All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbortAction |
Condition action that aborts the workflow.
AbstractDocumentation |
This class is the base class of text and xml documentations.
AbstractFormItem |
Shared implementation for each concrecte form item.
AbstractTask |
This is the base class of tasks (active or archived).
AccessTokenConfiguration |
Configuration containing an access token
Action |
Action on the Pre-Condition or Post-Condition tab of an Automation Engine Workflow task.
ActivateLDAPConnection |
Activates the LDAP connection of a user.
ActivateObject |
Sets an object active or inactive.
ActivationProtocol |
Activation Protocol Message.
ActivatorStatistics |
Reads the activator statistics of a specified RunID.
ActiveNotifications |
Returns a list of active notifications.
ActiveNotifications.Entry |
This class represents a row in the table of active notifications.
ActivityList |
Returns a list of tasks according to the TaskFilter .
ActivityList.GroupingType |
Grouping criteria for the activity window.
ActivityNotificationOn |
Enables activity Kicks.
ActivitySettings |
This class represents the settings for the activity refresh.
AddComment |
Adds a comment to a task.
AddJobPlanTask |
Returns a JobPlan Task.
AddPromptSet |
Returns a PromptSet definition.
AddScheduleMonitorTask |
Adds a task to a started schedule via its monitor.
AddScheduleTask |
Reads a task description.
AdoptTask |
Taskes over a task in the activity window.
AEConnection |
Interface for a connection to the Automation Engine.
AEConnectionPool |
Maintains a pool of connections.
AES.Mode |
encryption operating modes
AgentAndGroupList |
Retrieves a list of agents and agentgroups in the current client matching the
specified filter.
AgentAndGroupList.AgentAndGroupListFilter |
Cut the result of the list by using this filter.
AgentAndGroupList.AgentOrGroupListItem |
Represents an agent or an agentgroup in the list.
AgentAssignment |
This class represents an HSTA object (agent assignment).
AgentAssignmentFilter |
This class represents the filter tab of an HSTA object.
AgentAssignmentFilter.Item |
This class represents a row in the filter table.
AgentAssignmentList |
List of Agent Assignments in the system overview.
AgentAssignmentListItem |
This class represents a row in the Agent assignment list in the system overview.
AgentGroupList |
Get a list of host groups.
AgentGroupListItem |
This class describes one item of the AgentGroup list in the system overview.
AgentGroupMonitor |
Reads monitor of an Agent Group.
AgentGroupSimulation |
Simulation view of an AgentGroup.
AgentList |
Gets a list of Agents.
AgentList.Filter |
Filter in the Agent list.
AgentListItem |
This class describes one item of the Agent list in the system overview.
AgentStatus |
Status of an Agent.
ArrayListDecorator<T> |
Adds notification behavior to java.util.ArrayList
AsyncMessage |
Represents an asynchronous message.
AttributesBS2000 |
Host attributes for BS2000 Jobs.
AttributesGCOS8 |
Host attributes for GCOS 8.
AttributesJMX |
Host attributes for JMX Jobs.
AttributesMPE |
Host attributes for MPE.
AttributesNSK |
Host attributes for NSK Jobs.
AttributesOA |
Host attributes for Oracle Applications Jobs.
AttributesOS390 |
Host attributes for OS/390.
AttributesOS400 |
Host attributes for OS/400 Jobs.
AttributesPS |
Host attributes for PeopleSoft Jobs.
AttributesRA |
Host attributes for RA Jobs.
AttributesSAP |
Host attributes for SAP Jobs.
AttributesSiebel |
Host attributes for Siebel Jobs.
AttributesSLO |
This class represents information of the attributes tab of an object.
AttributesSQL |
Host attributes for SQL Jobs.
AttributesUnix |
Host attributes for UNIX Jobs.
AttributesVMS |
Host attributes for VMS Jobs.
AttributesWin |
Host attributes for Windows Jobs.
AuthenticateAgent |
This request represents the menu item "Authenticate Agent" in the system overview of client zero.
Authorizations |
Authorizations of Agents.
Authorizations.Entry |
Represents a single authorization for a client.
BackendCommand |
This class represents a Command (row) on the Variable of the type BACKEND.
BackendVariable |
Backend Variable.
BlockAction |
Blocks the according branch in the ProcessFlow (as 'else block' in V8 or lower)
without checking of further conditions.
C1 |
C2 |
CacheList |
Cache list.
CacheListItem |
One row of the cache list.
Calendar |
Calendar object.
CalendarCondition |
This class represents a calendar condition.
CalendarKeyword |
Calendar Keyword.
CalendarList |
Lists CALE object names or keywords of a specified calendar.
CalendarList.CalendarListItem |
Stores the name of a calendar/keyword its unique id.
CancelForm |
Cancels a pending Read Request.
CancelProcessFlowAction |
Cancels a ProcessFlow without checking of further conditions.
CancelProcessFlowAction.Scope |
CancelTask |
Cancels a task.
CauDeploy |
Upgrades agents to a specific version via Central Agent Upgrade (CAU) functionality.
CauSkipWaiting |
Host that are registered for CAU can be skipped with this class.
ChangeLogging |
Change Server or Agent/AgentGroup logging.
ChangePassword |
Changes the password of the currently logged on user.
ChangeQueueAction |
Changes the Queue defined in the task.
ChangeServerMode |
Switches a Server processes between WP, Dialog and Primary.
CheckActivitiesCondition |
Checks the status of an activity.
CheckAuthorizations |
Checks object or execution authorizations of the currently logged on UC4 user.
CheckAuthorizations.Candidate |
This class represents a candidate to test.
CheckBackSettings |
This class represents the check-back settings.
CheckConnectionCondition |
Checks the connection to a remote system, if the tasks has a connection.
CheckFileCondition |
Checks if a file exists.
