Executing an Object
- Manually executing the job
Lesson 4
The previous lesson explained how to create a Job object. This job should now be executed. Executed objects are also referred to as tasks. Hence the processing of objects is described whenever the Automation Engine Documentation refers to tasks.
- Highlight the Job object in the Explorer.
- Start processing it with the
toolbar button.
- The task is now displayed in the Activity Window. How long it remains there depends on the commands that have been specified in its Process tab. Comprehensive scripts produce longer job runtimes whereas simple commands have the effect that the job remains in the Activity Window only for a few seconds.
When the job ends, the task is by default removed from the Activity Window. The Attributes tab of the Job object, however, can be used to change this setting.

The Activity Window contains many columns which provide information about tasks such as object name, start time and RunID. The RunID is a run number which is used in executions.
- Right-click a task in the Activity Window and select the command Detail in order to obtain further information about the execution.

- If some peculiarities occur during the execution (such as the host is not active), an appropriate text is output in the Message Window.
Execute the Job object without having a Login object specified in the Notification tab Refer to the text that is supplied in the Message Window. Correct this error by selecting the right Login object and restarting the object. Now the Message Window displays that the job has ended normally.