the default folder. 

    Windows example:

  • Database files in C:\AUTOMIC\UTILITY\DB
  • Utilities - Windows:
    The files for the AE database are provided in IMAGE:DB. Copy the complete DB folder to the above directory

  • Utilities - UNIX:
    The database files are included in the archive db.tar.gz which is provided in the folder IMAGE:DB. To unpack the archive, use the following commands:
    gzip -d db.tar.gz bzw. gunzip db.tar.gz
    tar xvfo db.tar
    (Linux: tar -zxvf db.tar.gz)
    Copy the unpacked files to the defined directory.

  • Start the program AE DB Load to upgrade the database.Select the file <DB directory>\GENERAL\<vers>\UC_UPD.TXT
  • The current database version is identified and the database upgraded. As this happens, the database structure and data are changed. Objects of client 0000 are automatically replaced or amended.

2. Selecting the authentication method

  • Admin computer
    The utility AE.DB Load displays a mask in which you must select an authentication method.

    This mask is only displayed if the database is upgraded to a new Automation Engine version.

3. Installing partitioning with ILM (optional)

  • Admin computer
    A mask opens in which you can select the settings for partitioning with ILM. This step is optional.

     You cannot undo an AE database partitioning process.

ClosedConfigure and start the Java Work Process (JWP)

  • As of version 11.2 of the Automation Engine the function Export with references and the full text search in the ECC require a JWP.


The JWP is a component of the Automation Engine which is required for the following functions:

  • Single Sign-on (via KDC)
  • Adaptive ERT calculation
  • Function Export with references
  • Application Release Automation Integration
  • ECC Global Search

Files Provided

The JWP is provided in the same directory as all the other Automation Engine files.

File / Directory Description
ucsrvjp.jar File for starting the JWP.
/lib/ Directory with OSGI implementation and JDBC driver.
/plugins/com.automic.database.jar File for database access.
/plugins/com.automic.ara.jar Opens the ARA WebService.
/plugins/com.automic.ert.jar (Adaptive) ERT calculation.
/plugins/com.automic.kernel.jar JWP kernel.
/plugins/ TCP/IP connections.
/plugins/com.automic.sso.jar Single Sign-on.
/plugins/com.automic.util.logging.jar Logging / Trace.
Additional OSGI bundles for console and services.

The directory /configuration/ is created automatically when the JWP is first started and contains the OSGI bundle's cache.


Unpack the files

In Windows, the JWP files are automatically copied from the SETUP.EXE program to the BIN directory. In UNIX, the files are located in the respective TAR archive.

Copy the provided "plugin" and "lib" directories into the BIN directory of the Automation Engine.

The subsequent installation steps depend on the database type used.

MS SQL Server


Install JDBC driver

Download Microsoft JDBC Driver 4.0 for SQL servers.

After downloading, copy the file "sqljdbc4.jar" into the lib directory of the Automation Engine.



Activate TCP/IP in the MS SQL server

Now check whether the MS SQL server instance used allows access via TCP/IP.

Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager and select Protocols for MSSQLSERVER under SQL Server Network Configuration. The item "TCP/IP" must be set to "Enabled" in the right-hand section.



Determine the MS SQL server port

The default port of the MS SQL server port is 1433.

If you are not sure of the port of your MS SQL server instance, you can find this out from its log file. The message "Server is listening on [ 'any'<ipv4> port number]" should be found in the current log file, which contains the port.



Modify the Automation Engine configuration file

The JWP uses the same configuration file (ucsrv.ini) as the other work processes of the Automation Engine system.

The database connection must be modified in the configuration file for the JWP. There are 2 different options for this:

1) DSN-less ODBC Connection

Please note that with this option, the same database connection string that is also used by all the other WPs in the Automation Engine system must be changed in the configuration file. When installing a JWP for an existing system, all WPs must be subsequently restarted.

A connection string is required in the [ODBC] section of the configuration file, the syntax of which does not require DSN. The server and database name must be specified directly in this case.


  • VERSION- Version of SQL Server Native Client. Is displayed in the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  • SRVNAME - Name of the database computer.
  • PORT - port of the MS SQL server instance.
  • DBNAME - Database name.
  • DBUSER - Database user.
  • DBPWD - Database password.


SQLDRIVERCONNECT=ODBCVAR=SNNNNNRN,Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=tcp:dbsrv01,1433;Database=AEV10;Uid=user;Pwd=password

The entry should be on one line (no break).


2) Separate connection string for the JWP

With this option, a separate database connection string for the JWP is defined in the [JDBC] section.



The name and password of the database user are used by the [ODBC] item.

The advantage of this method is that the connection string of the other WPs ([ODBC] section) does not need to be changed or restarted.



Install JDBC driver

Copy the JDBC driver "ojdbc6.jar" from the Oracle database client installation to the "lib" folder of the JWP.
The file is located here: ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar



Configuring the database connection

There are 2 options:

1) Connection via OCI

Modification of the INI file "ucsrv.ini" is not necessary in this option. However, the JWP requires access to the Oracle database libraries in the same way as a WP. In UNIX, the environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH or SHLIB_PATH must therefore be selected accordingly, depending on the platform.