CheckGroupElement |
This class represents a group of check boxes.
CheckHistoryCondition |
Checks if the last execution of an object satisfies the
defined status and the defined satisfaction lead time.
CheckILMPartition |
Checks whether the specified partition includes active objects.
CheckILMPartitionItem |
This class represents one row in the ILM check partition table.
CheckListElement |
This class represents a check list prompt element.
CheckProcessCondition |
Checks if a particular process is running on the host system.
CheckProcessCondition.ProcessStatus |
Process status.
CheckUserPrivileges |
Checks privileges of users.
CheckUserPrivileges.Candidate |
Stores the name of the user, a privilege to check and the result of the check after the request has been sent.
ChildStatistics |
Reads the child statistics of a specified RunID.
CITEncryption |
Decrypts passwords in RA connection objects.
ClearTransportCase |
Removes all objects from the transport folder.
ClearVariableAction |
Deletes the content of a static variable.
Client |
This class represents a UC4 CLNT object.
ClientList |
Client list of the system overview.
ClientListItem |
This class represents one row in the client list of the system overview.
ClientQueueList |
ClientQueueList.Entry |
CloseEvent |
CloseObject |
Closes an open UC4 Objekt.
CloseProcessFlowModification |
Commits or resets the changes of a ProcessFlow monitor which is open for modification.
ClosePrompt |
Close a prompt window.
Cockpit |
Represents the Cockpit object CPIT.
CockpitBar |
Represents the Bar control of the Cockpit .
CockpitBox |
Represents the Box control of the Cockpit .
CockpitControl |
CockpitControlDataSource |
Represents the data source of a CockpitControl object.
CockpitDesign |
Represents the Cockpit tab of the Cockpit object.
CockpitFrame |
Represents the Frame control of the Cockpit .
CockpitLamp |
Represents the Lamp control of the Cockpit .
CockpitMonitorDefiniton |
Gets the design of the Cockpit monitor.
CockpitPie |
Represents the Pie control of the Cockpit .
CockpitThresholds |
Represents the Threshold values for the CockpitControl Pie, Bar and TrafficLight.
CockpitTrafficLights |
Represents the Traffic light control of the Cockpit .
CockpitValueControl |
Basis for all Cockpit control with values.
CockpitValueControl.ValueFormat |
Format of the 2nd caption of the CockpitControl .
CodeTable |
This class represents a Automic CodeTable object.
ComboElement |
This class represents a combo prompt element.
ComponentWorkflowObjectName |
This class represents a template information of a component workflow.
CompositeSslContextFactory |
CompositeVariable |
This class represents the panel "Variable" of an VARA Object with the source "Composite".
CompositeVariable.Operation |
Condition |
Condition of a JobPlan task (PreCondition or PostCondition).
ConditionOrAction |
Base class of all Conditions or Actions.
ConditionsSet |
Container for conditions.
ConfirmQuarantineMessage |
Flags a quarantine message as noted.
Connection |
This class represents a connection to the UC4 Server with a specific UC4 user.
ConnectionAttributes |
This class contains information about the connection to the UC4 Server.
ConnectionException |
Is thrown when a connection error occurs.
ConnectProperties |
Contains all properties which are required to connect to the Automation Engine.
ConsoleBS2000 |
Console settings for BS2000.
ConsoleEvent |
Console Event.
ConsoleEventSetting |
Sub classes contain additional fields that are specific for a certain Operating System.
ConsoleOS390 |
Console Event settings for OS/390.
ConsoleOS390.ConsoleOS390Filter |
This class represents a single filter entry for OS/390 Console Events.
ConsoleOS400 |
Settings for OS/400.
ConsoleOS400.ConsoleOS400Filter |
This class represents a single filter for a OS/400 Console Event.
ConsoleSAP |
SAP Console Event.
ConsoleSAP.EventHistoryFilter |
This clas represents a single entry in the SAP ConsoleEvent of
DataSource Event History.
ConsoleSAP.JavaEventHistoryFilter |
This class represents a single entry in the SAP ConsoleEvent of
DataSource Java Event History.
ConsoleSAP.XIChannelFilter |
An instance of this class represents a single entry in the
list of filter for XI Communication channels.
ConsoleWindows |
Console Event Settings for Windows.
ConsoleWindows.ConsoleWindowsFilter |
An instance of this class reprensents a single filter line.
CPTraceOptions |
Data interface between applications.
CreateFolder |
Creates objects like die Dialog Client
CreateObject |
Creates a new UC4 Object.
CreateSession |
Login to UC4.
CurrentQueueCondition |
Checks the Queue the task will run in.
CurrentTimeCondition |
Checks the (physical) time in the timezone the object was started in.
CurrentTimeCondition.When |
When operator.
CustomAttribute |
Custom Attribute.
CustomAttributeFilter |
CyclicException |
A CyclicException is thrown if a JobPlan contains cycles.
Dashboard |
Dashboard object.
DatabaseConnection |
This class represents a CONN.DB Object.
DatabaseConnection.DatabaseType |
Type of the database.
DatabaseEvent |
Database event.
DatabaseEventSettings |
This class provides acccess to Database Event settings.
DatabaseEventValue |
Represents a value in the database event.
DateElement |
This class represents a date prompt element.
DateTime |
This class represents a local date and time.
DeactivateCondition |
This class contains deactivate condititions.
DeactivateCondition.Type |
Type of the deactivate condition.
DeactivateLDAPConnection |
Deactivates the LDAP connection of a user.
DeactivateTask |
Deactivates a task in the UC4 Activity window.
DebugAndTraceListener |
A debug and trace listener for the connection process and communication between
a Connection and the One Automation Engine communication process.
DeepRename |
Rename an object including all objects in the same folder and below.
DeepRename.AbortIfNameExistsMode |
DeepRename.IncludeFolderNamesMode |
DefaultNotificationListener |
Default Implementation of the INotificationListener interface.
