
These topics are a Getting Started guide for system administrators that are new to Automic Automation. They introduce you to the main concepts that you must know to be able to setup and configure your system. Understanding these concepts and their dependencies is necessary to manage and monitor it.

Once you have successfully installed your system, you can log in to the Automic Web Interface and start setting it up. Make sure you have prepared your browser accordingly. For more information, see Preparing Your Browser.

Tip: For information and examples about how to benefit from the Automic Web Interface and browser features, see Tips and Tricks. You might also want to open multiple connections to work on different Clients, see New Connection.

Important! Use a consistent naming policy for your objects. For detailed information on naming rules, best practices and examples, see Best Practices: Naming Conventions.

In the following topics, we provide information related to login on, client and user management, and the administrative objects that you need to set up your system. All topics provide links to related articles, descriptions, and instructions within the product documentation. Read the topics in the following order:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Login, Passwords and Home Dashboard
  3. System Configuration
  4. Clients and Agent Assignment
  5. Client Configuration
  6. Users and User Groups
  7. Objects in Client 0
  8. Housekeeping

You will perform many of your administrative tasks from the Administration perspective. If you want to take a deeper look at these tasks after you are done with the Getting Started guide, read the following topics:

As a system administrator, you are also responsible for the system's security. This task comprises topics such as access control, password policies, network communication and encryption, system hardening, and so on. For more information, see Security and System Hardening.


The Broadcom Software Academy provides a wide range of free online trainings. For information about how to navigate through the Academy and on how to register for courses, see Free Online Courses.

See also:

Design: Getting Started for developers and object designers