An example will demonstrate how to use the AE utility UCXE???F to query the Unix file system.
The following files should be listed:
The creation, the forming up and the processing of a data sequence is a complex process in which script functions and statements as well as special objects cooperate closely. The following example shows the necessary definitions for the involved objects and the corresponding script statements and their references. The example is intentionally kept small and clear to show the principles.
The AE utility UCXE???F offers wider query possibilities compared to the traditional operating system command ls. It has to be installed on the host. The question marks in the program name are placeholders for system ID and version of the Unix derivative.
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JobVerarbeitung auf einem Zielsystem. Auch ein eigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine.: SC.PROCESS.UNIXFS |
The script of the job calls the function PREP_PROCESS, which prepares the processing of the data sequence. The following parameters are passed:
The job SC.PROCESS.UNIXFS will then be started.
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This is the job EVENT.UNIXFS from client 0000. It is supplied by default.
It is important that the check box "Attribute dialog" is checked in its Notification tab That way the IncludeScript, das häufig und in mehreren Objekten verwendet wird. Auch ein eigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine. object ATTRDIA.BS2000 is read which normally causes the start of the Attribute Dialog.
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All attributes listed in the script of the Include can be supplied. The script variable &UC_USERID receives the value AE. The Attribute Dialog is not displayed because the passing of the variable contents is done internally.
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At the start of the job EVENT.UNIXFS, the script variables &PATH and &FSPAR are supplied with values. These values are defined in the parameters of the script function PREP_PROCESS of the job SC.PROCESS.UNIXFS. The AE utility is called with these specifications. It retrieves the requested information on the Unix file system. It is not necessary to replace the question marks in the program name. The utility can be called in this way after a correct installationnull.
The outfile is transferred to the Automation EngineDiese Komponente steuert ein Automation Engine-System. Besteht aus verschiedenen Serverprozessen. via file transfer and is then available as a data sequence. The execution of the job EVENT.UNIXFS is then completed.
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The function PREP_PROCESS returns a value that is a handle for information on the data sequence that will be processed.
This value is passed to the statement :PROCESS as a start parameter, :PROCESS and :ENDPROCESS then form a processing loop which, in this case, will be cycled until the end of the data sequence is reached. During each iteration a new line of the data sequence is fetched from memory. The function GET_PROCESS_LINE can - by using the current value - retrieve the content of the current line.
In the example, the current console line is written to the activation protocol.
The :STOP statement interrupts the execution and displays this activation report.