DeleteAgentAssignment |
This class is used to delete the AgentAssignment from the SystemOverview in
Client Zero.
DeleteLink |
Deletes links of UC4 object(s).
DeleteMQMemList |
Request to delete one or more entries in the MQMEM table.
DeleteObject |
Deletes an UC4 object.
DeleteQuarantineMessage |
Removes a message from the quarantine list of the system overview.
DeleteStaticVaraRow |
Deletet a list of variable rows, specified by their keys.
DeleteStorageEntry |
DeleteStorageEntry is used to delete the resource item in the storage
Storage object.
Deployment |
This class represents the deployment tab of a ProcessFlow.
DetailGroup |
This class represents a Group in the Detail of a task.
DisconnectAgentGroup |
Disconnects all Agents in the specified AgentGroup.
DisconnectHost |
Disconnects the specified Agent(s).
DisconnectUser |
Disconnects a user.
DocuContainer |
This class represents the documentation tab of an Automation Engine object.
Documentation |
This class represents a DOCU Object.
DownloadBinary |
Downloads a file from a STORE object.
DropILMPartition |
Deletes the specified ILM partition.
DuplicateObject |
Duplicates an UC4 Object.
DynamicExecVariable |
Dynamic Executable Variable.
DynamicSQLVariable |
Dynamic Database Variable.
DynamicSQLVariableIntern |
Internal database variable.
EditorSettings |
This class represents the Script Editor settings.
Encryption |
Util class for AES Encryption, which is used for passwords of login objects
EnforcePreConditionEvaluation |
Enforeces the evaluation of Pre-Conditions.
ERPFormsSettings |
This class represents the ERP Forms settings.
ErtUsage |
The Enum represent ERT usage value for a Variables.
EstimatedRuntime |
Estimated Runtime.
EventAttributes |
Attributes of this event object.
EventCalendar |
This class represents the calendar tab on an Event object.
EventCalendarItem |
This class represents a single line in the "Calendar" tab of an Event object.
EventSettings |
This class represents the "Event" tab of an Event object.
ExecuteAgentAssignment |
Executes an Agent Assignment (HSTA).
ExecuteObject |
Executes an UC4 Object.
ExecuteObjectAction |
Starts any Automation Engine object.
ExecuteObjects |
Executes list of UC4Objects and returns the corresponding response list
ExecuteRecurring |
Recurring definition of a task.
ExecuteTestOptions |
Various test options are available in order to execute objects with options.
ExitList |
List of password exits.
ExitListItem |
This class represents a row in the password exit list in the system overview.
ExportAuthenticationPackage |
Export authentication package of an agent.
ExportCompanyKey |
Exports the company key.
ExportObject |
Exports an UC4 Object.
ExportWithReferences |
Exports an object and all its referenced objects.
ExtendedReports |
Extended Reports.
FileEvent |
FileListVariable |
This class represents the panel "Variable" of an VARA Object with the source "Filelist".
FileSystem |
This class represents the "FileSystem" tab of an file event object.
FileTransfer |
This class represents a FileTransfer Object.
FileTransferAttributes |
Filetransfer attributes.
FileTransferSettings |
This class contains settings for the FileTransfer object ("FileTransfer")-Tab.
FindReferencedObjects |
Returns a list of objects that are used within an executable object.
FolderImpl |
Implementation of the folder interface
FolderList |
Lists the content of a folder.
FolderListItem |
This class represents one object in a folder.
FolderTree |
Returns the folder structure of the UC4 client.
FontSettings |
This class represents the Font settings.
FontSettings.Size |
Font size.
FontSettings.Style |
Font style.
ForceMemoryTrace |
ForecastTaskState |
List of valid status values for a forecast.
Form |
Form for interactive user input.
FormItemLabel |
This class represents a label in a Form .
FormItemList |
This class is used for fields which contain a list of predefined values.
FormItemNumber |
This class is used for fields which can only contain numbers.
FormItemText |
This class is used for text input fields and date fields.
GeneralSettings |
This class represents the general settings.
GeneralSettings.MagneticWindows |
Setting for magnetic windows.
GeneralSettings.ToolbarLabel |
Toolbar label location.
GenericStatistics |
Generic Statistics search.
GetActivitiesFilter |
Returns a list of objects types which can be used to filter tasks.
GetAgentGroupMonitorProperties |
This class is used to get AgentGroup options of a RunID.
GetAgentGroupProperties |
Returns the properties of an Agent Group.
GetAgentProperties |
Returns the properties of an Agent.
GetCAUAgentVersions |
Returns an ordered list of available CAU versions for an agent platform, starting with the latest version.
GetChangeLog |
Returns a list of recent changes in the current client.
GetChangeLog.Entry |
Represents a row in the result of the change list.
GetComments |
Returns the comments of a task.
GetComments.Comment |
This class represents a single comment from one user.
GetComponentTemplates |
Creates a list of objects which are
templates for Component Workflows of a specific component type.
GetComponentWorkflows |
Creates a list of existing Component Workflows for a specific application or all applications.
GetCPProperties |
Returns the trace options for a Communication Process using existing XREQ
GetDatabaseInfo |
Reads information about the UC4 Database.
GetDatabaseInfo.MQEntry |
This class stores information about a message queue table.
GetDeploymentProperties |
read the deployment properties (Deployment Tab) after the task was activated (EH).
GetDeployObjectProperties |
Returns the name of an Application Release Automation ProcessFlow based on the
Application and Workflow name.
GetDynamicComboList |
Returns a list of elements for a combo element, radio list or checklist in a PromptSet.
GetExecuteOnce |
Reads the settings of a task that is or will be started with "Execute - Once..."
GetExecutePeriod |
Reads Properties of a periodical Task.
