Statistics and Reports
- Calling the statistics of a job
- Reading a job report
Lesson 5
Meeting auditing requirements is highly important in the Automation Engine. Many functionalities support these requirements by providing detailed information about what is going on in your AE system. This includes the statistics of objects which contain information about executions.
Now let's call the statistics of your Job object:
- Highlight the Job object in the Explorer.
- Open the statistics overview with the
button in the toolbar.

Each line stands for one object execution. The columns in the statistical overview are essentially identical to those of the Activity Window.
- Right-click on a statistical entry and select the command Detail. The Detail Window opens and provides additional information about the execution.
- The report can be called in the very same way. Depending on the object type and complexity of the execution, it can comprise of several pages.

- Close the Detail Window, the report and the statistics overview.
Read through the reports and Detail Windows of your Job object to get detailed information about their executions.