More information on installing the JDBC driver can be found in the JDBC installation instructions from Oracle.


2) Direct connection to the database

You can connect directly to the database using the Oracle JDBC Thin driver.

The [JDBC] section in the ucsrv.ini file must be configured accordingly. Example:


The name and password of the database user can be found in the [ODBC] item.



Install JDBC driver

Copy the file "db2jcc4.jar" (JDBC driver) into the "lib" directory of the JWP.

This file is part of the DB2 client and is located in the sub-directory "SQLLIB/java".


Configuring the database connection

Modification of the ucsrv.ini file is not necessary.

However, if required, the database connect string can be defined in the [JDBC] section of the INI file.



The user name and password for database access can be found in the [ODBC] item.

Add certificates for SSL

In order to use SSL, the certificate(s) of the LDAP server must be available to the Java Work Process.
The JWP uses the default keystore file "cacerts" in the lib/security directory of the JRE.

Two options are available to add the certificates:

1 Add certificates with the keytool
  • Go to the jre\lib\security folder of the Java installation and import the certificate with the keytool command:

    keytool -keystore cacerts -importcert -alias ldapServer -file certficate.cer

  • When prompted to trust this certificate respond by typing "Y".


2 Add certificates via download

Another option to install the certificate is the command line parameter -installcert of the Java Work Process.

java -jar ucsrvjp.jar -installcert <host>:<sslport>

  • This assumes that the Java Work Process has write access to the cacerts file of the Java installation.
  • This command detects the path of cacerts, connects to the specified host and port and tries to create an SSL connection.

If a certificate is missing, the message "unable to find valid certification path to requested target" is printed and the missing certificate is downloaded and stored in the cacerts file.

Start the JWP

Use this kind of command to start the JWP via the command line:

java -Xmx512M -jar ucsrvjp.jar -IC:\temp\ucsrv.ini

The file "ucsrvjp.jar" is provided in the same directory as the other Automation Engine files. It is used exclusively to start the JWP.

The JWP can also be started via ServiceManager.

java -Xmx512M -jar ucsrvjp.jar -svc%port% -IC:\temp\ucsrv.ini

The -svc parameter should be omitted when starting directly via the command line.

The parameter -I to specify the INI file is optional. If the parameter is missing, the JWP attempts to find the file "ucsrv.ini" in the current working directory (= directory in which the file "ucsrvjp.jar" is located).

ClosedStart the Automation Engine and clients

  • Cold-start the server processes when all installation and configuration step have successfully been completed. Do so in the INI file of the server processes by setting the parameter StartMode= to COLD. Now the processes can start.
  • All clients can be started from the System Overview of client 0000.

ClosedMonitor the AE system

  • Do not yet replace the agents. Older agent versions run smoothly with newer Automation Engine versions.
    In order to take advantage of new features to the full make sure to upgrade agents as well.
  •  Do not change anything in your processing and carefully monitor your AE system over an extended period of time. A few hours or days are not enough. It can take a while before problems occur, especially if they are the result of a particular constellation in your processing.

Closed6. Upgrade all other components



Work steps

ClosedInstall the Agents

  •  Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of your agents. Back up the corresponding folder in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version.
  • The new agents must also be installed in a separate directory. An adequate monitoring period is essential. Automic recommends not replacing all agents by the new version. Replace one platform after the other, for example. First replace UNIX and only replace the next one when the agents have proven to run stably for some time.
  • As of version 9, the UNIX agent files will be supplied in lowercase letters. To ensure that jobs call the new Job Messenger, follow the steps below:
    1) Automic recommends: Correct the file name of the Job Messenger in the INI file when you upgrade the agent (variable UC_EX_JOB_MD).
    2) Important: When you install the new agent in the same directory as the old one, you must delete the old Job Messenger after the installation process.
    3) Instead of adjusting the INI file during the upgrading process, you can also create a link (with the old messenger names in uppercase letters) that points to the new messenger
    Example for Linux: ln -s ucxjli3m UCXJLI3M

ClosedInstall the remaining components

  •  Do not remove or overwrite the installation directories of the remaining components. Back up the corresponding folder in order to make sure that you can quickly return to your old version.
  • Now you can replace components such as the CallAPIs. Keep in mind to monitor the newly installed version for some time.

ClosedUse the new functions

  •  Monitor your upgraded AE system for a time. The upgrading process is complete if no problems occur.
  • Now you can upgrade your production system. Repeat the steps made when upgrading your test system. Upgrading a test system optimally prepared you for upgrading your production system.
  • Again read the Release Notes of the new Automation Engine version after having upgraded your productive system. They list all new functions. Use them and extend your processing. Automic Support will be pleased to help you with any problem that may occur.
  • Enjoy using your new Automation Engine version.