GetGroupMonitorProperties |
This class is used to get Group options of a RunID.
GetLastRuntimes |
Returns real runtimes (RRT) and estimated runtimes (ERT)
of the last 25 runs of an activatable object.
GetModifyQueue |
Class to fetch the modify queue data for a particular Queue.
GetObjectDocu |
Provides read only access to the documentation of an UC4 object.
GetObjectProperties |
Returns information about an UC4 object.
GetOutputDirectory |
Returns a list of reports (external and in UC4 DB) of a Job.
GetOutputDirectory.OutputDirectoryItem |
This class represents a single row in the Output directory.
GetQuarantineMessage |
Gets quarantine message trace options.
GetRAAgentNames |
Returns a list of RA Agent names.
GetRAConnectionNames |
Used to return the names of connection objects.
GetRAConnectionValues |
Returns the content of an CONN object.
GetRAJobNames |
Returns names of RA Jobs.
GetReplaceList |
Returns list of UC4 Objects in which the specified UC4 Object is used.
GetReplaceList.ReplaceListItem |
Represents an item in the replace list.
GetRestartInformation |
Returns restart information of the specified task.
GetRestEndpoints |
Requests all available REST endpoints of a running AE.
GetRestEndpoints.RestEndpoint |
Represents one REST endpoint which consists of a URL.
GetSessionTZ |
Request that gets the used TimeZone of the Session.
GetStaticVaraRows |
Returns a list of rows according to the specified key-filters supplied by the constructor.
GetStorageItems |
Lists all resources from a storage object.
GetSyncMonitor |
This request can be used to read the current state and value
of a SYNC object.
GetSyncUsage |
Returns a list of SYNC Object names that are currently used.
GetUnreadMessages |
Returns a list of unread messages.
GetWPProperties |
Returns the trace options for a Work Process using existing XREQ
Group |
This class represents a UC4 JOBG object.
GroupAttributes |
JobGroup attributes.
GroupCalendarKeyword |
This class represents a group calendar keyword.
GroupMonitor |
Reads a Group monitor.
GroupMonitor.Task |
This class represents a task in the Group monitor.
HasAlias |
Interface that indicates the availability of an alias.
Header |
This class represents information of the header tab of an object.
Host |
An instance of this class represents a single HOST object.
HostAttributes |
This class represents the "Attributes" tab in HOST objects.
HostGroup |
Hostgroup object.
HostGroupItem |
This class represents a single filter entry in HOSTG objects.
HostTraceOptions |
HostTraceOptions acts as data interface for using applciations.
HostTraceOptions.HostTraceFlag |
HostTraceFlag ist used to represent the data for a particular trace flag
such as its index.
HostTraceOptions.HostTraceTriggerType |
Enumeration for HostTraceTrigger types
HostTraceOptions.HostTraceType |
Enumeration for HostTrace types
ICallOperatorCondition |
This class represents a row in the Operator assignments of a Notification.
IChangeListener |
Interface used by listeners to get information if an object changes
ICloseEventListener |
Listener can implement this interface to be notified on close.
IFolder |
This interface represents a folder.
IFormItem |
This interface is implemented by all item in a read form.
IgnoreAgentResources |
Ignores Agent Resources
IgnoreConditions |
Ignores a Pre-Condition.
IgnoreQueueLimit |
Ignores the Queue Limit.
IgnoreTaskSyncCondition |
Ignores the sync condition of Job.
IHostAttributes |
Interface for host attributes of a Job.
IKickEventListener |
Listener can implement this interface to be notified on kicks.
ILMHistoryItem |
This class represents a row in the ILM history table.
ILMList |
Represents the ILM menu item in the system overview.
ILMPartitionItem |
This class represents a row in the ILM partition table of the system overview.
ImportObject |
Imports UC4 Objects.
Include |
This class represents Include objects.
INotificationListener |
Listener can implement this interface to be notified on events.
InternalException |
An InternalException is thrown if there is an Error in the API.
InvalidUC4NameException |
This runtime exception is thrown if the name of an object is invalid.
IResponseHandler |
Used to handle the response of asynchronous requests.
ITaskItem |
Contains common methods of tasks in a Workflow and Schedule.
ITransportable |
Classes that provide transportable Automation Engine Objects must implement this interface.
ITreeItem |
This interface is implemented by all item of a navigator tree.
This class represents the JCL tab of JOBS monitor.
Job |
This is the base class for all jobs.
JobAttributes |
This class represents the attributes of a job.
JobPlan |
This class represents a standard Workflow object.
JobPlanAttributes |
This class repesents JobPlan attributes.
JobPlanCheckpoint |
JobPlanDependencies |
JobPlan task dependencies.
JobPlanEarliest |
This class can be used to specify the earliest starting time for a task in a JobPlan.
JobPlanExternal |
External Dependency.
JobPlanMonitor |
Reads a JobPlan Monitor.
JobPlanMonitor.JobPlanMonitorExternal |
JobPlanMonitor.JobPlanMonitorRuntime |
JobPlanMonitor.Task |
Task in the ProcessFlow monitor.
JobPlanTask |
Task in the JobPlan.
JobPlanTaskDependency |
This class represents a single JobPlan dependency.
KickEvent |
KickEventType |
Represents a KickEventType of a KickEventType to distinguish which KickEvent is performed.
LabelElement |
This class represents a label prompt element.
LatestReport |
Returns the latest RunID for the specified UC4 Object name or UC4 Object Id.
LicenseList |
LicenseListItem |
LifecycleSaveAware |
This interface allows objects that implemented to be notified
after save operations were executed on the object.
LinkTo |
Creates a link to an UC4 object.
Login |
Login object.
LoginDefinition |
This class represents a single entry a Login object.
LoopDataSource |
This class represents the datasource in a ProcessFlow loop.
