The configurationA set of constituent components that make up a system. This includes information on how the components are connected including the settings applied. file uc4config.xml is provided by default. It is stored in the same folder as the UserInterface. You can also enter the path of an alternative configuration file by using the start parameter -I in the INI file. Therefore, all users can create their own uc4config.xml with all their preferred personal settings.
Environment variables can also be used in path specifications. Insert the following placeholders:
Windows: %Variable%
UNIX: $(Variable)
The UserInterface replaces the placeholders by the environment variable's value.
Default values have been specified for most parameters. They can be changed if required. Parameters that must be adjusted to your system environment are written in red letters.
Parameter |
Description |
<configuration> | Beginning of the configuration. |
<paths> | Beginning of the elements for index and file definitions. |
<docu type="format">path</docu> | Definitions for
"format" = Help system that should open when you press the F1 key. Allowed values: "wh" "path" = Directory in which the help system has been installed. |
<browser type="name">path</browser> |
This parameter is required in order to use WebHelp documentation. "name" = Name of the Web browser Allowed values: "Mozilla Firefox", "Internet Explorer", "Netscape Browser" "path" = Web browser's directory and file name (example for UNIX: /users/uc4/firefox/firefox) |
<logging count="count">log file</logging> |
Log file definitions. "count" = Maximum number of log files. Depending on the value, the number is included in the logfile's name. Allowed value: "-1", "0", "1 - 99" "log file" = Directory and name of the file to which log information should be written. The number characters ## can be used in file names. They serve as place holders for an ascending order of trace files. When the UserInterface starts, the log files are renamed in a way that the most recent log file always has the number 00. |
<trace count="count" xml="xml trace" tcp="TCP/IP trace" ra="rapid automation trace">tracefile</trace> |
Trace file definitions.
"count" = Maximum number of trace files. Depending on the value, the number is included in the trace-file name. Allowed values: "-1", "0", "1 - 99" "xml trace" = Trace flag for logging XML operations. Allowed values: "0", "1", "2", "3" "TCP/IP trace" = trace flag for the logging of TCP/IP data traffic. Allowed values: "0", "1", "2", "3" "rapid automation trace" = trace flag for Rapid Automation agents. Allowed values: "0", "9" "trace file" = Directory and name of the file to which trace information should be written. The directory must be available. The number characters ## can be used in file names. They serve as place holders for an ascending order of trace files. When the agent starts, trace files are renamed in a way that the most current trace file always has the number 00. |
<SendBufferSize>count</SendBufferSize> |
Maximum number of bytes per block that the UserInterface sends to the Automation Engine. "Number" = Maximum block size in bytes Default value: 1048576 |
<RecvBufferSize>count</RecvBufferSize> |
Maximum number of bytes per block that the UserInterface receives from the Automation Engine. "Number" = Maximum block size in bytes Default value: 1048576 |
<tcp_nodelay>value</tcp_nodelay> |
Nagle algorithm usage for the connection between the UserInterface and the AutomationEngine. Allowed values: "0" or "1" (default value) |
</paths> | End of the XML element <paths> |
<colors> | Beginning of elements for color definitions |
<color r="red saturation" g="green saturation" b="blue saturation"/> |
Color definition A value between 0 and 255 can be assigned for the colored parts. Note that a maximum of 8 connections per UserInterface instance is supported. Therefore, Automic recommends defining8 colors because each connection is represented by a color. |
</colors> | End of the XML element <colors>. |
<timeout>duration</timeout> |
"duration" = Waiting period in seconds during which the communication process is expected to respond. An error message is output if the communication process does not respond within the expected period of time. Default value: 60 seconds |
<tcpip_keepalive>connection receipt</tcpip_keepalive> |
Setting of keep alive packets in order to keep a connection (e.g. in WAN). Allowed values: "0" and "1" (default value) "1" - Keep alive packets are sent The UserInterface loses its connection to the Automation Engine if there is no user action for a longer period of time (about 2 hours).Set this parameter to "1" to avoid a connection loss. The connection is then kept because keep-alive packets are sent. |
<active_keepalive>time interval<active_keepalive> |
Time in minutes in which the UserInterface sends messages to the Automation Engine in order to keep the connection. This parameter does not depend on <tcpip_keepalive>. The setting <tpcip_keepalive> activates and keeps the connection on socket level which means that the time interval of keep-alive packages cannot be influenced. <active_keepalive> addresses the program level. |
<connections> |
Beginning of the elements for the connections to the AE systems |
<connection name="name" system="system"> |
Definition of the connection to an AE "name" = Alias for the connection to an AE system.
In the Note that different AE systems must not have the same name! |
<cp ip="DNS/IP" port="port"/> |
Definition of the connection to the AE system's "DNS/IP" = Either the DNS name or the TCP/IP address of the computer on which the addressed communication process is running. "port" = port number of an AE system's communication process |
</connection> | Completion of the XML element <connection> |
</connections> | Completion of the XML element <connections> |
</configuration> | Completion of the XML element <configuration> |
<docu type="wh">C:\AUTOMIC\Documentation</docu>
<browser type="Internet Explorer">"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"</browser>
<logging count="10">..\temp\UCDJ_LOG_##.TXT</logging>
<trace count="10" xml="0" tcp="0" ra="9">../temp/UCDJ_TRC_##.TXT</trace>
<color b="0" g="0" r="255"/>
<color b="0" g="255" r="0"/>
<color b="255" g="152" r="42"/>
<color b="0" g="255" r="255"/>
<color b="0" g="144" r="255"/>
<color b="255" g="0" r="255"/>
<color b="255" g="255" r="255"/>
<color b="149" g="140" r="170"/>
<connection name="AE Production" system="AE">
<cp ip="uc4prod" port="2217"/>
<connection name="AE Test" system="AET">
<cp ip="testsys" port="2217"/>