Return Codes of z/OS Jobs

The agent logs all errors in the job's activation report and sets a return code depending on the job execution. The value as of which the job should be canceled can be defined in the JobVerarbeitung auf einem Zielsystem. Auch ein eigener Objekttyp in der Automation Engine. object's Runtime tab.

You can also define value ranges for the steps instead of  individual return codes. The agent compares the result of a step execution with the defined step list.

z/OS distinguishes three types of return codes: Condition Code, User Abend and System Abend. The agent uses number ranges each of 4 KB in order to assign the return codes.

Type of return code



Condition Code

0 to 4095

0000 - 0FFF (0 to 4095)

User Abend

U0000 to U4095

1000 - 1FFF (4096 to 8191)

System Abend

S000 to SFFF

2000 - 2FFF (8192 to 12287)

The return code of a Job object must be specified as a decimal number. Thus, User and System Abends must be converted to decimal numbers.


Return code SB37 indicates a full volume while a file is being written. The corresponding decimal number is 11063.

See also:

Runtime tab