Automation Engine Script Guide > AE JCL for Applications > SAP > BW_RESTART_CHAIN


Continues an interrupted process chain.

Transaction: RSA1

SAP BW Version: 3.0B and later with Patch SAPKW30B11




Description / Format


Technical designation of the process chain.
Value format: script literal


25-digit Log ID.
Value format: script literal


Handling if the process chain cannot be found.
Value format: script literal

Allowed values: NORMAL (default value)or ABEND
Default: NORMAL

NORMAL = The script continues, the AE job ends normally.
ABEND = The script aborts, the AE job ends abnormally.


Handling if the process chain ends abnormally.
Value format: script literal

Allowed values: ABEND (default value), IGNORE or SUSPEND
Default: "ABEND"

ABEND = The script aborts, the AE job ends abnormally.
IGNORE = The script continues, the AE job ends normally.
SUSPEND = The job remains active until a restart of the process chain / its child processes has been successful or the job has been canceled manually.
You can use this parameter in order to restart process chains or their child processes. The advantage is that the job does not end which would include that processing continues in a parent (such as a workflow).


Output of a process chain's individual process logs.
Value format: script literal

Allowed values: YES (default value), NO or ERROR
Default: YES

YES = Individual process logs are added to the process chain log.
NO = Only the process chain log is output.
ERROR = Individual process logs are output only in case of error.


Log output of the process background job.
Value format: script literal

Allowed values: YES (default value), NO or ERROR
Default: YES

YES = Process background job logs are output.
NO = Process background job logs are not output.
ERROR = Process background job logs are only output if an error occurs.


Output of a long text (diagnostics text) to a log message.
Value format: script literal

Allowed values: YES, NO or ERROR (default value)
Default: ERROR

ERROR = The log message long text is only output if an error occurs.
YES = The log message long text is output.
NO = The log message long text is not output .


Handling of the children of a process chain.

Format of the value: script literal

Allowed values: ALL, YES or NO (default value)

ALL = Replicates all a job's child processes in the AE system (including skipped ones). They are shown in the UserInterface's Activity Window. Statistical records and reports are also generated in the AE system.
YES = The children of a job are replicated in the AE system. They are displayed in the Activity Window of the UserInterface. Statistical records and reports are also generated in the AE system.
NO = There is no replication in the AE system.


Requests the spool list of the started job.
Format of the value: script literal

Allowed values: YES or NO (default)

YES = The spool list is requested. It is stored as a text file in the directory that has been defined in the SAP agent's INI file with the parameter Download_dir= (Sektion [GLOBAL]). The name of this file is structured as follows:
<SAP job count>_<step number>_<spool number>.txt
This file is also registered as job output in the AE job.

NO = The spool list is not requested.


Writes the reports of the activated process chain's child processes to the job report.

The reports of replicated child processes are by default available in the job report AND the task of the child process. Therefore, this information is redundant in the job and you can decide not to assume this information here.

Allowed values: YES (default) or NO 

YES - Logs of child processes are written to the job report.
NO - Logs of the process chain's child processes are not assumed to the job report.

Note that the reports of the child processes are not available if you specify NO in the parameters REPLICATE and COLLECTLOGS.


This script element continues an interrupted process chain. A particular process chain execution is clearly identified with the parameter LOGID=. The Log ID can be determined using PREP_PROCESS_REPORT from an AE job report.

If the process chain continues, it is monitored until it ends.The process chain log is always saved in the activation report. Additionally, either individual process logs or process background job logs are output depending on the parameters PROCESSLOGS= and JOBLOGS=.


This example serves to determine whether the ZSBB1 process chain has been interrupted in a job's post script by using the error number. If so, the 25-digit Log ID is saved in a variable.

SET &LOGID# = ''


IF &LOGID# <> ''

An additional job reads the Log ID from the variable and restarts the process chain to continue processing.