MaximumRuntime |
This class represents the maximum runtime settings.
MaxParallel |
This class contains information about the maximum number of parallel tasks.
MessageBox |
This class a represents a message box.
MessageList |
Find messages in the Automation Engine.
MessageList.Category |
Category of the message.
MessageList.MessageType |
Type of the message.
MessageList.Order |
Sort order.
MessageListItem |
This class represents one row in the search result of the MessageList .
MessageSettings |
This class represents the message window settings.
MessageSettings.OpenMessages |
Automatically open messages.
MinimumRuntime |
This class represents the settings for Minimum Runtime.
ModifyNotificationMonitor |
This class can be used to modify the monitor of a notification (Accept, Reject, Done, Yes, No, Ok).
ModifyNotificationMonitor.Action |
Action in a notification monitor.
ModifyProcessFlowMonitor |
Adds a task or changes an existing task in a ProcessFlow monitor which is opened for modification.
ModifyQueue |
Modifies a queue.
ModifyQueueStatus |
Sets the status of a Queue to Stop or Go.
ModifyRecurringTask |
Modifies a recurring task.
ModifyStartTime |
Modifies the start time of a task was executed once and is waiting for its start time.
ModifyStateAction |
Sets return code without checking of further conditions.
ModifyTaskPriority |
Modifies the UC4 priority of task.
ModifyTaskState |
Modifies an UC4 Object state manually.
ModifyUISettings |
Saves User Interface settings of the current logged on user.
MonthlyCalendarKeyword |
This class represents a monthly calendar keyword.
MoveAgentAssignment |
This class is used to move the AgentAssignment from the active to inactive
MoveObject |
Moves objects.
MoveUserToClient |
Moves a user from client 0 to another client.
MQMemList |
Class for a list of MQMEM entries
MQMemListItem |
Description for one mqmem entry
NATDocument |
This is only a sub class of XMLDocument in order to keep the API compatible and hide the fact that
it now also sends messages in the NAT protocol instead of XML.
NavigatorAgentTree |
Represents the agent tree in the activity window navigator.
NavigatorAgentTree.AgentLeaf |
Represents a leaf in the NavigatorAgentTree .
NavigatorAgentTree.AgentNode |
Represents a node in the NavigatorAgentTree .
NavigatorCATree |
Represents the Custom Attributes tree in the activity window navigator.
NavigatorCATree.CustomAttributeLeaf |
Represents a leaf in the NavigatorCATree .
NavigatorCATree.CustomAttributeNode |
Represents a node in the NavigationCATree .
NavigatorQueueTree |
Represents the queue tree in the activity window navigator.
NavigatorQueueTree.QueueLeaf |
Represents a leaf in the NavigatorQueueTree .
NavigatorQueueTree.QueueNode |
Represents a node in the NavigatorQueueTree .
NavigatorStatusTree |
Represents the status tree in the activity window navigator.
NavigatorZDUTree |
Returns the Zero Downtime Upgrade tree.
NavigatorZDUTree.ZDUNode |
Represents a node in the NavigationZDUTree .
Nonnull |
Denotes that a type (parameter, field, method return value, ...) can never be null.
NoRemoveIterator<E> |
Implementation of the iterator interface.
Notification |
Notification Object.
NotificationAttributes |
Notification attributes.
NotificationMonitor |
Reads the monitor of a notification.
NotificationMonitor.CallStatus |
This inner class represents a row in the calling status table of this notification monitor.
NotificationMonitor.Type |
Notification type.
NotificationSettings |
This class represents the "Notification" tab within a Notification object.
NotificationSettings.ReportSource |
Report source.
NotificationState |
Finds the highest Notification priority for current user.
Nullable |
Denotes that a type (parameter, field, method return value, ...) can be null.
NumberElement |
Number field.
NumberUtils |
ObjectAuthorizations |
This class serves to define access rights for a UC4Objects.
ObjectFactory |
Creates new tasks in Workflow without a check if there is an existing definition in the Automation Engine.
ObjectRight |
This class represents a row on the authorizations tab of an object.
ObjectStatistics |
Reads the statistics of a single UC4 object.
ObjectTypeFilter |
This is a abstract base class for filters which needs object types.
ObjectValues |
This class contains values and PromptSets of executable Objects.
OCVPanel |
This class provides access to the values of Connection Objects and Rapid Automation Jobs.
OCVPanel.CITValue |
This class represents a single row in this panel.
OnChangeResetElement |
Abstract class which adds OnChangeReset-functionality to a PromptElement.
OpenObject |
Opens an existing UC4 Object.
OpenProcessFlowModification |
Sets the modification mode of a ProcessFlow.
Operator |
Operator settings of an Nofitication.
OutputFiles |
This class represents the "Output" tab of Job objects.
OutputFilter |
Output Filter.
OutputFilter.Entry |
This class represents a single filter definition in an OutputFilter object.
OutputFilter.Operator |
OutputScan |
This class represents the Output-Scan tab in AE-Object definitions.
OutputScan.Inherit |
Inherit setting.
OutputScanFilter |
This class represents a single row Output-Scan tab of an Automation Engine Object.
ParentStatistics |
Reads the parent statistics of a specified RunID.
Period |
An object that holds settings that may be used for periodic execution of tasks.
PlatformSwHwType |
Combined type of Platform, SW, HW of the file.
PreviewAssignment |
PreviewVariable |
Preview of an SQL and Backend Variables.
ProcessFlowGeneral |
This class can be used to access the "General" tab of a task in a
ProcessFlowGeneral.DeploymentDependency |
ProcessFlowSettings |
This class represents the Process Flow settings.
ProcessFlowSettings.AskForAlias |
Open dialog box for alias input when a task is added to a process flow.
ProcessFlowSettings.ElseAction |
Default Else action of tasks in a ProcessFlow.
ProcessFlowSettings.ExternalTaskStatus |
Status for external tasks.
PromptDesigner |
This class is used to design Prompt Elements.
PromptElement |
Basis class of all prompt elements.
PromptInputHelp |
Returns a table with values for input help in PromptElements.
PromptInterfaces |
Interfaces to allow access to properties shared by multiple prompt elements.
PromptInterfaces.Caption |
Implemented if the prompt element contains captions.
PromptInterfaces.Constraints<T> |
Represents min/max constraints.
PromptInterfaces.DataReference |
Implemented if the prompt element contains a data reference.
PromptInterfaces.Focus |
Implemented if the prompt element has a property to set the focus for user input.
PromptInterfaces.ItemList |
Represents the item list property.
PromptInterfaces.Locked |
Represents the locked property.
PromptInterfaces.MultiSelect |
Implemented if the prompt element contains a multi select.
PromptInterfaces.OutputFormat |
Implemented if the prompt element contains an output format.
PromptInterfaces.QuoteCharacter |
Implemented if the prompt element contains a quote character property.
PromptInterfaces.ValueRequired |
Implemented if the prompt has a property for required values.
PromptInterfaces.XmlKey |
Implemented if the prompt element contains an XML key.
PromptInterfaces.XPath |
Implemented if the prompt element contains a XPath field.
PromptSet |
This class represents a PromptSet Object in the Automation Engine.
PromptSetDefinition |
This class is created using the request com.uc4.communication.AddPromptSet An
instance of this class can be added to executable Objects (for example Jobs)
and default values for PromptElements can be set.
PromptSetDefinition.PromptElementTable |
Enum for all the various tables where prompt values can be stored
PromptVariableEncoder |
Encodes variable names.
PSRemoteTaskManager |
RemoteTaskManager for PeopleSoft.
PSRemoteTaskManagerFilter |
Filter for PeopleSoft RemoteTaskManager objects.
PublishValueAction |
Publish a value.
QuarantineList |
List of invalid messages which caused a failure in the server process.
QuarantineListItem |
This class represents one row in the Quarantine list.
QueryData |
Returns exactly one table based on query parameters.
QueryData.Row |
This class represents a row in the returned result set.
Queue |
Queue Object.
QueueAttributes |
This class represents the "Queue" tab of a Queue object.
QueueExceptionCondition |
This class represents a single line in the Exception table of a Queue object.
QueueList |
Returns the list of Queue .
QueueListItem |
This class represents a single row in the queue list of the system overview.
QueueManagerAttributes |
Attributes of JOBQ Objects.
QueueStatus |
Status of a Queue object.
QuickSearch |
Gets a list of object names which contain a defined pattern.
QuickSearchItem |
This class represents a line the quick access list.
QuitTask |
Quits an active task.
RAConnection |
This class represents an RA Connection Object.
RadioGroupElement |
This class represents a radio group element.
RASolution |
This class represents a CITC Object.
RC4 |
Encryption class using RC4 cipher
ReEvaluateAtAction |
Exits current evaluation cycle.
ReEvaluateInAction |
Exits current evaluation cycle.
RefreshCockpitMonitor |
Refreshes the values of the Cockpit monitor.
RefreshServiceManagerScan |
Refreshes the Service Manager Scan for the specified Agent.
ReleaseManually |
Releases a task manually.
ReleaseQuarantineMessage |
Releases a quarantine message.
ReloadNextTurnaround |
Register a Schedule for reloading from definition at period turnaround.
RemoteRestart |
Restarts a remote Task (type JOBD).
RemoveJobPlanBreakPoint |
Removes a Breakpoint in a JobPlan.
RenameObject |
Renames an existing UC4 Object.
RenewTransferKey |
Renew transfer key or withdraw the authentication of an Agent.
ReplaceObject |
Replaces UC4 objects.
Report |
Gets a page of a report.
ReportTypeList |
Gets a list of report types for a specified RunID.
RerunWorkflow |
Rerun a rollbacked task.
ResetLastRuntimes |
Resets real runtimes (RRT) and estimated runtimes (ERT)
of an activatable object.
ResetOpenFlag |
Resets the Reservation of an UC4 Object.
ResetScheduleTask |
This class represents the menu item "Reset task" in the schedule monitor.
ResourceItem |
This class represents Storage resource items.
ResourceItems |
This class represents Storage resource items.
RestartTask |
Restarts a task.
RestartTask.FileTransferRestart |
Restart setting of FileTransfers.
RestartTaskAction |
Restarts the task and exits current evaluation cycle.
RestoreObject |
Restores deleted UC4 Object.
RestoreObjectVersion |
Restores an Object from Version Management.
ResumeClient |
Starts the automatic processing for the current client.
ResumeTask |
Sets stopped tasks active again.
ReturnCodeCondition |
Checks the return code of the task.
Rights |
Interface for Rights.
Rollback |
This class represents the rollback tab on executable Automation Engine objects.
RollbackAction |
Rollback Action.
RollbackAction.Task |
RollbackTask |
Rollback the entire task.
RollbackTo |
Rollback to a specific task.
RollCalendarCollision |
This class represents a reaction to a collision for roll calendar keywords.
RollCalendarKeyword |
This class represents a Roll Calendar Keyword.
RuleEvent |
IA Event.
RuleEventSetting |
Settings of an IAEvent
RunJobPlanTask |
Executes a task in a JobPlan immediately.
RunPathAction |
Run Path.
RunScheduledTask |
Runs a task which is waiting for its start time.
RunTaskAction |
Starts the task without checking of further conditions.
Runtime |
The "Runtime" tab is an object class-specific tab that is found in every
executable object in UC4.
SamlConfiguration |
Configuration for SAML
An instance of this class must be passed to the Connection.login() method.
SAPAgentPanel |
This provides access to the values on the "SAP" tab of a host object.
SAPConnection |
This class represents an SAP Connection object.
SAPConnection.ConnectionTyp |
Type of the connection object.
SAPConnectionHTTP |
This class can be used to read or set the HTTP connection data
for SAP Connection objects (PI, SLD, JXBP).
SAPConnectionRFC |
This class can be used to read or set the RFC connection data
for SAP Connection objects.
SAPConnectionRFC.BIExtendedMonitoring |
SAP BW Extended Monitoring.
SAPConnectionRFC.XALVersion |
XAL version.
SAPConnectionRFC.XBPVersion |
XBP version.
SAPQueueManager |
RemoteTaskManager for SAP ABAP Jobs.
SAPQueueManagerFilter |
Filter for SAP RemoteTaskManager objects.
SaveAgentAssignment |
Used to modify the Agent assignments.
SaveObject |
Saves an open UC4 Object.
Schedule |
ScheduleAttributes |
This class represents attributes of a Schedule.
ScheduleMonitor |
Reads a Schedule monitor.
ScheduleMonitor.Task |
This class represents a task in the Schedule monitor.
ScheduleTask |
This class represents a task in a Schedule.
Script |
This class represents a SCRI object.
ScriptAttributes |
Attributes of SCRI objects.
SearchObject |
Finds UC4 Objects.
SearchObject.VariableDataType |
Type of a Variable.
SearchResultItem |
This class represents an item from the search result.
SecureSQLVariable |
Dynamic Database Variable Secure.
SecureSQLVariableIntern |
Secure SQL Variables.
Server |
This class represents Server objects (type SERV).
ServerAttributes |
This class represents the "Attributes" tab of server objects.
ServerList |
Reads a list of UC4 Servers independent of their states (running or not running).
ServerList.Filter |
Filter in the Servers list.
ServerListItem |
This class describes a single row in the server list of the system overview.
ServiceFulfillmentItem |
This class represents a item of the service fulfillments list.
ServiceFulfillmentList |
Reads the list of service fulfillments.
ServiceFulfillmentList.Filter |
Filter in the service fulfillments list.
ServiceFulfillmentStatus |
This class contains information about the service fulfillment status.
ServiceLevelObjective |
This class represents SLO objects.
ServiceLevelObjectiveList |
Reads the list of service level objectives.
ServiceLevelObjectiveList.Filter |
Filter in the service level objective list.
ServiceLevelObjectiveListItem |
This class represents one item of a service level objective list.
SetAgentGroupMonitorProperties |
This class is used to change settings in the AgentGroup monitor.
SetAgentGroupProperties |
Sets properties of agent group
SetAgentProperties |
SetCPProperties |
Sets the trace options for a Communication Process using existing XREQ
SetGroupMonitorProperties |
This class is used to change settings in the Group monitor.
SetHostAuthorizations |
Sets the authorizations of one or many hosts in one request.
SetHostAuthorizations.ModificationStatus |
This class stores the modification status of a single HOST object.
SetJobPlanBreakPoint |
Sets a breakpoint in a JobPlan.
SetJobPlanTaskActive |
Sets a skipped task in the JobPlan active again.
SetJobPlanTaskInactive |
Skips a task in an active JobPlan which is not yet executed.
SetObjectProperties |
Sets Object Authentication for an UC4 object.
SetStaticVaraRows |
Modify a list of variable rows, specified by their keys.
SetSyncMonitor |
Sets the value and state of a SYNC object.
Settings |
This class represents the settings in the User Interface.
SetValueAction |
Sets or creates an object value which will be available for restarts.
SetValueAction.Scope |
SetVariableAction |
Sets the content of a static variable.
SetWPProperties |
Sets the trace options for a Work Process using existing XREQ
SetZDUStep |
ShowQuarantineMessage |
Shows a quarantine message.
SkipTaskAction |
Skips the task (as 'else skip' in V8 or lower) without checking of further conditions..
SloFulfillment |
Represents the fulfillment sheet of SLO objects.
SloSelection |
Selection criteria of SLO objects.
SloSelection.Beneficiary |
Beneficiary of a service.
SSOConfiguration |
Configuration for Single Sign on.
StartHost |
Starts a host which is linked to the Service Manager.
StartILM |
Activates ILM.
StartServer |
Starts a Server Process (CP or WP).
StaticCalendarKeyword |
This class represents a static calendar keyword.
StatisticSearchItem |
This class represents a row in the result of a statistics search.
StatisticsSettings |
This class represents the Process Flow settings.
StatusCondition |
Checks the 'ENDED' status of the task.
StepListItem |
Item in a Step List for OS/390 Jobs.
StopILM |
Deactivates ILM.
Storage |
This class represents a STORE Object.
StorageItem |
This class represents one resource in storage object.
StorageItem.UsageType |
Represents usage type of the resource.
StringLengthUtil |
This utility returns the length of a string in UTF-8
Stylesheet |
This class represents Stylesheet objects.
SubmitForm |
Sends the content of a Read form to the server.
SubmitPrompt |
Submits a list of PromptSet values to continue with the execution of an UC4 Object.
SuspendClient |
Stops the automatic processing for the current client.
SuspendTask |
Stops an active task.
SwitchOutILM |
Switches out an ILM partition.
Sync |
Sync object.
SyncAction |
This class represents an action of an Sync object.
SyncAttributes |
This class represents the attributes of Sync objects.
SynchronizeLDAP |
This request synchronizes the data of an UC4 User with LDAP.
SyncItem |
This class represents a single row of the sync tab.
SyncList |
This class represents the SYNC tab of an executable object.
SyncState |
This class represents the state of a Sync object.
SystemWorkload |
Gets the Server workload.
Task |
This class contains a description of a single task in the ActivityList .
TaskCalendar |
Task calendar conditions.
TaskDetails |
Gets the details of task in the activity window or statistic.
TaskFilter |
This class represents a filter for the activity list.
TaskFilter.TimeFrame |
TimeFrame for the activation filter.
TaskFilter.TimeUnit |
Time Unit for the Activation filter.
TaskList |
Returns a list of a tasks based on a filter.
TaskList.DateRange |
Type of the time frame in a combined task selection.
TaskPromptSetContent |
This request reads the content of a PromptSet (List of PromptElements) for a
specified task.
TaskPromptSetName |
This class contains information about a single prompt set.
TaskPromptSetNames |
This request reads a list of Prompt Set Objects of a specified task.
TaskResult |
With the TaskResult you can define a reaction to the end status of a task.
TaskRuntime |
Task runtime.
TaskState |
Task states.
TaskStatistics |
Reads the statistics of a single task.
TaskValues |
This class represents task values and PromptSets.
Template |
This class describes a single object template.
TemplateList |
Returns a list of templates for UC4 Objects.
TerminateAgentGroup |
Terminates all Agents in an AgentGroup.
TerminateHost |
Terminates a running Agent.
TerminateServer |
Terminates a server process.
TextDocumentation |
This class represents a documentation tab of type "text".
TextElement |
A prompt element of type text.
Time |
This class represents a Time which consits of hours and minutes only.
TimeElement |
This class represents a time prompt element.
TimeEvent |
Time Event.
TimeoutException |
This exception is thrown if a Connection.sendRequestAndWait() call timed out.
TimeSettings |
This class represents the Process Flow settings.
TimeSettings.CalendarView |
Display setting for calendars.
TimeSettings.FirstWeekOfYear |
Display setting for the first week of the year.
TimeSettings.TimeFormat |
Display format of times.
TimeSinceActivationCondition |
Checks time that has passed since the activation of the task.
TimeSinceActivationCondition.TimeOperator |
TimeStampElement |
A Timestamp element.
TimeZone |
Represents a TimeZone object.
TimeZoneAttributes |
Represents the attributes tab of a TimeZone object.
TimeZoneAttributes.TimeChangeRule |
Defines the point in time for a time change.
TraceListener |
Callback interface for trace messages.
TraceOptions |
Base class for Trace Options (can be used by Agent and Server to set/get trace options)
TraceOptions.TraceFlag |
Class used to represent a AE trace flag.
TraceOptions.TraceType |
Enumeration for Trace types
TrafficLight |
This class represents the traffic light information.
TranslatedMessage |
This class represents a translated message.
TransportObject |
Places UC4 Objects into the transport folder.
UC4Alias |
This class stores a valid alias.
UC4HostName |
This class represents name of an Agent.
UC4Object |
This is the base class of all the Automation Engine objects.
UC4ObjectName |
This class represents the name of an object in the Automation Engine.
UC4TimezoneName |
This class represents the name of a TimeZone object.
UC4UserName |
This class represents the name of a USER object.
UnblockJobPlanTask |
Releases a blocked task in a JobPlan.
UnblockWorkflow |
This request represents the menu item "Unblock Workflow" in the user interface.
UnregisterTask |
Unregisters a Job which is waiting for a Group.
UntransportObject |
Remove a single object from the transport case.
UploadBinary |
Adds or replaces a file in a STORE object.
UploadBinary.ContentType |
Content-type of the file (BINARY, TEXT,...).
User |
This class represents a USER Object in the Automation Engine.
UserAssignment |
This class enables the assignment of single users to this User Group.
UserAttributes |
This class stores user attributes like first name, last name and email address.
UserAuthorizations |
This class serves to define access rights for objects, files, statistics and reports.
UserDefinedCondition |
Compares two values.
UserGroup |
This class represents a User Group in the Automation Engine.
UserGroupAssignment |
This class enables the assignment of single users to user groups.
UserList |
Lists all users in a client.
UserListItem |
This class describes one row of the User list in the system overview.
UserPrivileges |
This class represents the privileges of a user.
UserPrivileges.Privilege |
Enumeration of all Privileges.
UserRight |
This class represents a row on the authorizations tab of an USER object.
UserRight.Type |
User rights.
ValidityKeywordType |
This class represents the scope of a variable.
Variable |
This class represents UC4 Variable objects.
VariableAttributes |
This class represents variable attributes.
VariableAttributes.Source |
Variable source.
VariableValues |
This class represents the "Variables" tab of a STATIC and XML VARA object.
VersionControlList |
Gets a list of saved versions.
VersionControlListItem |
This class represents a saved version of an Automation Engine object.
ViolationReason |
This class contains information about the reason of the violation.
WeeklyCalendarKeyword |
This class represents a weekly calendar keyword.
WorkflowIF |
This class represents an IF in a ProcessFlow.
WorkflowInterfaces |
Interfaces for all workflow related classes
WorkflowInterfaces.IUpdatable |
Indicates that a class can be updated
WorkflowLoop |
This class represents Workflow of type FOREACH.
WorkFlowTaskFactory |
Factory for Workflow tasks.
WorkloadItem |
This class describes one row in the System Workload Table.
WPTraceOptions |
Data interface between applications.
XHeader |
This class represents information of the header tab of an executable Automation Engine object and SYNC.
XMLDocumentation |
This class represents a structured documenation.
XMLDocuNode |
This class represents one node in the structured documentation.
XMLRequest |
This is the super class of all request classes.
XRequest |
XREQ Object : Each X-request has an according X-request object XREQ available
in the the AE database that specifies how a request is processed.
YearlyCalendarKeyword |
This class represents a yearly Calendar Keyword.
ZDUControl |
Triggers a prompt for the zero downtime upgrade.
ZduStep |
Gets the current ZDU step
ZduWizard |
Performs an action in the Zero Downtime Wizard.
ZduWizard.Action |
Represents all possible ZDU actions.