Installing the CA 7 Data Provider for AAI

This topic describes the steps to install the CA 7 Data Provider for AAI:

  1. Extract the installation package.

    1. Upload the CA 7 Data Provider for AAI R1.5 Build 210621 Installation Package file called CA7_Data_Provider_<version>.pax.Z to a zFS/HFS directory in USS (OMVS).

      Use the binary mode for the file transfer.

    2. Start an OMVS session and change the directory to the location where you have saved the CA7_Data_Provider_<version>.pax.Z file.

    3. To extract the content of the pax format file, issue the following command: pax –rvf CA7_Data_Provider_<version>.pax.Z.

  2. To start the Installer program, issue the following command: ./AIS7_Installer.

    The CA 7 Data Provider for AAI R1.5 Installer program will prompt for several values before performing the system install:

    • High Level Qualifier (HLQ)


      High Level Qualifier (HLQ) to be used when creating the installation libraries. The installation libraries will be created using dataset names: your_HLQ.AIS7INST.CAI7xxxx.

    • SMS Class values

      Optional, can be null. If null, your user ID/system default SMS Class values are used for the allocation if SMS is active.

      Three prompts for the SMS Class values to be used for the allocation of the installation libraries (Management, Storage and Data).

    • Volume Serial number

      Optional, can be null. If null, case a system default volume would be used. If SMS is active then this value will be overridden by SMS at allocation time.

      Volume Serial number to be used for the allocation of the installation libraries if SMS is not used.

    • Assigned zFS/HFS directory

      zFS/HFS directory into which the CA 7 Data Provider for AAI OMVS executables will be stored. This directory must already exist.

    • Confirmation

      Prompt to confirm the installation value.

      Enter Y to execute the install. Enter EXIT to terminate the Installer program without any installation being performed.

  3. Review the messages issued during the installation process to ensure all activities completed successfully.


You must repeat this process on each LPAR where a CA7 Server for aai will run to install the OMVS executables. However, the z/OS Libraries created during the install can be discarded and the original (first) install libraries used for all instances.

Installer Log

==================== CA 7 Server for AAI R1.5 Build 210621 =================== 
=                                                                            = 
=                              System Installer                              = 
=                                                                            = 
CA 7 Server for AAI R1.5 Installation Library Allocation Settings              
Installation Libraries will be created as :                                    
Enter "your_hlq" or EXIT to end Installer                                      
Allocation can use SMS Class values or a specific Volume                       
Enter "Management Class" value or blank for defaults                           
Enter "Storage Class" value or blank for defaults                              
Enter "Data Class" value or blank for defaults                                
Enter "Volume Serial" value or blank for defaults                             
CA 7 Server for AAI R1.5 Execution Home Directory settings                    
Modules are copied to the CA 7 Server for AAI £HOME directory                 
   e.g.  "/opt/CA/AIS7"                                                       
Enter full £HOME path or EXIT to end Installer                                
=                                                                            =
=               CA 7 Server for AAI R1.5 Installation Settings               =
=                                                                            =
Installation Package Directory             = /u/users/shebi01/AIS7PCKG        
Installation Library High Level Qualifier  = CAI                         
SMS Management Class                       =                                  
SMS Storage Class                          =                                  
SMS Data Class                             =                                  
Volume Serial Number                       =                                  
CA 7 Server for AAI £HOME Directory        = /opt/CA/AIS7             
                             ===>  WARNING  <===                              
               Existing Installation Libraries will be deleted                
              Existing £HOME Execution Modules will be replaced               
              Enter "EXIT" and rename to save current Libraries               
Enter "Y" to Confirm Installation or "EXIT" to terminate Installer            
AI7.IN02I: Installation process starting on 21/06/21 at 17:35:12               
AI7.IN03I: Deleting any existing Package XMIT z/OS datasets                    
AI7.IN04I: Creating temporary Package XMIT z/OS datasets                       
AI7.IN09I: Temporary XMIT z/OS datasets successfully created                   
AI7.IN10I: Copying XMIT Package files to z/OS XMIT datasets                    
AI7.IN12I: Package file CAI7CLS0.XMIT successfully copied                      
AI7.IN14I: Package file CAI7ISPF.XMIT successfully copied                      
AI7.IN16I: Package file CAI7JCL.XMIT successfully copied                       
AI7.IN18I: Package file CAI7LOAD.XMIT successfully copied                      
AI7.IN19I: Deleting any existing Installation Libraries                        
AI7.IN20I: Creating Installation Libraries for RECEIVE processing              
AI7.IN25I: Installation Libraries successfully created                         
AI7.IN26I: Executing RECEIVE commands to build Installation Libraries          
AI7.IN29I: XMIT dataset RECEIVE processing successfully completed              
AI7.IN30I: Copying Executables to /opt/CA/AIS7                         
AI7.IN35I: Executable modules successfully copied to /opt/CA/AIS7      
AI7.IN36I: Installation successfully completed on 21/06/21 at 17:35:15         
=                                                                            = 
=                           Installation Completed                           = 
=                                                                            = 
==================== CA 7 Server for AAI R1.5 Build 210621 ===================

See also: