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ABORT - com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings.ElseAction
AbortAction - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Condition action that aborts the workflow.
AbortAction() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AbortAction
Creates a new AbortAction.
AbstractDocumentation - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class is the base class of text and xml documentations.
AbstractFormItem - Class in com.uc4.api
Shared implementation for each concrecte form item.
AbstractFormItem(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.AbstractFormItem
Constructs a generic form item from the specified XML element.
AbstractTask - Class in com.uc4.api
This is the base class of tasks (active or archived).
AbstractTask(ConnectionAttributes) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
ACCEPT - com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyNotificationMonitor.Action
Accept (Type alert).
ACCESS - com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection.DatabaseType
Microsoft Access.
ACCESS_METRICS_ENDPOINT - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Access to metrics endpoint
ACCESS_NOFOLDER - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Access to "No Folder".
ACCESS_RECYCLE_BIN - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Access to Recycle Bin.
ACCESS_SYSTEM_OVERVIEW - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Access to System Overview.
ACCESS_TO_HOST - com.uc4.communication.requests.MessageList.Category
Access to host.
ACCESS_TRANSPORT_CASE - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Access to Transport Case.
AccessTokenConfiguration - Class in com.uc4.communication
Configuration containing an access token
AccessTokenConfiguration(int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.AccessTokenConfiguration
Creates a new AccessToken based login configuration instance for the specified client.
Action - Interface in com.uc4.api.objects
Action on the Pre-Condition or Post-Condition tab of an Automation Engine Workflow task.
actionIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Sync
Returns an iterator over SyncAction.
actionSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Sync
Returns the number of defined actions.
ActivateLDAPConnection - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Activates the LDAP connection of a user.
ActivateLDAPConnection(UserListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivateLDAPConnection
Creates a new request to activate the LDAP connection of a user in the user list.
ActivateLDAPConnection(String[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivateLDAPConnection
Constructs a ActivateLDAPConnection using multiple user ids.
ActivateLDAPConnection(List<UserListItem>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivateLDAPConnection
Constructs a ActivateLDAPConnection using multiple users.
ActivateObject - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Sets an object active or inactive.
ActivateObject(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivateObject
Toggles the active state of the given object.
ActivateObject(List<UC4ObjectName>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivateObject
Toggles the active state of the given objects.
ACTIVATION - com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskList.DateRange
Returns a task if its activation time falls into the specified time frame.
activationMessages(int, UC4ObjectName, TranslatedMessage[]) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.DefaultNotificationListener
activationMessages(int, UC4ObjectName, TranslatedMessage[]) - Method in interface com.uc4.communication.INotificationListener
This method is called if there is an activation protocol for a task.
ActivationProtocol - Class in com.uc4.communication
Activation Protocol Message.
ActivationProtocol(Document, Message) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.ActivationProtocol
activationTime - Variable in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
ActivatorStatistics - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Reads the activator statistics of a specified RunID.
ActivatorStatistics(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivatorStatistics
Reads the activator statistics of the specified RunID.
ACTIVE - com.uc4.api.AgentStatus
Agent is active.
activeAssignments() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAssignmentList
Returns an iterator of active Agent assignments.
activeAssignments() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.MoveAgentAssignment
Returns an iterator of moved Active Agent assignments.
ActiveNotifications - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns a list of active notifications.
ActiveNotifications() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActiveNotifications
ActiveNotifications.Entry - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
This class represents a row in the table of active notifications.
activePromptSetIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectValues
Returns an iterator over PromptSetDefinition, Iterates over only non deleted entries.
activeSize() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAssignmentList
ACTIVITY_LIST_CHANGED - com.uc4.communication.KickEventType
activity list changed
ActivityList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns a list of tasks according to the TaskFilter.
ActivityList(TaskFilter) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivityList
Creates a ActivityList using the specified TaskFilter.
ActivityList(TaskFilter, boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivityList
Creates a ActivityList using the specified TaskFilter for tree oder list mode.
ActivityList.GroupingType - Enum in com.uc4.communication.requests
Grouping criteria for the activity window.
activityListChanged() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.DefaultNotificationListener
activityListChanged() - Method in interface com.uc4.communication.INotificationListener
use IKickEventListener instead
ActivityNotificationOn - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Enables activity Kicks.
ActivityNotificationOn() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivityNotificationOn
activityRefresh() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Settings
This method provides access to the activity refresh settings.
ActivitySettings - Class in com.uc4.communication
This class represents the settings for the activity refresh.
add(int, PromptElement) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptDesigner
Inserts the PromptElement at the specified position.
add(int, T) - Method in class com.uc4.util.ArrayListDecorator
add(DateTime) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.StaticCalendarKeyword
Adds a new date to this static calendar keyword.
add(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionsSet
Adds a new condition.
add(ConsoleOS400.ConsoleOS400Filter) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS400
Adds a single filter entry.
add(EventCalendarItem) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EventCalendar
Adds the EventCalendarItem to this object.
add(OCVPanel.CITValue) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OCVPanel
Adds a new value to this panel.
add(OutputFilter.Entry) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFilter
Adds a new filter definition.
add(PromptElement) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptDesigner
Adds a new PromptElement at the end of this PromptSet.
add(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SecureSQLVariable
Adds a new bind parameter to the SecureSQLVariableIntern.
add(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SecureSQLVariableIntern
Adds a new bind parameter to the SecureSQLVariableIntern.
add(String, String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Variable
Adds a new entry to this variable.
add(String, String[], boolean) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableValues
Adds a new key and values to the variables.
add(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableValues
Adds a new key and value to the variables.
add(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Variable
Adds a new entry to this static variable.
add(T) - Method in class com.uc4.util.ArrayListDecorator
addAction(SyncAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Sync
Adds a new action to this Sync object.
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class com.uc4.util.ArrayListDecorator
addBeneficiary(SloSelection.Beneficiary) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloSelection
Adds a Beneficiary to the object.
addCalendarCondition(CalendarCondition) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskCalendar
Adds a new CalendarCondition.
addCalendarConditionAll(CalendarCondition) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.GroupCalendarKeyword
Adds a calendar condition to the list of conditions where all least one must apply.
addCalendarConditionNone(CalendarCondition) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.GroupCalendarKeyword
Adds a calendar condition to the list of conditions where none of the calendar conditions must apply.
addCalendarConditionOne(CalendarCondition) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.GroupCalendarKeyword
Adds a calendar condition to the list of conditions where at least one must apply.
addChild(FolderImpl) - Method in class com.uc4.util.FolderImpl
Adds a child to this folder
addChildNode(XMLDocuNode) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XMLDocuNode
Adds a new child node.
addCloseEventListener(ICloseEventListener) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Connection
Adds a close event listener.
addCollision(RollCalendarCollision) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarKeyword
Adds a RollCalendarCollision to the list of reactions in case of collision.
AddComment - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Adds a comment to a task.
AddComment(int, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddComment
Adds a comment to a task.
addConnectProperties(String, String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
Adds a value for the connect properties at the end of the table.
addConnectString(String, String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
Adds a value for the connect String at the end of the table.
addCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XHeader
Adds a CustomAttribute to the object.
addCustomAttributeFilter(CustomAttributeFilter) - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Adds a CustomAttributeFilter.
addCustomAttributeFilter(CustomAttributeFilter) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceFulfillmentList.Filter
Adds a CustomAttributeFilter.
addCustomAttributeFilter(CustomAttributeFilter) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceLevelObjectiveList.Filter
Adds a CustomAttributeFilter.
addDate(DateTime) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.YearlyCalendarKeyword
Adds a date to the selected dates.
addDate(Integer) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MonthlyCalendarKeyword
Adds a day to the selected days.
addDays(int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Adds the specified number of days to this DateTime.
addDependency(JobPlanTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Adds a dependency without a certain status.
addDependency(JobPlanTask, int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Adds a dependency without a certain status.
addDependency(JobPlanTask, int, TaskState) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Adds a dependency with a certain status.
addDependency(JobPlanTask, TaskState) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Adds a dependency.
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckConnectionCondition
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckHistoryCondition
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckProcessCondition
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.Condition
Adds a condition or action to the list of conditions/actions which should be executed when this condition is false.
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentQueueCondition
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentTimeCondition
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReturnCodeCondition
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.StatusCondition
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeSinceActivationCondition
addElse(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserDefinedCondition
addEmail(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Operator
Sets an e-mail address to which a notified sent.
addEmail(String, CalendarCondition) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Operator
Sets an e-mail address to which a notified sent on the specified calendar condition.
addExceptionCondition(QueueExceptionCondition) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueAttributes
Adds a new QueueExceptionCondition to the list of exceptions.
addFalse(JobPlanTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Adds a task to the false branch of this IF workflow.
addFalse(JobPlanTask, int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Adds a task to the false branch of this IF workflow at the specified position.
addFile(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFiles
Adds a new file.
addFilter(AgentAssignmentFilter.Item) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AgentAssignmentFilter
Adds a new filter row.
addFilter(ConsoleOS390.ConsoleOS390Filter) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS390
Adds a filter.
addFilter(ConsoleSAP.EventHistoryFilter) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP
Adds a single filter to the list of Event History filters.
addFilter(ConsoleSAP.JavaEventHistoryFilter) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP
Adds a single filter to the list of Java Event History filters.
addFilter(ConsoleSAP.XIChannelFilter) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP
Adds a single filter to the list of XI Communication Channel filters.
addFilter(ConsoleWindows.ConsoleWindowsFilter) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleWindows
Adds a filter for Windows Console Events.
addFilter(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleBS2000
Specify the console-output filter to be searched for The wildcard characters "*" and "?" may be used.
addHost(HostGroupItem) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroup
Adds a host or filter definition to this HostGroup.
addHost(HostGroupItem, int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroup
Adds a host or filter definition on the specified position the this HostGroup.
addImportedBinary(String, ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ImportObject
When importing via ByteBuffer, add additional files to this request
AddJobPlanTask - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns a JobPlan Task.
AddJobPlanTask(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddJobPlanTask
Constructs a AddJobPlanTask using the specified UC4 Object name.
AddJobPlanTask(UC4ObjectName, UC4Alias) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddJobPlanTask
Constructs a AddJobPlanTask using the specified UC4 Object name and alias.
addKeyword(CalendarKeyword) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Calendar
Adds the specified calendar keyword to this calendar.
addKickEventListener(IKickEventListener) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Connection
Adds a kick event listener.
addLoginDefinition(LoginDefinition) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Login
Adds a login definition.
addMinutes(int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Adds the specified number of minutes to this DateTime.
addMonth(int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Adds the specified number of month.
addNotificationListener(INotificationListener) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Connection
Adds a notification listener.
addOnChangeResetElement(OnChangeResetElement) - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.OnChangeResetElement
Adds a OnChangeReset-children to the PromptElement.
addOperator(UC4ObjectName) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Operator
Adds a new Operator without a calendar condition.
addOperator(UC4ObjectName, CalendarCondition) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Operator
Adds a new Operator which is notified on the specified calendar condition.
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DynamicExecVariable
Adds a new parameter to the Dynamic Executable Variable..
addPredecessor(JobPlanMonitor.Task, TaskState) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Adds a dependency to this monitor task.
addPromptSet(PromptSetDefinition) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectValues
Adds a new PromptSet to this object.
AddPromptSet - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns a PromptSet definition.
AddPromptSet(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddPromptSet
Use constructor with passed UC4Object
AddPromptSet(UC4ObjectName, UC4Object) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddPromptSet
Constructs a new AddPromptSet request using the specified PromptSet name.
addQueueFilter(UC4ObjectName) - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Adds a new item to the filter for Queues.
addQueueFilter(UC4ObjectName, int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Adds a certain Queue and a client to the filter for Queues.
addQueueFilter(String) - Method in class com.automic.server.api.data.ClientQueueList
Adds the queue filter.
addQueueFilter(String, int) - Method in class com.automic.server.api.data.ClientQueueList
Adds the queue filter.
addReasonFilter(int) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceFulfillmentList.Filter
Sets a filter for the violation reason.
addReasonFilter(int, String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceFulfillmentList.Filter
Sets a filter for the violation reason.
addRight(ObjectRight) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectAuthorizations
Adds a new row to the authorizations tab.
addRight(UserRight) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAuthorizations
Adds a new row the authorizations tab.
AddScheduleMonitorTask - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Adds a task to a started schedule via its monitor.
AddScheduleMonitorTask(UC4ObjectName, int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddScheduleMonitorTask
Constructs a AddScheduleMonitorTask request using the specified name and add it to the parent task of given parentIdnr.
AddScheduleTask - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Reads a task description.
AddScheduleTask(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddScheduleTask
Constructs a AddScheduleTask request using the specified name.
addSeconds(int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Adds the specified number of seconds to this DateTime.
addSelectedValue(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CustomAttributeFilter
Adds a selected value to the Filter.
addServiceFulfillmentStatusFilter(ServiceFulfillmentStatus) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceFulfillmentList.Filter
Adds a filter for ServiceFulfillmentStatus.
addState(SyncState) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Sync
Adds a SyncState to this Sync object.
addSuccessorTask(JobPlanTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Adds the given task to the successor list.
addSyncItem(SyncItem) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncList
Adds a single SYNC condition to this job.
addTask(JobPlanTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlan
Adds a task to the JobPlan.
addTask(JobPlanTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowLoop
Adds a task to this for each loop.
addTask(JobPlanTask, int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowLoop
Adds a task to this ForEach loop at the specified position.
addTask(ScheduleTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Schedule
Adds a task to the Schedule.
addTaskAndCreateDependencies(JobPlanTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowLoop
Adds a task to this for each loop and Recreates the dependencies.
addTaskAndCreateDependencies(JobPlanTask, int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowLoop
Adds a task to this ForEach loop at the specified position and recreates the dependencies.
addTrue(JobPlanTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Adds a task to the true branch of this IF workflow.
addTrue(JobPlanTask, int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Adds a task to the true branch of this IF workflow at the specified position.
addUnixCommand(BackendCommand) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.BackendVariable
Adds a new BackendCommand to the Unix commands.
addUser(UC4UserName) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAssignment
Adds a user to this UserGroup.
addUserToGroup(UC4ObjectName) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserGroupAssignment
Adds this User to the specified User Group.
addValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectValues
Adds a new key and value to this object.
addValue(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectValues
Adds a new key,value and ErtUsage to this object.
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckConnectionCondition
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckHistoryCondition
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckProcessCondition
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.Condition
Adds a condition or action to the list of conditions/actions which should be executed when this condition is true.
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentQueueCondition
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentTimeCondition
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReturnCodeCondition
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.StatusCondition
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeSinceActivationCondition
addWhen(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserDefinedCondition
addWindowsCommand(BackendCommand) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.BackendVariable
Adds a new BackendCommand to the Windows commands.
addYears(int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Adds the specified number of years to this DateTime.
AdoptTask - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Taskes over a task in the activity window.
AdoptTask(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AdoptTask
Creates a new AdoptTask instance using the specified RunID.
AdoptTask(int[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AdoptTask
Creates a new AdoptTask instance using multiple RunIds.
AEConnection - Interface in com.uc4.communication
Interface for a connection to the Automation Engine.
AEConnectionPool - Class in com.uc4.communication
Maintains a pool of connections.
AEConnectionPool(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.AEConnectionPool
Creates a new ConnectionMananger instance with a maximum lifetime of connections.
AES - Class in com.uc4.util
AES() - Constructor for class com.uc4.util.AES
AES.Mode - Enum in com.uc4.util
encryption operating modes
after(Time) - Method in class com.uc4.api.Time
Returns true if the this Time object contains a time which is later the time in the parameter time.
AFTER - com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentTimeCondition.When
AFTER - com.uc4.api.TaskFilter.TimeFrame
AfterErrorFreeExecution - com.uc4.api.objects.DeactivateCondition.Type
The Job is automatically deactivated after successful execution.
AfterErrorFreeRestart - com.uc4.api.objects.DeactivateCondition.Type
The Job is automatically deactivated when a restart has been successfully executed.
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Cockpit
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleEvent
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEvent
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileEvent
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransfer
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Group
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Job
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlan
afterSaveObject() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.LifecycleSaveAware
Called after an object is saved.
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Notification
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PSRemoteTaskManager
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RuleEvent
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManager
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Schedule
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Script
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeEvent
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
afterSaveObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowLoop
AgentAndGroupList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Retrieves a list of agents and agentgroups in the current client matching the specified filter.
AgentAndGroupList(AgentAndGroupList.AgentAndGroupListFilter) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAndGroupList
Constructs a list with a filter.
AgentAndGroupList.AgentAndGroupListFilter - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Cut the result of the list by using this filter.
AgentAndGroupList.AgentOrGroupListItem - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Represents an agent or an agentgroup in the list.
AgentAndGroupListFilter() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAndGroupList.AgentAndGroupListFilter
Constructs an empty filter
AgentAndGroupListFilter(String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAndGroupList.AgentAndGroupListFilter
Constructs a name filter.
AgentAssignment - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents an HSTA object (agent assignment).
AgentAssignment() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AgentAssignment
AgentAssignmentFilter - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents the filter tab of an HSTA object.
AgentAssignmentFilter.Item - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a row in the filter table.
AgentAssignmentList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
List of Agent Assignments in the system overview.
AgentAssignmentList() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAssignmentList
AgentAssignmentListItem - Class in com.uc4.api.systemoverview
This class represents a row in the Agent assignment list in the system overview.
AgentAssignmentListItem(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentAssignmentListItem
Internal use only.
AgentGroupList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Get a list of host groups.
AgentGroupList() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentGroupList
AgentGroupListItem - Class in com.uc4.api.systemoverview
This class describes one item of the AgentGroup list in the system overview.
AgentGroupListItem(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentGroupListItem
Internal use only.
AgentGroupMonitor - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Reads monitor of an Agent Group.
AgentGroupMonitor(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentGroupMonitor
Creates a new AgentGroupMonitor request.
AgentGroupSimulation - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Simulation view of an AgentGroup.
AgentGroupSimulation(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentGroupSimulation
Creates a new AgentGroupSimulation request.
AgentList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Gets a list of Agents.
AgentList() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList
Creates a new AgentList request which reads the full agent list (all columns and all agents).
AgentList(AgentList.Filter, String...) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList
Requests the Agent list with a filter.
AgentList.Filter - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Filter in the Agent list.
AgentListItem - Class in com.uc4.api.systemoverview
This class describes one item of the Agent list in the system overview.
AgentListItem(XMLDocument, Element, int, ConnectionAttributes) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Constructs a AgentListItem using the specified Element.
agentPropertyKeyIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns an java.util.Iterator over Agent property keys.
agentPropertyKeyIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
Returns an java.util.Iterator over Server property keys.
AgentStatus - Enum in com.uc4.api
Status of an Agent.
agentTemplatesOnly() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TemplateList
Creates a request for agent templates defined in UC_OBJECT_TEMPLATES of client zero.
AJPPV - com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition.PromptElementTable
Statistical Table: Prompted values of aleady run workflow tasks
AJPVA - com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition.PromptElementTable
Statistical Table: Prompted array values of aleady run workflow tasks
ALERT - com.uc4.communication.requests.NotificationMonitor.Type
Alert, possible actions are: Accept, Done, Reject.
alias - Variable in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
aliasMap - Variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptElement
aliasOf(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.api.UC4Alias
Creates an alias from a String value.
ALL - com.uc4.api.objects.ExtendedReports
All extended reports are written for this object.
ALL - com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationSettings.ReportSource
Both database and external files.
ALL - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
ALL - com.uc4.api.PlatformSwHwType
File is independent of Hardware/Software versions.
ALL - com.uc4.api.TaskFilter.TimeFrame
ALL - com.uc4.communication.requests.DeepRename.IncludeFolderNamesMode
ALL - com.uc4.communication.requests.MessageList.Category
No filter on category.
ALL - com.uc4.communication.requests.MessageList.MessageType
No filter on the type, returns all message types.
ALL - com.uc4.communication.requests.RestartTask.FileTransferRestart
Restart all.
ALL_BUT_FIRST - com.uc4.communication.requests.DeepRename.IncludeFolderNamesMode
all but first.
allIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.GroupCalendarKeyword
Returns an iterator over CalendarCondition where all calendar conditions must apply This iterator can be used to read or remove calendar conditions.
allowImmediateStart(boolean) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
This method can be used to set the behaviour in case the start time lies in the past.
allowImmediateStart(boolean) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyRecurringTask
This method can be used to set the behaviour in case the start time lies in the past.
Always - com.uc4.api.objects.DeactivateCondition.Type
The Job is always automatically deactivated following execution.
ALWAYS - com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings.AskForAlias
ALWAYS - com.uc4.communication.requests.DeepRename.AbortIfNameExistsMode
AND - com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFilter.Operator
ANY_ABEND - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task disrupted.
ANY_ABEND - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Job disrupted.
ANY_ABEND_EXCEPT_FAULT - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
System return code 1800-1819,1823-1899.
ANY_ACTIVE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
System return code 1300-1799.
ANY_ACTIVE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Job is running.
ANY_BLOCKED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
System return code 1560,1562.
ANY_BLOCKED_OR_STOPPED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
System return code 1560-1564 .
ANY_BLOCKING - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Blocking tasks.
ANY_EXCEPT_FAULT - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
System return code 1800-1819,1823-1999.
ANY_OK - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task ended normally.
ANY_OK - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Job ended normally.
ANY_OK_OR_UNBLOCKED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
System return code 1900-1999,1899.
ANY_SKIPPED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task skipped.
ANY_STOPPED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
System return code 1561,1563-1564.
ANY_WAITING - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
System return code 1301,1682-1700,1709-1710.
ANY_WAITING - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Job is waiting.
API - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
Call API.
appendRows(XMLDocument, Element, int, int) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList
Do not use it. Internal only.
applyMissingDefinitions() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskPromptSetContent
Elements missing in the promptset definition, but present in the prompt will be added
APUD - com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition.PromptElementTable
Statistical Table: Prompted values of aleady run tasks
APUDA - com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition.PromptElementTable
Statistical Table: Prompted array values of aleady run tasks
archiveKey1 - Variable in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
archiveKey2 - Variable in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
ArrayListDecorator<T> - Class in com.uc4.util
Adds notification behavior to java.util.ArrayList
ArrayListDecorator() - Constructor for class com.uc4.util.ArrayListDecorator
ASCENDING - com.uc4.communication.requests.MessageList.Order
In ascending order.
assertClientZero(ConnectionAttributes) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
assertServerVersion(ConnectionAttributes, int) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
asyncMessage(AsyncMessage) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.DefaultNotificationListener
asyncMessage(AsyncMessage) - Method in interface com.uc4.communication.INotificationListener
This method is called if a new message is available.
AsyncMessage - Class in com.uc4.communication
Represents an asynchronous message.
AsyncMessage(int, String, Message) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.AsyncMessage
this assumes NOW as the current date. a message should always be created with an actual date
AsyncMessage(DateTime, int, String, Message) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.AsyncMessage
Creates a new asynchronous message.
AsyncMessage(Document, ConnectionAttributes) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.AsyncMessage
Creates an asynchronous message from an XML Document.
attr - Variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.Notification
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleEvent
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEvent
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileEvent
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransfer
Returns the generic attributes of this FileTransfer.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Group
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Host
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Job
Returns the generic attributes of this job.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlan
Returns attributes of this JobPlan.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Notification
Returns a NotificationAttributes object which contains attributes of this Notification.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PSRemoteTaskManager
Access to the attributes of the QueueManager.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RuleEvent
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManager
Access to the attributes of the QueueManager.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Schedule
Returns the attributes of this Schedule.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Script
Returns the attributes of this Script.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Server
This method provides access to the attributes of the SERV object.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ServiceLevelObjective
Returns the SLO attributes data of this object.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Sync
Gets attributes of this Sync object.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeEvent
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeZone
Returns the attributes of the TimeZone object.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.User
This method provides access to the attributes of an USER object.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Variable
Returns attributes of this variable.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Returns attributes of this JobPlan.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowLoop
Returns attributes of this JobPlan.
attributes() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetSessionTZ
Returns the attributes of the TimeZone object.
AttributesBS2000 - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for BS2000 Jobs.
AttributesBS2000() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesBS2000
AttributesGCOS8 - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for GCOS 8.
AttributesGCOS8() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesGCOS8
AttributesJMX - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for JMX Jobs.
AttributesJMX() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesJMX
AttributesMPE - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for MPE.
AttributesMPE() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesMPE
AttributesNSK - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for NSK Jobs.
AttributesNSK() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesNSK
AttributesOA - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for Oracle Applications Jobs.
AttributesOA() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOA
AttributesOS390 - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for OS/390.
AttributesOS390() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
AttributesOS400 - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for OS/400 Jobs.
AttributesOS400() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS400
AttributesPS - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for PeopleSoft Jobs.
AttributesPS() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesPS
AttributesRA - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for RA Jobs.
AttributesRA() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesRA
AttributesSAP - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for SAP Jobs.
AttributesSAP() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSAP
AttributesSiebel - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for Siebel Jobs.
AttributesSiebel() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSiebel
AttributesSLO - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents information of the attributes tab of an object.
AttributesSLO(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSLO
Constructs a SLO attributes using the specified XML document
AttributesSQL - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for SQL Jobs.
AttributesSQL() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSQL
AttributesUnix - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for UNIX Jobs.
AttributesUnix() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesUnix
AttributesVMS - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for VMS Jobs.
AttributesVMS() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesVMS
AttributesWin - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Host attributes for Windows Jobs.
AttributesWin() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesWin
AuthenticateAgent - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
This request represents the menu item "Authenticate Agent" in the system overview of client zero.
AuthenticateAgent(AgentListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AuthenticateAgent
Creates a new AuthenticateAgent request.
authorizations() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AgentAssignment
Returns the authorization data of this object.
authorizations() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Host
Returns the authorization data of this object.
authorizations() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroup
Returns the authorization data of this object.
authorizations() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.User
This method provides access to the authorization settings of this user.
authorizations() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserGroup
This method provides access to the authorization settings of this User Group.
Authorizations - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Authorizations of Agents.
Authorizations(XMLDocument, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.Authorizations
AUTHORIZATIONS_OBJECT_LEVEL - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Deal with authorizations at object level.
Authorizations.Entry - Interface in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents a single authorization for a client.
AUTO_FORECAST - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Access to Auto Forecast.


backend() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Variable
This method provides access to the backend panel.
BACKEND - com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes.Source
BACKEND_VARIABLE - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Create and modify Backend variables.
BackendCommand - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a Command (row) on the Variable of the type BACKEND.
BackendCommand(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.BackendCommand
Creates a new BackendCommand object.
BackendVariable - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Backend Variable.
BackendVariable(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.BackendVariable
BEFORE - com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentTimeCondition.When
BEFORE - com.uc4.api.TaskFilter.TimeFrame
BEGIN - com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduWizard.Action
Initial state
BELOW - com.uc4.communication.GeneralSettings.ToolbarLabel
Below icon.
beneficiariesIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloSelection
Returns an java.util.Iterator of beneficiaries.
Beneficiary(String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.SloSelection.Beneficiary
Creates a new Beneficiary.
BETWEEN - com.uc4.api.TaskFilter.TimeFrame
BINARY - com.uc4.communication.requests.UploadBinary.ContentType
BLOCK - com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings.ElseAction
BLOCK_ABORT - com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings.ElseAction
Block and abort.
BlockAction - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Blocks the according branch in the ProcessFlow (as 'else block' in V8 or lower) without checking of further conditions.
BlockAction() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.BlockAction
Creates a new Block Action with an empty text.
BOLD - com.uc4.communication.FontSettings.Style
BU - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type


C1 - Class in com.uc4.util
since 23.0.0 use RC4 instead
C2 - Class in com.uc4.util
since 23.0.0 use RC4 instead
CacheList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Cache list.
CacheList() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CacheList
CacheListItem - Class in com.uc4.api.systemoverview
One row of the cache list.
CacheListItem(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CacheListItem
Constructs a CacheListItem from a XML element.
CALE - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
CALE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Calendar objects.
calendar() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.ITaskItem
Gets the calendar condition of this task.
calendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
Gets the calendar condition of this JobPlan task.
calendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleTask
calendar() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Gets the calendar condition of this JobPlan task.
Calendar - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Calendar object.
Calendar() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.Calendar
CalendarCondition - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a calendar condition.
CalendarCondition(UC4ObjectName, UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
potentially dangerous as a keyword does not adhere to uc4objectName standards and skip_name_check is implicitly expected
CalendarCondition(UC4ObjectName, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
Constructs a new CalendarCondition using the specified calendar name and keyword.
CalendarCondition(CalendarList.CalendarListItem, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
Constructs a new CalendarCondition using the specified calendar name and keyword.
CalendarCondition(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
CalendarKeyword - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Calendar Keyword.
CalendarKeyword() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarKeyword
CalendarList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Lists CALE object names or keywords of a specified calendar.
CalendarList() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CalendarList
Creates a new CalendarList request in order to get a list of calendar names.
CalendarList(CalendarList.CalendarListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CalendarList
Creates a new CalendarList request which returns all keywords of the specified calendar.
CalendarList.CalendarListItem - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Stores the name of a calendar/keyword its unique id.
CalendarListItem(String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CalendarList.CalendarListItem
CalendarListItem is used by api-calls CalendarCondition.
CALL - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
CALL - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Notification objects.
CALL_ALARM - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for alarm Notification objects.
CALL_MAIL - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Notification objects.
CALL_STANDARD - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Notification objects.
CancelForm - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Cancels a pending Read Request.
CancelForm(Form) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CancelForm
Creates a CancelForm Object.
CancelForm(List<Form>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CancelForm
Creates a CancelForm Object.
CANCELLED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
CancelProcessFlowAction - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Cancels a ProcessFlow without checking of further conditions.
CancelProcessFlowAction() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CancelProcessFlowAction
Creates a new CancelProcessFlowAction Action with OWN as Scope.
CancelProcessFlowAction.Scope - Enum in com.uc4.api.objects
CancelTask - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Cancels a task.
CancelTask(int[], boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CancelTask
Constructs a CancelTask using multiple RunIds.
CancelTask(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CancelTask
Constructs a CancelTask using the specified RunID.
Candidate(int, char) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations.Candidate
Creates a new Candidate instance considering executions.
Candidate(IFolder, UserRight.Type, char) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations.Candidate
Creates a new Candidate instance.
Candidate(UC4ObjectName, char) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations.Candidate
Creates a new Candidate instance.
Candidate(UC4ObjectName, UserRight.Type, char) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations.Candidate
Creates a new Candidate instance.
Candidate(UC4UserName, UserPrivileges.Privilege) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckUserPrivileges.Candidate
Creates a new Candidate.
Candidate(GetObjectProperties, UserRight.Type, char) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations.Candidate
Creates a new Candidate instance based on the result of the GetObjectProperties request.
CauDeploy - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Upgrades agents to a specific version via Central Agent Upgrade (CAU) functionality.
CauDeploy(List<UC4HostName>, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CauDeploy
Creates new CAU deploy request, using a list of agents and a version or storage reference.
CauSkipWaiting - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Host that are registered for CAU can be skipped with this class.
CauSkipWaiting(List<UC4HostName>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CauSkipWaiting
Creates new CauSkipWaiting request.
cauVersion - Variable in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
CBC - com.uc4.util.AES.Mode
CHANGE_SYSTEM_STATUS - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Change system status (STOP/GO).
changedIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetHostAuthorizations
Returns an Iterator that can be used to read a list of successful modified host names.
changedWithin(int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileSystem
Adds an additional condition for the event: The file modification that must have changed within the specified amount of seconds.
ChangeLogging - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Change Server or Agent/AgentGroup logging.
ChangeLogging(AgentGroupListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangeLogging
Creates a request to change the logging of all Agents in the specified AgentGroup.
ChangeLogging(AgentGroupListItem[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangeLogging
Creates a request to change the logging of all Agents in the specified AgentGroup.
ChangeLogging(AgentListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangeLogging
Creates a request to change the logging of a agent process.
ChangeLogging(AgentListItem[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangeLogging
Creates a request to change the logging of a agent process.
ChangeLogging(CheckILMPartitionItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangeLogging
Creates a request to change the logging from the ILM list.
ChangeLogging(ServerListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangeLogging
Creates a request to change the logging of a server process.
ChangeLogging(ServerListItem[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangeLogging
Creates a request to change the logging of a server process.
ChangePassword - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Changes the password of the currently logged on user.
ChangePassword(String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangePassword
Changes the password of the logged on user.
ChangeQueueAction - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Changes the Queue defined in the task.
ChangeQueueAction() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ChangeQueueAction
Creates a new ChangeQueueAction.
ChangeServerMode - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Switches a Server processes between WP, Dialog and Primary.
ChangeServerMode(ServerListItem, char) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangeServerMode
Switches the mode of a WP.
changeValue(String, String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OCVPanel
Modifies the value of an xmlName.
CHARACTER - com.uc4.communication.requests.SearchObject.VariableDataType
check(ITransportable) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TransportObject
CHECK_CONNECTIONS - com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduWizard.Action
Check connections on CPs
CHECK_MQMEM - com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduWizard.Action
Check MQMEM entries
CHECK_PROCESSES - com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduWizard.Action
Check processes
CheckActivitiesCondition - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Checks the status of an activity.
CheckActivitiesCondition() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
Creates a new CheckActivitiesCondition.
checkAllowedCondition(ConditionOrAction) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionsSet
This method checks if the passed ConditionOrAction is allowed in a Pre/Post Condition tab (included sub conditions/actions).
CheckAuthorizations - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Checks object or execution authorizations of the currently logged on UC4 user.
CheckAuthorizations(CheckAuthorizations.Candidate...) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations
Creates a new CheckUserAuthorizations request.
CheckAuthorizations.Candidate - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
This class represents a candidate to test.
checkBack() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Settings
This method provides access to the Check-back settings.
CheckBackSettings - Class in com.uc4.communication
This class represents the check-back settings.
checkClient(int) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
CheckConnectionCondition - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Checks the connection to a remote system, if the tasks has a connection.
CheckConnectionCondition() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckConnectionCondition
Creates a new CheckConnectionCondition.
CHECKDB - com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduWizard.Action
Check database
CheckFileCondition - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Checks if a file exists.
CheckFileCondition() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition
Creates a new CheckFileCondition.
CheckGroupElement - Class in com.uc4.api.prompt
This class represents a group of check boxes.
CheckGroupElement(String, UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.prompt.CheckGroupElement
Creates a new CheckGroupElement.
CheckHistoryCondition - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Checks if the last execution of an object satisfies the defined status and the defined satisfaction lead time.
CheckHistoryCondition() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckHistoryCondition
Creates a new CheckHistoryCondition.
checkID(int) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
CheckILMPartition - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Checks whether the specified partition includes active objects.
CheckILMPartition(ILMPartitionItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckILMPartition
Creates a new CheckILMPartition request.
CheckILMPartitionItem - Class in com.uc4.api.systemoverview
This class represents one row in the ILM check partition table.
CheckILMPartitionItem(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CheckILMPartitionItem
Internal use only.
CheckListElement - Class in com.uc4.api.prompt
This class represents a check list prompt element.
CheckListElement(String, UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.prompt.CheckListElement
Creates a new CheckListElement.
checkLnr(int) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
checkNull(Object, String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
checkpoint() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
use the method general() instead
CheckProcessCondition - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Checks if a particular process is running on the host system.
CheckProcessCondition() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckProcessCondition
Creates a new CheckProcessCondition.
CheckProcessCondition.ProcessStatus - Enum in com.uc4.api.objects
Process status.
checkSelStatisticsPrivilege(ConnectionAttributes) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
checkSystemOverviewPrivilege(ConnectionAttributes) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
checkUC4ObjectEmptyName(UC4ObjectName) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
checkUC4ObjectName(UC4ObjectName) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
CheckUserPrivileges - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Checks privileges of users.
CheckUserPrivileges(CheckUserPrivileges.Candidate...) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckUserPrivileges
Creates a new CheckUserPrivileges request.
CheckUserPrivileges.Candidate - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Stores the name of the user, a privilege to check and the result of the check after the request has been sent.
childIterator() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.ITreeItem
Returns an Iterator which can be used to step through the children of this ITreeItem.
childIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorAgentTree.AgentNode
childIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorCATree.CustomAttributeNode
childIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorQueueTree.QueueNode
childIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorStatusTree.StatusNode
childIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorZDUTree.ZDUNode
ChildStatistics - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Reads the child statistics of a specified RunID.
ChildStatistics(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChildStatistics
Reads the child statistics of a specified RunID.
ChildStatistics(int, int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChildStatistics
Reads the child statistics of a specified RunID.
CITC - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
RA Solution.
CITEncryption - Class in com.uc4.util
Decrypts passwords in RA connection objects.
CITValue(boolean, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.OCVPanel.CITValue
Creates a new CITValue.
CITValue(boolean, boolean, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.OCVPanel.CITValue
Creates a new CITValue.
CITValue(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.OCVPanel.CITValue
cleanAfterSave() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectValues
Clear the internal state after a save was performed on the object.
clear() - Method in class com.automic.server.api.data.ClientQueueList
Clear the queueList
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AgentAssignmentFilter
Removes all filters.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Authorizations
Sets the Read, Write and Execute permission for each client to false.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionsSet
Removes all conditions.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP
Removes all filter entries.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleWindows
Removes all filters.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EventCalendar
Removes all EventCalendarItem from this object.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroup
Removes all filter and host definitions from this HostGroup.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlan
Removes all tasks.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Removes all dependencies.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectAuthorizations
Clears the list of authorizations.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OCVPanel
Removes all values from this connection object.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Operator
Removes all recipients.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFiles
Removes all registered files.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptDesigner
Removes all PromptElements from this PromptSet.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SecureSQLVariable
Removes all bind Parameters.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SecureSQLVariableIntern
Removes all bind Parameters.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.StaticCalendarKeyword
Removes all dates from this static calendar keyword.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncList
Removes all sync references.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAuthorizations
Clears the list of authorizations.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Removes all tasks from the true and false branches.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowLoop
Removes all tasks in this for each workflow.
clear() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.CheckBackSettings
Disables all checks.
clearCalendarList() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskCalendar
Removes all calendar conditions.
clearConnectProperties() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
Clears the table of connect properties.
clearConnectStringValues() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
Clears the table of the connect string values.
clearDateSelectionFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceFulfillmentList.Filter
Clears the time range filter.
clearExceptionConditons() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueAttributes
Clears the list of ExceptionConditons.
clearFilters() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleBS2000
Removes all existing filter entries.
clearFilters() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS390
Removes all existing filter entries.
clearFilters() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS400
Removes all existing filter entries.
clearParameters() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DynamicExecVariable
Removes all Parameters.
clearSettings() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Client
Removes all client settings .
ClearTransportCase - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Removes all objects from the transport folder.
ClearTransportCase() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ClearTransportCase
ClearVariableAction - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Deletes the content of a static variable.
ClearVariableAction() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ClearVariableAction
Creates a new ClearVariableAction.
Client - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a UC4 CLNT object.
Client() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.Client
CLIENT_WIDE - com.uc4.api.StorageItem.UsageType
Client-wide resource remains in client cache and will be updated only if the resource will be changed.
ClientList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Client list of the system overview.
ClientList() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ClientList
ClientListItem - Class in com.uc4.api.systemoverview
This class represents one row in the client list of the system overview.
ClientListItem(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ClientListItem
Constructs a ClientListItem from a XML element.
ClientQueueList - Class in com.automic.server.api.data
ClientQueueList() - Constructor for class com.automic.server.api.data.ClientQueueList
Instantiates a new client queue list.
ClientQueueList.Entry - Class in com.automic.server.api.data
CLNT - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
clone() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
clone() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteRecurring
clone() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskCalendar
Use copy() instead.
clone() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Time
cloneProperties(JobPlanTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
Creates a deep copy of all task properties of the given task for this task, except the task values (prompts and variables).
clonePropertiesAndTaskValues(JobPlanTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
Creates a deep copy of all task properties of the given task for this task, including the task values (prompts and variables).
close() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Connection
Closes the connection to the UC4 Server.
CloseEvent - Class in com.uc4.communication
Represents a KickEvent which is passed to a IKickEventListener
CloseEvent(int, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.CloseEvent
closeJobPlanTasks(TaskState) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlan
Connects tasks with the START task if they have to predecessor.
CloseObject - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Closes an open UC4 Objekt.
CloseObject(UC4Object) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CloseObject
Creates a new CloseObject If the UC4 Object is already closed this request should do nothing.
CloseObject(Integer) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CloseObject
Creates a new CloseObject If the UC4 Object is already closed this request should do nothing.
closePerformed(CloseEvent) - Method in interface com.uc4.communication.ICloseEventListener
This method is called, when the remote server closes the connection
CloseProcessFlowModification - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Commits or resets the changes of a ProcessFlow monitor which is open for modification.
CloseProcessFlowModification(JobPlanMonitor, boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CloseProcessFlowModification
Ends a modification of a ProcessFlow monitor.
ClosePrompt - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Close a prompt window.
ClosePrompt(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ClosePrompt
Creates a new ClosePrompt request which can be used to cancel a prompt request.
ClosePrompt(List<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ClosePrompt
Creates a new ClosePrompt request which can be used to cancel a multiple prompt requests.
CMNDecrypt(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.uc4.util.AES
used to decrypt a byte buffer.
CMNEncrypt(byte[], int, int, byte[]) - Method in class com.uc4.util.AES
used to encrypt a byte buffer.
Cockpit - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents the Cockpit object CPIT.
Cockpit() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.Cockpit
CockpitBar - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents the Bar control of the Cockpit.
CockpitBar(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitBar
CockpitBox - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents the Box control of the Cockpit.
CockpitBox(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitBox
CockpitControl - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
CockpitControl() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitControl
CockpitControl(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitControl
CockpitControlDataSource - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents the data source of a CockpitControl object.
CockpitControlDataSource() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitControlDataSource
Creates a CockpitControlDataSource object.
CockpitDesign - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents the Cockpit tab of the Cockpit object.
CockpitDesign(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitDesign
CockpitFrame - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents the Frame control of the Cockpit.
CockpitFrame(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitFrame
CockpitLamp - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents the Lamp control of the Cockpit.
CockpitLamp(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitLamp
CockpitMonitorDefiniton - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Gets the design of the Cockpit monitor.
CockpitMonitorDefiniton(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CockpitMonitorDefiniton
Creates a CockpitMontiorDefinition request.
CockpitPie - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents the Pie control of the Cockpit.
CockpitPie(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitPie
CockpitThresholds - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents the Threshold values for the CockpitControl Pie, Bar and TrafficLight.
CockpitTrafficLights - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents the Traffic light control of the Cockpit.
CockpitTrafficLights(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitTrafficLights
CockpitValueControl - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Basis for all Cockpit control with values.
CockpitValueControl(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitValueControl
CockpitValueControl.ValueFormat - Enum in com.uc4.api.objects
Format of the 2nd caption of the CockpitControl.
CODE - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
Code table.
CODE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Code objects.
CodeTable - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a Automic CodeTable object.
CodeTable() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CodeTable
collionsSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarKeyword
Returns the number of entries in the collision list.
collisionIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarKeyword
Returns an iterator over RollCalendarCollision.
com.automic.annotations - package com.automic.annotations
com.automic.server.api.data - package com.automic.server.api.data
com.uc4.api - package com.uc4.api
com.uc4.api.objects - package com.uc4.api.objects
com.uc4.api.prompt - package com.uc4.api.prompt
com.uc4.api.servicefulfillment - package com.uc4.api.servicefulfillment
com.uc4.api.systemoverview - package com.uc4.api.systemoverview
com.uc4.communication - package com.uc4.communication
com.uc4.communication.requests - package com.uc4.communication.requests
com.uc4.util - package com.uc4.util
ComboElement - Class in com.uc4.api.prompt
This class represents a combo prompt element.
ComboElement(String, UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.prompt.ComboElement
comment - Variable in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
compareTo(DateTime) - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
COMPLETED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
ComponentWorkflowObjectName - Class in com.uc4.api
This class represents a template information of a component workflow.
ComponentWorkflowObjectName(UC4ObjectName, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.ComponentWorkflowObjectName
Creates a new ComponentTemplate instance.
ComponentWorkflowObjectName(UC4ObjectName, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.ComponentWorkflowObjectName
Creates a new ComponentTemplate instance.
composite() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Variable
This method provides access to the Composite settings of this VARA object.
CompositeSslContextFactory - Class in com.uc4.communication
CompositeSslContextFactory() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.CompositeSslContextFactory
CompositeSslContextFactory(TraceListener) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.CompositeSslContextFactory
CompositeVariable - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents the panel "Variable" of an VARA Object with the source "Composite".
CompositeVariable(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CompositeVariable
CompositeVariable.Operation - Enum in com.uc4.api.objects
COMPRESSION_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
Default file compression.
COMPRESSION_NO - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
No compression.
COMPRESSION_YES - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
Enabled File compression.
condition() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Returns the condition of the IF.
Condition - Interface in com.uc4.api.objects
Condition of a JobPlan task (PreCondition or PostCondition).
ConditionOrAction - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Base class of all Conditions or Actions.
ConditionOrAction() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionOrAction
ConditionsSet - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Container for conditions.
ConditionsSet(boolean, Element, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionsSet
ConfirmQuarantineMessage - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Flags a quarantine message as noted.
ConfirmQuarantineMessage(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ConfirmQuarantineMessage
Creates a new ConfirmQuarantineMessage request.
ConfirmQuarantineMessage(int[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ConfirmQuarantineMessage
Creates a new ConfirmQuarantineMessage request.
CONN - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
Connection object.
CONN_DB - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Database Connection.
CONN_SAP - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
SAP Connection Object.
CONN_SQL - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
SQL Connection Object.
Connection - Class in com.uc4.communication
This class represents a connection to the UC4 Server with a specific UC4 user.
ConnectionAttributes - Class in com.uc4.communication
This class contains information about the connection to the UC4 Server.
ConnectionAttributes() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.ConnectionAttributes
Creates ConnectionAttributes.
ConnectionException - Exception in com.uc4.communication
Is thrown when a connection error occurs.
ConnectionException(IOException, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for exception com.uc4.communication.ConnectionException
ConnectProperties - Class in com.uc4.communication
Contains all properties which are required to connect to the Automation Engine.
ConnectProperties(int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.ConnectProperties
Creates a new ConnectProperties instance with default values for the CP connection (localhost) and language (english).
console() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleEvent
Access to the "Console" tab.
ConsoleBS2000 - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Console settings for BS2000.
ConsoleBS2000() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleBS2000
ConsoleEvent - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Console Event.
ConsoleEvent() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleEvent
ConsoleEventSetting - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Sub classes contain additional fields that are specific for a certain Operating System.
ConsoleEventSetting() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleEventSetting
ConsoleOS390 - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Console Event settings for OS/390.
ConsoleOS390() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS390
ConsoleOS390.ConsoleOS390Filter - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a single filter entry for OS/390 Console Events.
ConsoleOS390Filter(String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS390.ConsoleOS390Filter
ConsoleOS390Filter(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS390.ConsoleOS390Filter
ConsoleOS400 - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Settings for OS/400.
ConsoleOS400() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS400
ConsoleOS400.ConsoleOS400Filter - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a single filter for a OS/400 Console Event.
ConsoleOS400Filter(String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS400.ConsoleOS400Filter
ConsoleOS400Filter(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS400.ConsoleOS400Filter
ConsoleSAP - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
SAP Console Event.
ConsoleSAP() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP
ConsoleSAP.EventHistoryFilter - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This clas represents a single entry in the SAP ConsoleEvent of DataSource Event History.
ConsoleSAP.JavaEventHistoryFilter - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a single entry in the SAP ConsoleEvent of DataSource Java Event History.
ConsoleSAP.XIChannelFilter - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
An instance of this class represents a single entry in the list of filter for XI Communication channels.
ConsoleWindows - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Console Event Settings for Windows.
ConsoleWindows() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleWindows
ConsoleWindows.ConsoleWindowsFilter - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
An instance of this class reprensents a single filter line.
ConsoleWindowsFilter(int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleWindows.ConsoleWindowsFilter
ConsoleWindowsFilter(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleWindows.ConsoleWindowsFilter
consumption - Variable in class com.uc4.api.Task
containsDate(DateTime) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarKeyword
Checks if a date matches this keyword.
containsEmptyQueue() - Method in class com.automic.server.api.data.ClientQueueList
Contains empty queue.
containsVariable() - Method in class com.uc4.api.UC4ObjectName
containsVariable(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.UC4ObjectName
Tests if the supplied name is the valid name of a Script Variable
convertFromNumber(int) - Static method in enum com.uc4.api.servicefulfillment.ServiceFulfillmentStatus
Returns the status from a number
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionOrAction
Creates a deep copy of this object
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionsSet
Creates a deep copy of this object
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanEarliest
Creates a deep copy of this object
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanExternal
Creates a deep copy of this object
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
Creates a copy of this task with only the properties set.
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MaximumRuntime
This method is used to return the copy of the MaximumRuntime Object.
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MinimumRuntime
This method is used to return the copy of the MinimumRuntime Object.
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OCVPanel.CITValue
Creates a deep copy of this object
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OCVPanel
Creates a deep copy of this object
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ProcessFlowGeneral
Creates a deep copy of this object
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleTask
This method is used to return the copy of the ScheduleTask.
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskCalendar
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskResult
This method is used to return the copy of the TaskResult Object.
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskRuntime
This method is used to return the copy of the TaskRuntime Object.
copy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskValues
This method is used to return the copy of the TaskValues Object.
copy(JobPlanTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Creates a deep copy of this object and all it's properties except for the predecessor and successor object lists.
copy(ScheduleTask) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleTask
Method to copy the attributes from the provided ScheduleTask
copyWithTaskValues() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
Creates a copy of this task, inclusive of TaskValues (Variables and PromptSets).
CPIT - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
CPIT - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Cockpit objects.
cpIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Connection
There is no CP list in version 21.0 and higher
CPTraceOptions - Class in com.uc4.api.systemoverview
Data interface between applications.
CPTraceOptions(GetCPProperties) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CPTraceOptions
WPTraceOptions are constructed by passing in a GetWPTraceOptions request that was already sent to the server.
cpuTime - Variable in class com.uc4.api.Task
create(String, String) - Static method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
This static method creates a new CalendarCondition.
CREATE_DIAGNOSTIC_INFO - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Create diagnostic information.
createActionFromId(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionOrAction
Creates an action according to the id.
createClientList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of clients.
createCockpitDesign(XMLDocument) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectFactory
Internal use, creates a CockpitDesign object.
createCodeListForFT() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of CODE objects which can be used for FileTransfers.
createConditionFromId(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionOrAction
Creates a condition according to the id.
createDashObjectList(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of Dash Objects considering object rights.
createDBConnList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of database connection objects.
createDocuContainer(XMLDocument) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectFactory
Internal use, creates a new docu container
createEventCollectorList(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of Rule Event Objects.
createEventDefinitionList(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of Event Definition Objects.
createEventRuleList(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of Rule Event Objects.
createExecutableDisplayTypeList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of display names for executable object types.
createExecutableObjectTypeList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of executable object types.
createExecuteRecurring() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Period
Creates a new ExecuteRecurring instance with the settings copied from this Period object.
createExtendedObjectList(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of objects.
createExternalWorkflowTask(UC4ObjectName, UC4ObjectName) - Static method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectFactory
Creates a new external Workflow task.
createFilterList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of OUTPUT filters.
CreateFolder - Class in com.uc4.communication
Creates objects like die Dialog Client
CreateFolder(CreateObject) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.CreateFolder
Constructs a new CreateFolder using the specified CreateObject
createForecastList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a query for forecast status values.
createGroupCriteriaList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of grouping criteria for the activity window.
createHostList(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of Agents.
createHOSTListForFT() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of HOST objects which can be used for FileTransfers.
createHostRoleList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of host roles.
createHostTypeList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of host types.
createHostTypeList(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of host types.
createLicenseList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
the license check has been removed in version 12.2 and higher
createLoginTypeList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of login types.
createNATFor(XMLRequest, ConnectionAttributes) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
createNATRequest(ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DownloadBinary
createNATRequest(ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.UploadBinary
createNATRequest(ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
Sub classes may override this method send messages in NAT protocol to the AE.
CreateObject - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Creates a new UC4 Object.
CreateObject(UC4ObjectName, Template, IFolder) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CreateObject
Creates an UC4 Object.
createObjectAuthorizations(XMLDocument) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectFactory
Internal use, creates a ObjectAuthorizations object
createObjectList(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of objects.
createObjectList(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of objects according to the given parameters.
createObjectTypeList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of object types.
createObjectTypeList(String, String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of object types according to the given parameters.
createParentWorkflowList(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of all Workflows that contain task objName
createReportTypeList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of report types.
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.CreateFolder
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivateLDAPConnection
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivateObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivatorStatistics
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActiveNotifications
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivityList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivityNotificationOn
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddComment
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddJobPlanTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddPromptSet
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddScheduleMonitorTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddScheduleTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AdoptTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAndGroupList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAssignmentList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentGroupList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentGroupMonitor
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentGroupSimulation
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AuthenticateAgent
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CacheList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CalendarList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CancelForm
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CancelTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CauDeploy
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CauSkipWaiting
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangeLogging
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangePassword
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChangeServerMode
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckILMPartition
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckUserPrivileges
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ChildStatistics
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ClearTransportCase
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ClientList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CloseObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CloseProcessFlowModification
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ClosePrompt
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CockpitMonitorDefiniton
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ConfirmQuarantineMessage
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CreateObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CreateSession
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeactivateLDAPConnection
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeactivateTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeepRename
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteAgentAssignment
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteLink
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteMQMemList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteQuarantineMessage
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteStaticVaraRow
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteStorageEntry
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectAgentGroup
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectHost
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectUser
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DownloadBinary
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DropILMPartition
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DuplicateObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.EnforcePreConditionEvaluation
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteAgentAssignment
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObjects
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExitList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportAuthenticationPackage
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportCompanyKey
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportWithReferences
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.FindReferencedObjects
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderTree
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ForceMemoryTrace
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GenericStatistics
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetActivitiesFilter
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupMonitorProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCAUAgentVersions
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetChangeLog
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetComments
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetComponentTemplates
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetComponentWorkflows
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCPProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDeploymentProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDeployObjectProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDynamicComboList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetExecuteOnce
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetExecutePeriod
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetGroupMonitorProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetLastRuntimes
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetModifyQueue
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectDocu
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetOutputDirectory
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetQuarantineMessage
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRAAgentNames
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRAConnectionNames
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRAConnectionValues
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRAJobNames
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRestartInformation
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRestEndpoints
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetSessionTZ
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetStaticVaraRows
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetStorageItems
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetSyncMonitor
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetSyncUsage
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetUnreadMessages
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GroupMonitor
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.IgnoreAgentResources
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.IgnoreConditions
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.IgnoreQueueLimit
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.IgnoreTaskSyncCondition
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ILMList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ImportObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.LatestReport
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.LicenseList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.LinkTo
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.MessageList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyNotificationMonitor
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyProcessFlowMonitor
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyQueue
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyQueueStatus
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyRecurringTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyStartTime
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyTaskPriority
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyTaskState
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyUISettings
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.MoveAgentAssignment
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.MoveObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.MoveUserToClient
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.MQMemList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorAgentTree
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorCATree
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorQueueTree
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorStatusTree
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorZDUTree
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NotificationMonitor
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NotificationState
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ObjectStatistics
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.OpenObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.OpenProcessFlowModification
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ParentStatistics
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.PreviewAssignment
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.PreviewVariable
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.PromptInputHelp
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QuarantineList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueueList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QuickSearch
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QuitTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RefreshCockpitMonitor
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RefreshServiceManagerScan
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ReleaseManually
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ReleaseQuarantineMessage
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ReloadNextTurnaround
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RemoteRestart
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RemoveJobPlanBreakPoint
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RenameObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RenewTransferKey
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ReplaceObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.Report
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ReportTypeList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RerunWorkflow
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ResetLastRuntimes
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ResetOpenFlag
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ResetScheduleTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RestartTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RestoreObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RestoreObjectVersion
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ResumeClient
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ResumeTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RollbackTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RollbackTo
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RunJobPlanTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RunScheduledTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SaveAgentAssignment
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SaveObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ScheduleMonitor
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SearchObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServerList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceFulfillmentList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceLevelObjectiveList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetAgentGroupMonitorProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetAgentGroupProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetAgentProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetCPProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetGroupMonitorProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetHostAuthorizations
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetJobPlanBreakPoint
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetJobPlanTaskActive
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetJobPlanTaskInactive
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetObjectProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetStaticVaraRows
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetSyncMonitor
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetWPProperties
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetZDUStep
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ShowQuarantineMessage
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.StartHost
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.StartILM
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.StartServer
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.StopILM
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SubmitForm
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SubmitPrompt
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SuspendClient
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SuspendTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SwitchOutILM
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SynchronizeLDAP
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SystemWorkload
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskDetails
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskPromptSetContent
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskPromptSetNames
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskStatistics
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TemplateList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TerminateAgentGroup
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TerminateHost
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TerminateServer
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TransportObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.UnblockJobPlanTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.UnblockWorkflow
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.UnregisterTask
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.UntransportObject
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.UploadBinary
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.UserList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.VersionControlList
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
Creates the XML Document for the request.
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ZDUControl
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduStep
createRequest(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduWizard
CreateSession - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Login to UC4.
CreateSession() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CreateSession
Internal use.
CreateSession(MessageBox) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.CreateSession
Internal use.
createSSLContext() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.CompositeSslContextFactory
Loads all certificates contained in the path (configured by setTrustedCertFolderPath) into a new keystore, including all default trusted certificates (unless includeSystemTrustStore is false)
createSSLContext(TraceListener, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.CompositeSslContextFactory
Loads all certificates contained in the path (configured by trustedCertFolderPath) into a new keystore, including all default trusted certificates and sets this store as trustStore for the SslContext
createStatusList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of final status values of tasks.
createStatusListWithoutUserReturnCodes() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of final status values of tasks and ignore User Return Codes.
createStoreObjectList(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of Store Objects.
createTask(Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ScheduleMonitor
Creates a new ScheduleMonitor.Task in the Schedule monitor.
createTask(Element, ConnectionAttributes, boolean, int, XMLDocument) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddScheduleMonitorTask
Creates a task in the Schedule monitor.
createTask(Element, ConnectionAttributes, JobPlanMonitor) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor
Creates a task in the Workflow monitor.
createTask(Element, ConnectionAttributes, JobPlanMonitor, XMLDocument) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor
Creates a task in the Workflow monitor.
createTimeZoneAttributes(XMLDocument) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectFactory
Internal use, creates a TimeZoneAttributes object.
createVaultAliasProvidersList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of VaultAliasis Providers.
createVaultProvidersList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of Vault Providers.
createVaultSafeProvidersList() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Creates a list of VaultSafe Providers.
createWorkflowTask(UC4ObjectName, String) - Static method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectFactory
Creates a new Workflow task.
createWorkflowTask(XMLDocument, Element, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.util.WorkFlowTaskFactory
Creates a new WorkflowTask.
createWorkflowTasks(XMLDocument, ConnectionAttributes) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Creates a WorkflowTasks object which holds the tasks of a workflow.
CurrentQueueCondition - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Checks the Queue the task will run in.
CurrentQueueCondition() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentQueueCondition
Creates a new CurrentQueueCondition.
CurrentTimeCondition - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Checks the (physical) time in the timezone the object was started in.
CurrentTimeCondition() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentTimeCondition
Creates a new CurrentTimeCondition.
CurrentTimeCondition.When - Enum in com.uc4.api.objects
When operator.
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES - com.uc4.communication.requests.ActivityList.GroupingType
Group by Custom attributes.
CustomAttribute - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Custom Attribute.
CustomAttribute(String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CustomAttribute
Creates a new CustomAttribute.
CustomAttribute(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CustomAttribute
CustomAttributeFilter - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
CustomAttributeFilter(CustomAttribute) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.CustomAttributeFilter
Creates a new filter for a specific custom attribute.
customAttributeFilterIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Returns an Iterator over all CustomAttributeFilter.
customAttributeFilterIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceFulfillmentList.Filter
Returns an Iterator over all CustomAttributeFilter.
customAttributeFilterIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceLevelObjectiveList.Filter
Returns an Iterator over all CustomAttributeFilter.
customAttributeIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XHeader
Returns an java.util.Iterator of CustomAttribute.
CyclicException - Exception in com.uc4.api.objects
A CyclicException is thrown if a JobPlan contains cycles.
CyclicException() - Constructor for exception com.uc4.api.objects.CyclicException
Creates new CyclicException.


DASH - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
DASH - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Dashboard objects.
Dashboard - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Dashboard object.
Dashboard() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.Dashboard
database() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEvent
Provides access to the database tab of this Event Object.
DATABASE - com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationSettings.ReportSource
DatabaseConnection - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a CONN.DB Object.
DatabaseConnection() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
DatabaseConnection.DatabaseType - Enum in com.uc4.api.objects
Type of the database.
DatabaseEvent - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Database event.
DatabaseEvent() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEvent
DatabaseEventSettings - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class provides acccess to Database Event settings.
DatabaseEventSettings(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEventSettings
DatabaseEventValue - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Represents a value in the database event.
DatabaseEventValue(XMLDocument, Element, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEventValue
Internal use only.
datasource() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowLoop
Datasource of the loop.
dataSource - Variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitValueControl
dataSource() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitValueControl
Returns the CockpitControlDataSource of the CockpitControl.
DATE - com.uc4.api.objects.ErtUsage
Variable is used as Date and its MLS Id.
DATE - com.uc4.communication.requests.SearchObject.VariableDataType
DateElement - Class in com.uc4.api.prompt
This class represents a date prompt element.
DateElement(String, UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.prompt.DateElement
Creates a new DateElement.
DateTime - Class in com.uc4.api
This class represents a local date and time.
DateTime(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Constructs a new DateTime from the specified integer values.
DateTime(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Constructs a new DateTime from the specified integer values.
DateTime(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Constructs a new DateTime from the specified integer values.
DateTime(DateTime) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Copy constructor.
DateTime(String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Constructs a DateTime from the specified String.
DateTime(String, TimeZone) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Constructs a DateTime from the specified String and timezone.
DAYS - com.uc4.api.TaskFilter.TimeUnit
DB_MAINTENANCE - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Manages archive access.
DB2 - com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection.DatabaseType
DeactivateCondition - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class contains deactivate condititions.
DeactivateCondition(DeactivateCondition.Type) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.DeactivateCondition
Creates a new instance of a deactivate condition.
DeactivateCondition.Type - Enum in com.uc4.api.objects
Type of the deactivate condition.
DeactivateLDAPConnection - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Deactivates the LDAP connection of a user.
DeactivateLDAPConnection(UserListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeactivateLDAPConnection
Creates a new request to activate the LDAP connection of a user in the user list.
DeactivateLDAPConnection(String[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeactivateLDAPConnection
Constructs a DeactivateLDAPConnection using user ids.
DeactivateLDAPConnection(List<UserListItem>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeactivateLDAPConnection
Constructs a DeactivateLDAPConnection using multiple users.
DeactivateTask - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Deactivates a task in the UC4 Activity window.
DeactivateTask(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeactivateTask
Constructs a DeactivateTask for the specified RunID.
DeactivateTask(int[], boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeactivateTask
Constructs a DeactivateTask using multiple RunIds.
DeactivateTask(int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeactivateTask
Constructs a DeactivateTask for the specified RunID.
DebugAndTraceListener - Interface in com.uc4.communication
A debug and trace listener for the connection process and communication between a Connection and the One Automation Engine communication process.
decode(String, ConnectionAttributes) - Static method in class com.uc4.util.RC4
Decodes the passed string with the RC4 cipher using a key created from connection attributes
decodeVariableName(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.util.PromptVariableEncoder
See TD 97646 2.4 # -> s.00 $ -> s.01 § -> s.02 (at) -> s.03
decrementPreCounter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
decrypt(String, ConnectionAttributes) - Static method in class com.uc4.util.CITEncryption
Decrypts a password in an RA connection object.
decrypt(String, ConnectionAttributes) - Static method in class com.uc4.util.Encryption
Decrypts a AES encrypted password
DeepRename - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Rename an object including all objects in the same folder and below.
DeepRename() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeepRename
Constructs a DeepRename request.
DeepRename.AbortIfNameExistsMode - Enum in com.uc4.communication.requests
DeepRename.IncludeFolderNamesMode - Enum in com.uc4.communication.requests
DEFAULT - com.uc4.api.objects.ExtendedReports
Those extended reports to be written are defined client-wide in the Variable "UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS".
DEFAULT - com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC.XALVersion
Default, most recent one.
DEFAULT - com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC.XBPVersion
Default uses the most recent version supported by the SAP system.
DefaultNotificationListener - Class in com.uc4.communication
Default Implementation of the INotificationListener interface.
DefaultNotificationListener() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.DefaultNotificationListener
DeleteAgentAssignment - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
This class is used to delete the AgentAssignment from the SystemOverview in Client Zero.
DeleteAgentAssignment(AgentAssignmentListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteAgentAssignment
Creates a DeleteAgentAssignment request.
DELETED_LINE_STATE - Static variable in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Constant for lines that have been deleted.
DeleteLink - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Deletes links of UC4 object(s).
DeleteLink(FolderListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteLink
Creates a new request to remove a link to an UC4 object.
DeleteLink(List<FolderListItem>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteLink
Creates a new request to remove a links of UC4 objects.
DeleteMQMemList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Request to delete one or more entries in the MQMEM table.
DeleteMQMemList(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteMQMemList
Creates a new DeleteMQMemList request.
DeleteObject - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Deletes an UC4 object.
DeleteObject(IFolder) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteObject
This constructor is used to delete FOLD objects in UC4.
DeleteObject(IFolder[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteObject
This constructor is used to delete multiple FOLD objects in AE.
DeleteObject(UserListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteObject
Constructs a DeleteObject to remove a user based on the user list in the system overview.
DeleteObject(UserListItem[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteObject
Constructs a DeleteObject to remove multiple users.
DeleteObject(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteObject
Deletes the specified object.
DeleteObject(UC4ObjectName[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteObject
Deletes UC4 Objects with the specified names.
DeleteObject(UC4ObjectName[], IFolder[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteObject
This constructor is used to delete multiple FOLD and UC4Object objects in AE.
DeleteObject(UC4ObjectName, IFolder) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteObject
Constructs a DeleteObject using the specified UC4 object name.
DeleteObject(String[]) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteObject
Delete all the objects with the matching ids.
DeleteQuarantineMessage - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Removes a message from the quarantine list of the system overview.
DeleteQuarantineMessage(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteQuarantineMessage
Creates a new DeleteQuarantineMessage request.
DeleteQuarantineMessage(List<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteQuarantineMessage
Creates a new DeleteQuarantineMessage request.
deleteReferences(boolean) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteAgentAssignment
This is used to set whether reference for the agent assignment requires to be deleted or not.
DeleteStaticVaraRow - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Deletet a list of variable rows, specified by their keys.
DeleteStaticVaraRow(UC4ObjectName, String...) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteStaticVaraRow
Creates a new instance of the DeleteStaticVaraRow request.
DeleteStorageEntry - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
DeleteStorageEntry is used to delete the resource item in the storage Storage object.
DeleteStorageEntry(ResourceItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteStorageEntry
Constructs a DeleteStorageEntry request using the idnr of the Resource Item of the store object and idnr of the store object.
DeleteStorageEntry(StorageItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DeleteStorageEntry
DELMQMEM - com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduWizard.Action
Remove pending MQMEM entries
dependencies() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
Gets the dependencies of this JobPlan task.
deployment() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlan
This method provides access to the deployment tab of a ProcessFlow.
Deployment - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents the deployment tab of a ProcessFlow.
Deployment(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.Deployment
Constructs a Rollback object from the specified XMLDocument
DESCENDING - com.uc4.communication.requests.MessageList.Order
In descending order.
design() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Cockpit
Returns the design of the Cockpit.
design() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CockpitMonitorDefiniton
Returns the design of the Cockpit.
designer() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSet
This method provides access to the designer tab of a PromptSet object.
DetailGroup - Class in com.uc4.api
This class represents a Group in the Detail of a task.
DetailGroup(String, LinkedHashMap<String, String>, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.DetailGroup
Constructs a DetailGroup using the specified parameters.
dirty - Variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.MinimumRuntime
disableLogonTimeSpan() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAttributes
Disables the logon time span limitation.
disableTextSearch() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SearchObject
Disable text search.
DisconnectAgentGroup - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Disconnects all Agents in the specified AgentGroup.
DisconnectAgentGroup(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectAgentGroup
Creates a new request to disconnect all Agents in an AgentGroup.
DisconnectAgentGroup(List<UC4ObjectName>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectAgentGroup
Creates a new request to disconnect all Agents in AgentGroups.
DisconnectHost - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Disconnects the specified Agent(s).
DisconnectHost(AgentListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectHost
Creates a new DisconnectHost request.
DisconnectHost(String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectHost
Disconnects all agents of the given zdu type.
DisconnectHost(List<String>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectHost
Internal use only.
DisconnectUser - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Disconnects a user.
DisconnectUser(CheckILMPartitionItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectUser
Creates a new DisconnectUser request.
DisconnectUser(UserListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectUser
Creates a new DisconnectUser request.
DisconnectUser(List<UserListItem>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DisconnectUser
Creates a new DisconnectUser group request.
docu() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UC4Object
This method provides access to the text and structured documentation of an object.
docu() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectDocu
This method provides access to the text and structured documentation of an UC4 Object.
DOCU - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
DOCU - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Documentation objects.
DocuContainer - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents the documentation tab of an Automation Engine object.
Documentation - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a DOCU Object.
Documentation() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.Documentation
DONE - com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyNotificationMonitor.Action
Done (Type alert).
doNotStore - Variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskResult
DownloadBinary - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Downloads a file from a STORE object.
DownloadBinary(UC4ObjectName, String, PlatformSwHwType) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DownloadBinary
Creates a new request to download a file from a STORE object.
DownloadBinary(UC4ObjectName, String, PlatformSwHwType, File) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DownloadBinary
Creates a new request to download a file from a STORE object.
DownloadBinary(UC4ObjectName, String, PlatformSwHwType, File, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DownloadBinary
Creates a new request to download a file from a STORE object.
DownloadBinary(UC4ObjectName, String, PlatformSwHwType, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DownloadBinary
Creates a new request to download a file from STORE object.
DropILMPartition - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Deletes the specified ILM partition.
DropILMPartition(ILMPartitionItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DropILMPartition
Creates a new request to drop an ILM partition.
DUPLICATE_ONLY - com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings.AskForAlias
On duplicate tasks in a process flow only.
DuplicateObject - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Duplicates an UC4 Object.
DuplicateObject(UC4Object, UC4ObjectName, IFolder) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DuplicateObject
Creates a new DuplicateObject request.
DuplicateObject(UC4ObjectName, UC4ObjectName, IFolder) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DuplicateObject
Creates a new DuplicateObject request.
DuplicateObject(UC4ObjectName, UC4ObjectName, IFolder, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.DuplicateObject
Creates a new DuplicateObject request.
dynamicExecVariable() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Variable
This method provides Dynamic Executable Variable Tab.
DynamicExecVariable - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Dynamic Executable Variable.
DynamicExecVariable(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.DynamicExecVariable
Instantiates a new dynamic Executable variable.
DynamicSQLVariable - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Dynamic Database Variable.
DynamicSQLVariable(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.DynamicSQLVariable
DynamicSQLVariableIntern - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Internal database variable.
DynamicSQLVariableIntern(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.DynamicSQLVariableIntern


earliest() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
Gets the earliest start time settings of this JobPlan task.
ECB - com.uc4.util.AES.Mode
ECC_ACCESS_ANALYTICS - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
ECC: Access to Analytics.
ECC_ADMINISTRATION - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
ECC: Administration.
ECC_ANALYTICS_ALL_CLIENTS - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Access to analytics for all clients
ECC_DASHBOARDS - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
ECC: Access to Dashboards.
ECC_DECISION_AUTOMATION - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
ECC_MANAGE_SLA_AND_BU - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
ECC_MESSAGES - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
ECC: Access to Messages.
ECC_PREDICTIVE_ANALYSIS - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
ECC_PROCESS_AUTOMATION - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
ECC: access to Process Automation.
ECC_PROCESS_DEVELOPMENT - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
ECC: access to Decision Automation.
ECC_PROCESS_MONITORING - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
ECC: access to Process Monitoring.
ECC_SERVICE_LEVEL_GOVENOR - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
EditorSettings - Class in com.uc4.communication
This class represents the Script Editor settings.
EJPPV - com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition.PromptElementTable
Prompted values of running workflow tasks
EJPVA - com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition.PromptElementTable
Prompted array values of running workflow tasks
ELSE_ABEND - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncItem
Abend .
ELSE_SKIP - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncItem
ELSE_WAIT - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncItem
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckConnectionCondition
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckHistoryCondition
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckProcessCondition
elseIterator() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.Condition
The returned iterator can be used to get the actions/conditions which are executed when this condition is false.
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentQueueCondition
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentTimeCondition
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReturnCodeCondition
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.StatusCondition
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeSinceActivationCondition
elseIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserDefinedCondition
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckConnectionCondition
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckHistoryCondition
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckProcessCondition
elseSize() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.Condition
Returns the number of action/conditions which should be executed when this condition is false.
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentQueueCondition
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentTimeCondition
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReturnCodeCondition
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.StatusCondition
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeSinceActivationCondition
elseSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserDefinedCondition
Empty - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
No forecast state.
EMPTY - com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitValueControl.ValueFormat
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.UC4Alias
Represents an empty UC4Alias.
emptyAttributes(NamedNodeMap, Message) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
Returns true if the attribute map is not empty.
ENABLE_FORCE_MEMORY_TRACE - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Enable forced trace memory dump.
encFree() - Method in class com.uc4.util.AES
used to free allocated resources.
encode(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.util.RC4
Encodes the passed string with the RC4 cipher using the default key
encode(String, ConnectionAttributes) - Static method in class com.uc4.util.RC4
Encodes the passed string with the RC4 cipher using a key created from connection attributes
encodeVariableName(String) - Static method in class com.uc4.util.PromptVariableEncoder
See TD 97646 2.4 # -> s.00 $ -> s.01 § -> s.02 (at) -> s.03
encrypt(String, boolean) - Method in class com.uc4.util.C1
Encryption - Class in com.uc4.util
Util class for AES Encryption, which is used for passwords of login objects
END - com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskList.DateRange
Returns a task if its end time falls into the specified time frame.
END - com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduWizard.Action
Finish state
ENDED_CANCEL - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task canceled.
ENDED_CANCEL - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task canceled.
ENDED_EMPTY - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task ended empty.
ENDED_EMPTY_JOB - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task ended empty.
ENDED_EMPTY_NOTHING_FOUND - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
-Nothing found.
ENDED_ESCALATED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Aborted by escalation.
ENDED_ESCALATED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Aborted by escalation.
ENDED_INACTIV - com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings.ExternalTaskStatus
Ended inactive.
ENDED_INACTIVE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task is inactive.
ENDED_INACTIVE_CALENDAR - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task ended inactive because of calendar not active today.
ENDED_INACTIVE_MANUAL - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task was set inactive.
ENDED_INACTIVE_MANUALLY - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task was set inactive.
ENDED_INACTIVE_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task ended undefined.
ENDED_JP_ABEND - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Not executed because of JobPlan abend.
ENDED_JP_CANCEL - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
JobPlan canceled.
ENDED_LOST - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Ended undefined (host terminated prematurely).
ENDED_NOT_OK - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task aborted (Return Code not 0).
ENDED_NOT_OK - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task aborted (Return Code not 0).
ENDED_NOT_OK_SYNC - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task ended not because of Sync condition.
ENDED_NOT_OK_SYNC - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task ended not ok beacause of Sync condition.
ENDED_OK - com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings.ExternalTaskStatus
Ended OK.
ENDED_OK - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task ended normally.
ENDED_OK - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task ended normally (Return Code = 0).
ENDED_OK_OR_EMPTY - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task ended normally or is empty.
ENDED_OK_OR_INACTIV - com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings.ExternalTaskStatus
Ended ok or inactive
ENDED_OK_OR_INACTIVE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task ended normally or is inactive.
ENDED_OK_OR_UNBLOCKED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
System return code 1900,1899.
ENDED_QUEUE_CANCEL - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Queue canceled.
ENDED_QUEUE_END - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Queue end.
ENDED_SKIPPED - com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings.ExternalTaskStatus
Ended skipped.
ENDED_SKIPPED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task skipped due to the WHEN condition.
ENDED_SKIPPED_CONDITIONS - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
System return code 1933.
ENDED_SKIPPED_SYNC - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task skipped due to the Sync condition.
ENDED_SKIPPED_SYNC - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task skipped due to the Sync condition.
ENDED_SKIPPED_WHEN - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Skipped because of dependency clause.
ENDED_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task was not executed because time had expired (dependency condition).
ENDED_TIMEOUT_EXCEED_START - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Start time exceeded.
ENDED_TIMEOUT_UNTIMELY - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Ended timeout.
ENDED_TIMEOUT_WHEN - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task was not executed because time had expired (dependency condition).
ENDED_TRUNCATE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Transfer incomplete due to line limit.
ENDED_TRUNCATE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Transfer incomplete due to line limit.
ENDED_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task ended undefined (Agent ended ahead of schedule).
ENDED_VANISHED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task vanished.
ENDED_VANISHED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task vanished.
endTime - Variable in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
EnforcePreConditionEvaluation - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Enforeces the evaluation of Pre-Conditions.
EnforcePreConditionEvaluation(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.EnforcePreConditionEvaluation
Creates a new EnforcePreConditionEvaluation.
Entry() - Constructor for class com.automic.server.api.data.ClientQueueList.Entry
Entry(boolean, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFilter.Entry
Use the other constructor in order to create a filter for registered job output.
Entry(char, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFilter.Entry
Creates a new filter condition.
Entry(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFilter.Entry
Internal use only.
entryIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableValues
EPUD - com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition.PromptElementTable
Prompt Execution: Prompted values of running tasks
EPUDA - com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition.PromptElementTable
Prompt Execution: Prompted array values of running tasks
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.FolderListItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarKeyword
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionOrAction
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CustomAttribute
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DeactivateCondition
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTaskDependency
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.LoginDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MaxParallel
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputScanFilter
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarCollision
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloSelection.Beneficiary
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncState
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ValidityKeywordType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.servicefulfillment.ServiceFulfillmentItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.StatisticSearchItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentGroupListItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CPTraceOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.HostTraceOptions
compares 2 instances, returns false if there are differences in data
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.HostTraceOptions.HostTraceFlag
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.WorkloadItem
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.WPTraceOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.Task
Two tasks are equal if their RunID is equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.Template
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.Time
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.TraceOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.TraceOptions.TraceFlag
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.UC4Alias
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.UC4HostName
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.api.UC4ObjectName
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ConnectProperties
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations.Candidate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckUserPrivileges.Candidate
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetHostAuthorizations.ModificationStatus
equals(Object) - Method in class com.uc4.util.FolderImpl
erpForms() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Settings
This method provides access to the ERP Forms settings.
ERPFormsSettings - Class in com.uc4.communication
This class represents the ERP Forms settings.
ERROR - com.uc4.communication.requests.MessageList.MessageType
ERROR - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
ERRORS_WARNINGS - com.uc4.communication.MessageSettings.OpenMessages
For errors and warnings only.
ErtUsage - Enum in com.uc4.api.objects
The Enum represent ERT usage value for a Variables.
estimatedEndTime - Variable in class com.uc4.api.Task
estimatedRuntime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Runtime
Returns a EstimatedRuntime which can be used to set the estimated runtime settings.
EstimatedRuntime - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Estimated Runtime.
EstimatedRuntime(XMLDocument, Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.EstimatedRuntime
EventAttributes - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Attributes of this event object.
EventAttributes(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.EventAttributes
eventCalendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleEvent
eventCalendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEvent
eventCalendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileEvent
eventCalendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RuleEvent
eventCalendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeEvent
EventCalendar - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents the calendar tab on an Event object.
EventCalendar(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.EventCalendar
EventCalendarItem - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a single line in the "Calendar" tab of an Event object.
EventCalendarItem(CalendarCondition, Time, Time) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.EventCalendarItem
Constructs a new EventCalendarItem using the specfied parameters.
EventCalendarItem(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.EventCalendarItem
EventHistoryFilter(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP.EventHistoryFilter
Creates a new filter for the SAP Event history.
EventHistoryFilter(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP.EventHistoryFilter
eventHistoryIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP
Returns an Iterator for all Event History filters.
EventSettings - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents the "Event" tab of an Event object.
EventSettings(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.EventSettings
EVNT - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
EVNT_CONS - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Console Events.
EVNT_DB - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Database Events.
EVNT_FILE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for File System Events.
EVNT_TIME - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Time Events.
EXASOL - com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection.DatabaseType
exceptionIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueAttributes
The returned java.util.Iterator can be used to read the list of exception conditions of this Queue.
excludeAgentGroups() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAndGroupList.AgentAndGroupListFilter
Exclude agentgroups in the result.
excludeGenerics() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAndGroupList.AgentAndGroupListFilter
Exclude generic agents in the result.
EXEC - com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes.Source
Dynamic Executable Variable.
EXECUTE_AGENT_UPGRADES - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Execute Centralized Agent Upgrades.
EXECUTE_ZERO_DOWNTIME_UPGRADE - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Execute Zero Downtime Upgrades.
ExecuteAgentAssignment - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Executes an Agent Assignment (HSTA).
ExecuteAgentAssignment(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteAgentAssignment
Creates new ExecuteAgentAssignment request.
executeFirstTimeTask() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
This method will set the startImmediate to Zero.
ExecuteObject - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Executes an UC4 Object.
ExecuteObject(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
Constructs a ExecuteObject using the specified object name.
ExecuteObjectAction - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Starts any Automation Engine object.
ExecuteObjectAction() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteObjectAction
Creates a new ExecuteObjectAction.
ExecuteObjects - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Executes list of UC4Objects and returns the corresponding response list
ExecuteObjects(List<UC4ObjectName>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObjects
Constructs a ExecuteObjects using the specified object name list.
ExecuteObjects.ExecuteObjectsResponse - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Class hold response data from the executed request
ExecuteObjectsResponse(int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObjects.ExecuteObjectsResponse
executeOnce(DateTime, DateTime, UC4TimezoneName, boolean, ExecuteTestOptions) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
Executes a task only once.
executeOnce(DateTime, DateTime, UC4TimezoneName, boolean, ExecuteTestOptions, UC4ObjectName) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
Executes a task only once.
executeOnce(DateTime, DateTime, UC4TimezoneName, boolean, ExecuteTestOptions, UC4ObjectName, UC4Alias) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
Executes a task only once.
executeRecurring(ExecuteRecurring) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
Executes a task in a defined period.
ExecuteRecurring - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Recurring definition of a task.
ExecuteRecurring() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteRecurring
Constructs a new ExecuteRecurring instance with the default setting to execute the task every 30 minutes on each weekday.
ExecuteRecurring(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteRecurring
Constructs a new ExecuteRecurring instance by also providing the uc4 object name of the recurring object with the default setting to execute the task every 30 minutes on each weekday.
ExecuteTestOptions - Class in com.uc4.api
Various test options are available in order to execute objects with options.
ExecuteTestOptions() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.ExecuteTestOptions
ExitList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
List of password exits.
ExitList() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExitList
ExitListItem - Class in com.uc4.api.systemoverview
This class represents a row in the password exit list in the system overview.
ExitListItem(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ExitListItem
Internal use only.
ExportAuthenticationPackage - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Export authentication package of an agent.
ExportAuthenticationPackage(AgentListItem) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportAuthenticationPackage
Creates an authentication package for the specified Agent.
ExportAuthenticationPackage(List<AgentListItem>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportAuthenticationPackage
Creates an authentication package for multiple Agents.
ExportCompanyKey - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Exports the company key.
ExportCompanyKey() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportCompanyKey
exportDocument() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ImportObject
Returns an XML DOM which represents the exported object if this instance was created using the ExportObject.getImportRequest() method.
ExportObject - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Exports an UC4 Object.
ExportObject(IFolder[], File, boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportObject
Exports a list of UC4 Folders.
ExportObject(IFolder, File, boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportObject
Exports a single folder structure.
ExportObject(UC4ObjectName[], File) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportObject
Exports a list of UC4 Objects.
ExportObject(UC4ObjectName[], List<IFolder>, File, boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportObject
Export given folder list and objects
ExportObject(UC4ObjectName, File) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportObject
Exports a single Object.
ExportWithReferences - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Exports an object and all its referenced objects.
ExportWithReferences(UC4ObjectName, File) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportWithReferences
Creates a new request to export an object with all referenced objects.
ExtendedReports - Enum in com.uc4.api.objects
Extended Reports.
external() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
Gets properties for external dependencies.
external() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Gets properties for external dependencies.
EXTERNAL_FILES - com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationSettings.ReportSource
External files.
EXTREP - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
External reports.


failedIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetHostAuthorizations
Returns an Iterator that can be used to read a list of host names that where not modified.
falseTasksIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Returns an iterator over tasks in the false branch.
FAULT_ALREADY_RUNNING - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Group running.
FAULT_ALREADY_RUNNING - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Group running.
FAULT_NO_HOST - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Job could not start due to unavailable host.
FAULT_NO_HOST - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Job could not start due to unavailable host.
FAULT_OTHER - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Task could not start due to another error.
FAULT_OTHER - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Task could not start due to another error.
FAULT_POST_PROCESSING - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Error in post processing.
FAVORITES_USER_GROUP - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
Manage favorites on UserGroupLevel.
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesBS2000
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesGCOS8
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesJMX
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesMPE
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesNSK
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOA
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS400
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesPS
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesRA
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSAP
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSiebel
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSQL
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesUnix
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesVMS
fieldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesWin
fieldCount() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.IHostAttributes
Returns the number of fields in the host attributes.
FILE_EXISTS_APPEND - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
Append the transfered file to the existing destination file.
FILE_EXISTS_CANCEL - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
Cancel the transfer if the destination file already exists.
FILE_EXISTS_OVERWRITE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
Overwrite an existing file.
FILE_NONE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileSystem
"None" file type
FILE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileSystem
File size.
FILE_TRACE - com.uc4.api.systemoverview.HostTraceOptions.HostTraceType
FILE_TRACE is used to trigger a file trace
FILE_TRACE - com.uc4.api.TraceOptions.TraceType
FILE_TRACE is used to trigger a file trace
FILE_TRANSFER_WITHOUT_USERID - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
FileTransfer: Start without User ID.
FileEvent - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
FileEvent() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.FileEvent
FILEEVENTS_WITHOUT_LOGIN - com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
FileEvents: Start without Login object specified.
fileList() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFiles
fileList() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Variable
This method provides access to the file list panel.
FILELIST - com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes.Source
FileListVariable - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents the panel "Variable" of an VARA Object with the source "Filelist".
FileListVariable(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.FileListVariable
filesystem() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileEvent
FileSystem - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents the "FileSystem" tab of an file event object.
FileSystem(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.FileSystem
FILESYSTEM_SPACE_FREE - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileSystem
Free space of volumes (OS/390) or of a drive (Windows).
FileTransfer - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class represents a FileTransfer Object.
FileTransfer() - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransfer
FileTransferAttributes - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
Filetransfer attributes.
FileTransferAttributes(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferAttributes
Constructs a JobAttributes using the specified XML document.
FileTransferSettings - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
This class contains settings for the FileTransfer object ("FileTransfer")-Tab.
FileTransferSettings(XMLDocument) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
fillString(String, char, int) - Static method in class com.uc4.util.RC4
fills a string with the given char to the given length
filter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AgentAssignment
This method provides acccess to the filter tab where Agent filter can be defined.
filter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PSRemoteTaskManager
Access to the PeopleSoft RemoteTaskManager filters.
filter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManager
Access to the SAP Queue Manager filters.
Filter() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Filter() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServerList.Filter
Filter() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceFulfillmentList.Filter
Filter() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ServiceLevelObjectiveList.Filter
FILTER - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
FILTER_OUTPUT - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Output Filter.
filterList() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputScan
Access to the list of Output-Scan filters.
finalize() - Method in class com.uc4.util.AES
Destroy all sensitive information in this object.
FINALIZE - com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduWizard.Action
Finalize the update
FINALIZE_ROLLBACK - com.uc4.communication.requests.ZduWizard.Action
Finalize the switch back to the old release.
find(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CalendarList
Returns CalendarListItem instance for the specified name.
findByName(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderList
Returns a FolderListItem for the specified name or null if the name was not found.
findByName(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskDetails
Returns the value of the specified property name.
FindReferencedObjects - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns a list of objects that are used within an executable object.
FindReferencedObjects(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.FindReferencedObjects
Creates a request to get a list of object names in an executable object.
FINISHED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
FIRST_4_DAY_WEEK - com.uc4.communication.TimeSettings.FirstWeekOfYear
Year starts with the first 4 day week.
FIRST_FOLDER - com.uc4.communication.requests.DeepRename.AbortIfNameExistsMode
First folder.
FIRST_FULL_WEEK - com.uc4.communication.TimeSettings.FirstWeekOfYear
Year starts with the first full week.
firstPage() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.Report
Selects the first page of the report.
fixedValueSeconds - Variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.MinimumRuntime
flags - Variable in class com.uc4.api.TraceOptions
FOLD - com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight.Type
FOLD - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.Template
Template for Folder.
FolderImpl - Class in com.uc4.util
Implementation of the folder interface
FolderImpl(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.util.FolderImpl
Constructs a new folder using the specified name, id and parent id.
FolderList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Lists the content of a folder.
FolderList(IFolder) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderList
Constructs a new FolderList to list the content of the specified folder.
FolderList(IFolder, boolean) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderList
Constructs a new FolderList to list the content of the specified folder.
FolderList(IFolder, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderList
Constructs a new FolderList to list the content of the specified folder.
FolderListItem - Class in com.uc4.api
This class represents one object in a folder.
FolderListItem(ConnectionAttributes, Element, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.FolderListItem
Constructs a FolderListItem from the specified element.
FolderTree - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns the folder structure of the UC4 client.
FolderTree() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderTree
fontSettings() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Settings
This method provides access to the Font settings.
FontSettings - Class in com.uc4.communication
This class represents the Font settings.
FontSettings.Size - Enum in com.uc4.communication
Font size.
FontSettings.Style - Enum in com.uc4.communication
Font style.
ForceMemoryTrace - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
ForceMemoryTrace() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.ForceMemoryTrace
forEach() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Gets LoopDataSource property of this JobPlanMonitor task.
ForecastTaskState - Class in com.uc4.api.objects
List of valid status values for a forecast.
ForecastTaskState(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Constructs a new ForecastTaskState from the specified number.
Form - Class in com.uc4.api
Form for interactive user input.
Form(Document) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.Form
Creates a Read Object from a Document.
format() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlan
Calculates the position of all tasks in this JobPlan.
FORMAT_12HRS - com.uc4.communication.TimeSettings.TimeFormat
12 hours.
FORMAT_24HRS - com.uc4.communication.TimeSettings.TimeFormat
24 hours.
FORMAT_DEFAULT - com.uc4.communication.TimeSettings.TimeFormat
Local setting.
FormItemLabel - Class in com.uc4.api
This class represents a label in a Form.
FormItemLabel(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.FormItemLabel
Constructs a FormItemLabel from the specified XML element.
FormItemList - Class in com.uc4.api
This class is used for fields which contain a list of predefined values.
FormItemList(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.FormItemList
Constructs a FormItemList from the specified XML element.
FormItemNumber - Class in com.uc4.api
This class is used for fields which can only contain numbers.
FormItemNumber(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.FormItemNumber
Constructs a new FormItemNumber using the specified XML element.
FormItemText - Class in com.uc4.api
This class is used for text input fields and date fields.
FormItemText(Element) - Constructor for class com.uc4.api.FormItemText
Constructs a new FormItemText using the specified XML element.
FREELY_SELECTED - Static variable in class com.uc4.api.objects.ValidityKeywordType
You may choose any term as scope.
FROM_LAST_POSITION - com.uc4.communication.requests.RestartTask.FileTransferRestart
Restart from last position.
Fulfilled - com.uc4.api.servicefulfillment.ServiceFulfillmentStatus
The fulfilled status.
fulfillment() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ServiceLevelObjective
This method provides access to the fulfillment tab of SLO objects.
fullPath() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.IFolder
Returns the full path of this folder.
fullPath() - Method in class com.uc4.util.FolderImpl


general() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
This methdo provides access to the "General" tab of a ProcessFlow task.
general() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Settings
This method provides access to the general settings.
GeneralSettings - Class in com.uc4.communication
This class represents the general settings.
GeneralSettings.MagneticWindows - Enum in com.uc4.communication
Setting for magnetic windows.
GeneralSettings.ToolbarLabel - Enum in com.uc4.communication
Toolbar label location.
GENERIC - com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection.DatabaseType
Generic JDBC.
GenericStatistics - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Generic Statistics search.
GenericStatistics() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GenericStatistics
Constructs a GenericStatistics.
get(int) - Method in class com.automic.server.api.data.ClientQueueList
Gets the.
get(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OCVPanel
Gets a value from by its unique name.
get(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Variable
Returns the value for the given validity keyword.
get(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableValues
Returns the value for a given key The method returns null if the key does not exist.
get(String) - Static method in enum com.uc4.communication.KickEventType
Converts a Kick type as String to a KickEventType.
get(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetStaticVaraRows
Returns the value for the given validity keyword.
getAbapConnection() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPAgentPanel
getAbendAction() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncItem
Returns the action that should be carried out when the task ends abnormally.
getAbortCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TrafficLight
Returns the number of aborted tasks.
getAccess() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UC4Object
Returns if this object is opened read only.
getAccess() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations.Candidate
Returns the access mode.
getAccessFile() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEventValue
getAccessFileName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSQL
Returns the file name of the Microsoft Access database.
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ConnectionAttributes
Access token that will be verified in JWP and used for auto-login.
getAccount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
Returns the accounting Information on the Job.
getAct() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XRequest
Returns the script on object execution for XREQ Object
getAction() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncAction
Returns the name of the action.
getActivationState() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP.XIChannelFilter
getActivationTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Returns the date and time of object activation.
GetActivitiesFilter - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns a list of objects types which can be used to filter tasks.
GetActivitiesFilter() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetActivitiesFilter
getAcv() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Form
Returns the address for the communication.
getAdditonalParamter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP.JavaEventHistoryFilter
getAdjustDays() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarCollision
Returns the number of days of adjustment.
getAdjustDays() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarKeyword
Returns the number of days of adjustment.
getAdjustmentCalendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarKeyword
Returns the name and keyword of the calendar which contains valid days for adjustment.
getAdjustSign() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarCollision
getAdjustSign() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarKeyword
getAgent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckConnectionCondition
getAgent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition
Returns the name of the Agent.
getAgent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckProcessCondition
getAgentByName(UC4HostName) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList
Returns the AgentListItem for the specified name or null if not found.
GetAgentGroupMonitorProperties - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
This class is used to get AgentGroup options of a RunID.
GetAgentGroupMonitorProperties(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupMonitorProperties
Creates a request to read the AgentGroup monitor.
getAgentGroupName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupProperties
Returns the agents name
GetAgentGroupProperties - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns the properties of an Agent Group.
GetAgentGroupProperties(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupProperties
Creates a new instance of the GetAgentGroupProperties request.
getAgentID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesJMX
Returns the agent ID.
getAgentKey(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportAuthenticationPackage
getAgentName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEventValue
getAgentName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns the agents name
GetAgentProperties - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns the properties of an Agent.
GetAgentProperties(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Creates a new instance of the GetAgentProperties request.
getAgentProperty(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns the value of an Agent property or null if the key was not found.
getAgentType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the type (HostAttrType) of the agent.
getAgentType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAndGroupList.AgentOrGroupListItem
Agent type (technical agent type) e.g.
getAgentTypesFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Returns the agenttype filters.
getAgentVersionFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Returns the version filter.
getAlarmObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanExternal
Returns the name of the alarm object.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
In contrast to getName this method returns always the alias if used.
getAlias() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.HasAlias
Provides an alias.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteObjectAction
Returns the alias or null if none is set.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteRecurring
Returns the alias or null if it has not been set.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanExternal
Returns the alias name of this task or null if no alias is set.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ProcessFlowGeneral
Returns the alias name of this task or null if no alias is set.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RunPathAction
Returns the alias.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GenericStatistics
Returns a filter for the alias.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetExecuteOnce
Returns the alias of the object or an empty instance if not set.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GroupMonitor.Task
In contrast to getName this method returns always the alias if used.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Returns the Alias of the task.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.LatestReport
Returns the alias if available.
getAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskList
Returns the alias.
getAllDocuNames() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DocuContainer
getAllMessageBoxes() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
Returns a List of all MessageBoxes object if the server returns messages for this request.
getAllOnChangeResetElementIterator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.OnChangeResetElement
Returns a java.util.Iterator to get all OnChangeReset-children of this PromptElement and all related sub-children (=Recursive get).
getAllowedCharacters() - Method in exception com.uc4.api.InvalidUC4NameException
Returns the allowed characters.
getAllowedChars() - Method in class com.uc4.api.UC4ObjectName
Returns the allowed characters of an object name
getAllowedChars() - Method in class com.uc4.api.UC4UserName
getAlternativeCharacter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CodeTable
Returns the alternative character of this code table.
getAlternativeLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
getApplicationName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Deployment
Returns the name of the Application.
getApplicationName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDeploymentProperties
Returns the name of the Application.
getApplicationName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the name of the Application.
getArchive1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Returns the first archive key of this task.
getArchive1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FolderListItem
Returns the first archive key of this object.
getArchive1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroupItem
getArchive2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Returns the second archive key of this task.
getArchive2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FolderListItem
Returns the seconds archive key of this object.
getArchive2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroupItem
getArchiveKey1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Returns the first archive key of the object.
getArchiveKey1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Header
Returns the first archive key.
getArchiveKey1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XHeader
Returns the first archive key.
getArchiveKey1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns the first archive key.
getArchiveKey1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Returns the current filter for the first archive key.
getArchiveKey1() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GenericStatistics
Returns the first archive key.
getArchiveKey1() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the value of the first archive key.
getArchiveKey2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Returns the second archive key of the object.
getArchiveKey2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Header
Returns the second archive key.
getArchiveKey2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XHeader
Returns the second archive key.
getArchiveKey2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns the second archive key.
getArchiveKey2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Returns the current filter for the second archive key.
getArchiveKey2() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GenericStatistics
Returns the second archive key.
getArchiveKey2() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the value of the second archive key.
getArrayName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.LoopDataSource
Returns the name of the Script Variable which is defined as an array.
getAsHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the application server if a direct connection has been used.
getAskForAlias() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings
Returns if the dialog "Add task" should be displayed when you add ProcessFlow tasks using the drag and drop function.
getAttachFile() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationSettings
getAttachReportsFrom() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationSettings
getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XMLDocuNode
getAttributeDefaultValue(String, String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XMLDocumentation
Returns the default value of an attribute.
getAttributeEnumValues(String, String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XMLDocumentation
Returns the enumeration values of a specified attribute.
getAttributeID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.SearchResultItem
Returns the internal usage id.
getAttributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XMLDocuNode
Returns a Map of all attribute names and values which are defined for this element.
getAuthenticatedFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Returns the authentication filter of the Agent.
getAuthorizations() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the rights assigned to the Agent.
getAverageLoad() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.WorkloadItem
Returns the average load of this client in percent.
getB01() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
Returns the percentage of server process utilization over the last minute.
getB10() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
Percentage of server process utilization over the last 10 minutes.
getB60() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
Percentage of server process utilization over the last 60 minutes.
getBackupDirectory() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Rollback
Returns the backup directory or an empty String if not set.
getBackupObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Rollback
Returns the UC4 Object for the backup or an empty instance if not set.
getBIExtendedMonitoring() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the status of the extended monitoring of Info Packages.
getBinaryContent() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DownloadBinary
Returns the file as ByteBuffer.
getBinaryContent() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportObject
Returns the file content as ByteBuffer.
getBinaryContent() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportWithReferences
Returns the export file content as ByteBuffer.
getBIRepeatChecks() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the number of checks repeated status checks if the extended Info Package monitoring has been set to REPEAT_CHECK.
getBIRepeatDataRequestChecks() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the number of runs for data request checks
getBlockCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TrafficLight
Returns the number of blocked tasks.
getCAKey() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorCATree.CustomAttributeLeaf
Returns the key of the Custom Attribute specified in the variable UC_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES.
getCaleList() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskCalendar
getCalendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAttributes
Returns the authorization check according to the Calendar.
getCalendar() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NotificationMonitor.CallStatus
Returns the name of the calendar and its keyword.
getCalendarCondition() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteRecurring
Returns the calendar condition which has been set using the method ExecuteRecurring.setCalendarCondition(TaskCalendar).
getCalendarCondition() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.ICallOperatorCondition
Returns the Calendar condition or null if no calendar condition is set.
getCalendarCondition() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Period
Use getExecuteRecurring() instead
getCalendarCondition() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueExceptionCondition
Returns the CalendarCondition.
getCalendarCondition() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.DateElement
getCalendarkeyword(UC4ObjectName) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Calendar
Gets the specified calendar keyword from this calendar.
getCalendarName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarKeyword
Returns the parent calendar object name, this is necessary to identify a calendar keyword
getCalendarView() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.TimeSettings
Returns the calendar view.
getCalls() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CacheListItem
Number of input buffer calls.
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitControl
Return the caption.
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptDesigner
Returns the caption of this PromptSet.
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.CheckGroupElement
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.ComboElement
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.DateElement
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.LabelElement
Returns the caption of this label.
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.NumberElement
getCaption() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.prompt.PromptInterfaces.Caption
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.RadioGroupElement
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TextElement
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TimeElement
getCaption() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Returns the caption of the task.
getCaption(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ReportTypeList
Returns the caption for the report type.
getCategory() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleWindows
getCategory() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.LicenseListItem
Returns the category description of the license (such as Production).
getCategory() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MessageListItem
GetCAUAgentVersions - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns an ordered list of available CAU versions for an agent platform, starting with the latest version.
GetCAUAgentVersions(String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCAUAgentVersions
Construct the request with platform as parameter
getCauVersion() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Returns the Version of the Agent.
GetChangeLog - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns a list of recent changes in the current client.
GetChangeLog() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetChangeLog
Creates a new GetChangeLog request without filters (everything is returned).
GetChangeLog.Entry - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Represents a row in the result of the change list.
getChannel() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP.XIChannelFilter
getCharacter(int, int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CodeTable
Gets the character at the given position in the code table.
getCheckInterval() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupProperties
Returns the interval in seconds in which the Agent Group tries to contact the Automation Engine.
getCheckInterval() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns the interval in seconds in which the Agent tries to contact the Automation Engine.
getChecksum() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ResourceItem
Return the checksum of the resource.
getChecksum() - Method in class com.uc4.api.StorageItem
Returns checksum string of the resource content.
getChildCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XMLDocuNode
Returns the number of Child elements.
getChildPostProcess() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Job
Will be removed in future version. Use getChildPostProcessScript() instead.
getChildPostProcess() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PSRemoteTaskManager
Returns the content of the Child Post-Process tab.
getChildPostProcess() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManager
Returns the content of the Child Post-Process tab.
getChildPostProcessScript() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Job
Returns the content of the Child Post-Process Script.
getChildrenQueue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Group
use attributes.getChildrenQueue of this group instead
getChildrenQueue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.GroupAttributes
Returns the name of the Queue Object for children of this Group.
getChildrenQueue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanAttributes
Returns the name of the Queue Object for children of this ProcessFlow.
getChildrenQueue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleAttributes
Returns the name of the Queue Object for children of this Schedule.
getCITName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroup
Returns the CIT Name for the CIT Host Group Type.
getClient() - Method in class com.automic.server.api.data.ClientQueueList.Entry
Gets the client.
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Use getTaskClient() instead
getClient() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.Authorizations.Entry
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the SAP client.
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentGroupListItem
Returns the client of the AgentGroup.
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CheckILMPartitionItem
Returns the client of the task.
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ClientListItem
Returns the number of the client.
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MQMemListItem
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns the client of the user.
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.WorkloadItem
Returns the number of the client or -1 if this WorkloadItem represents the workload of all clients.
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ConnectionAttributes
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.KickEvent
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CreateSession
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GenericStatistics
Returns the client number.
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GroupMonitor
Returns the client of the group monitor.
getClient() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorAgentTree.AgentNode
Returns the corresponding client of the Agent.
getClientOfEmptyQueue() - Method in class com.automic.server.api.data.ClientQueueList
Gets the client of empty queue.
getClientQueues() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Gets the client queues.
getCode() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.CloseEvent
return code of the close (websocket)
getCodeName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobAttributes
Returns the name of the CodeTable.
getCollisionCalendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarCollision
Returns the calendar object and keyword with which collisions may occur.
getColumnCount() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Returns the number of columns or -1 if no table was returned.
getColumnNames() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.PreviewAssignment
Returns a String array which contains the names of the columns.
getColumnNames() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.PreviewVariable
Returns a String array which contains the names of the columns.
getColumnNames() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.PromptInputHelp
Returns a String array which contains the names of the columns.
getColumnNames() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.QueryData
Returns an array of columns of this row or null if no table was returned.
getColumns() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.BackendCommand
Returns the columns.
getColumnSeparator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSQL
Returns the character which is used to separate column values in the Job report.
getCommand() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesUnix
Returns the shell command.
getCommand() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesWin
Returns the program to be executed.
getCommand() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.BackendCommand
Returns the command.
getCommandParameters() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FormItemList
Return the map of Command Parameters in case command is true, else returns an empty map.
getCommentFlag() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskList
Returns commented flag.
getComments() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetComments
Returns the comments as String.
GetComments - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns the comments of a task.
GetComments(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetComments
Returns all comments for the specified task.
GetComments.Comment - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
This class represents a single comment from one user.
getCompareValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Task
Value to compare at file events console event: eventcounter job/ft: status counter, also indicates which client is deleted
getCompleteJobLog() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
Returns the complexity of job log 0 ...
getComponentName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Deployment
Returns the name of the component .
getComponentName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDeploymentProperties
Returns the name of the component.
getComponentName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the name of the component.
getComponentName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Returns the Component Name of the task.
GetComponentTemplates - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Creates a list of objects which are templates for Component Workflows of a specific component type.
GetComponentTemplates(String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetComponentTemplates
Creates a new GetComonentTemplates request.
GetComponentWorkflows - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Creates a list of existing Component Workflows for a specific application or all applications.
GetComponentWorkflows(String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetComponentWorkflows
Creates a new GetComponentWorkflows request.
getCompression() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
Returns an integer containing compression setting.
getCompression() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the Compression type.
getCond() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EventCalendarItem
getCondition() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputScanFilter
Returns true if the filter should match or not match.
getConditions() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ScheduleMonitor.Task
Returns the value of the conditions column in the monitor.
getConnectedFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Returns the filter for the connection status.
getConnection() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSQL
Returns the name of the connection object.
getConnection() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckConnectionCondition
getConnection() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DynamicSQLVariable
Returns the name of the connection object.
getConnection() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SecureSQLVariable
Returns the name of the connection object.
getConnectionName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RAConnection
Returns the technical name of the connection within the RA solution.
getConnections() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
Returns the number of connections to clients of communication processes.
getConnectionType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnection
getConnectProperties() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
Returns an unmodifiable map which contains all connect properties.
getConnectStringValues() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
Returns an unmodifiable map which contains all connect string values.
getConsumption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferAttributes
getConsumption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobAttributes
getConsumption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueManagerAttributes
getConsumption() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Task
getContent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TextDocumentation
Returns the content of this text documentation.
getContentAsText() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DownloadBinary
Returns the content of a text file.
getContentAsText(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DownloadBinary
Returns the content of a text file using a specified line line seperator.
getContentId() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList.ReplaceListItem
Return Content's ID.
getContentLen() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.UploadBinary
Returns the length of the upload-content.
getControl(int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitDesign
Return the CockpitControl with the specified id.
getCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
getCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.LicenseListItem
Returns the total number of licenses for the platform.
getCount() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo.MQEntry
getCount() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRestEndpoints
Number of REST endpoints found in AE.
getCountDescription() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList
Returns the description of the item count.
getCp() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the linked communication process.
getCp() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns the Communication process to which the user is connected.
getCpAddress() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.Connection
Returns the address of the Java communication process
getCPName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCPProperties
Returns the CP name.
GetCPProperties - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns the trace options for a Communication Process using existing XREQ
GetCPProperties(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCPProperties
Creates an instance of GetWPProperties
GetCPProperties(String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCPProperties
Creates an instance of GetWPProperties
getCPPropertiesElement() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCPProperties
Returns the CP property element
getCPTraceElement() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCPProperties
Returns a value of the Server trace section
getCPTraceOptions() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCPProperties
Returns a CPTraceOptions Object
getCpu() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesNSK
Returns the number of the CPU on which the Job should run or -1 if the system should selects a CPU.
getCpuTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Task
Returns the consumed CPU time in seconds.
getCreated() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Header
Indicates user, date and time regarding the creation of an object.
getCreated() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XHeader
Indicates user, date and time regarding the creation of an object.
getCreatedByFullName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the full name of the user who created the object.
getCreatedByUser() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the name of the user who created the object.
getCreatedDate() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the date and time when the object was created.
getCurrentERT() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EstimatedRuntime
Returns the current estimated runtime.
getCurrentPage() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.Report
Returns the number of the current page or 0 if this request has not been sent.
getCurrentSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CacheListItem
Currently used cache size.
getCurrentState() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncAttributes
Returns the name of the current state.
getCurrentState() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetSyncMonitor
getCustomAttribute() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CustomAttributeFilter
Returns the Custom Attribute.
getCustomField() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptElement
Returns the custom field of this Prompt Element.
getDashboard() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Dashboard
Gets the content of the Dashboard tab.
getDatabase() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEventValue
GetDatabaseInfo - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Reads information about the UC4 Database.
GetDatabaseInfo() - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
GetDatabaseInfo.MQEntry - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
This class stores information about a message queue table.
getDatabaseName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSQL
Returns the name of the database on the specified database server.
getDatabaseServer() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSQL
Returns the name and port of the database server.
getDataReference() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.CheckGroupElement
getDataReference() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.ComboElement
getDataReference() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.DateElement
getDataReference() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.NumberElement
getDataReference() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.prompt.PromptInterfaces.DataReference
getDataReference() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.RadioGroupElement
getDataReference() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TextElement
getDataReference() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TimeElement
getDate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Returns the date as String.
getDate() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.AsyncMessage
Returns the date for this message.
getDateFormat() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the output format of a date.
getDateModified() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FolderListItem
Returns the date of the last modification.
getDateRangeRuns() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteRecurring
getDateRangeRuns() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Period
Use getExecuteRecurring() instead
getDay() - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Returns the day of month of this DateTime object.
getDayOffset() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckHistoryCondition
Returns the offset in days.
getDayOffset() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleTask
Returns the number of days which should are added to the start time.
getDayOffset() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ScheduleMonitor.Task
Returns the number of days (calendar days serve as a basis) which must have passed after the start of the period.
getDays() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MaximumRuntime
Returns the number of days when the task must be finished.
getDays() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReEvaluateAtAction
Return the number of days which are added the next evaluation time.
getDaysAfterJobPlanActivation() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanCheckpoint
Returns the number of days as of JobPlan activation.
getDaysAfterJobPlanActivation() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanEarliest
Returns the number of days which should be added to the current date as of activation to get the earliest start time.
getDaysAfterJobPlanActivation() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ProcessFlowGeneral
Returns the number of days as of JobPlan activation.
getDbmsName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getDbmsVersion() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getDbName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
Returns the name of the database.
getDbName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getDbPort() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
getDbServer() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
Returns the host name of the database server.
getDbType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMPartitionItem
Returns the vendor id of the database.
getDBType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
Returns the database type.
getDeactivate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EventAttributes
Returns the deactivate condition for this Job.
getDeactivate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferAttributes
Returns the deactivate condition for this Job.
getDeactivate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.GroupAttributes
Returns the deactivate condition for this Job.
getDeactivate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobAttributes
Returns the deactivate condition for this Job.
getDeactivate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanAttributes
Returns the deactivate condition for this JobPlan.
getDeactivate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationAttributes
Returns the deactivate condition for this Job.
getDeactivate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScriptAttributes
Returns the deactivate condition for this Job.
getDefaultJobPlanElse() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ConnectionAttributes
Returns the default JobPlan task ELSE Action.
getDefaultLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAttributes
Returns the Login object for the database access of Variable objects with the source "SQL".
getDefaultLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ERPFormsSettings
Returns the Login object that should be used by default in the "Form" tab of PeopleSoft jobs in order to connect to the Enterprise Business Solution.
getDelay() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DeactivateCondition
Returns the delay for deactivation.
getDeliver() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSAP
Returns the report send status:
getDepartment() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ConnectionAttributes
getDeploymentDependency() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ProcessFlowGeneral
Returns the dependency of the component process worflow.
GetDeploymentProperties - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
read the deployment properties (Deployment Tab) after the task was activated (EH).
GetDeploymentProperties(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDeploymentProperties
Constructs a GetDeploymentProperties using the specified RunID.
GetDeployObjectProperties - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns the name of an Application Release Automation ProcessFlow based on the Application and Workflow name.
GetDeployObjectProperties(String, String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDeployObjectProperties
Creates a new ARAProperties.
getDescription() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.Authorizations.Entry
Returns the number of client followed by the description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueExceptionCondition
getDescription() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncState
Returns the description of the state.
getDescription() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.HostTraceOptions.HostTraceFlag
get the trace flag description
getDescription() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Template
Returns the description of the template.
getDescription() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TraceOptions.TraceFlag
get the trace flag description
getDescriptionForTraceFlagValue(int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.TraceOptions.TraceFlag
Fetches the description for the given traceflag value.
getDestination() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the Destination
getDestinationCodeTable() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
getDestinationFile() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
getDestinationFileAttributes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
getDestinationHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
getDestinationHost() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GenericStatistics
Returns the selected destination host.
getDestinationLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
getDetails() - Method in class com.uc4.api.DetailGroup
Returns the details of this group in the same order as sent by the server.
getDetailTab() - Method in class com.uc4.api.DetailGroup
Returns the name of the tab.
getDetectionTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.servicefulfillment.ServiceFulfillmentItem
Returns the detection time.
getDirectory() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileListVariable
Returns the directory which is used to get a file list.
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AbortAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.BlockAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CancelProcessFlowAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ChangeQueueAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckConnectionCondition
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckHistoryCondition
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckProcessCondition
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ClearVariableAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionOrAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentQueueCondition
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentTimeCondition
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteObjectAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ModifyStateAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PublishValueAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReEvaluateAtAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReEvaluateInAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RestartTaskAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReturnCodeCondition
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollbackAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RunPathAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RunTaskAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SetValueAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SetVariableAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SkipTaskAction
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.StatusCondition
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeSinceActivationCondition
getDisplayMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserDefinedCondition
getDisplayType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetOutputDirectory.OutputDirectoryItem
Returns the display text of this report.
getDistinguishedName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAttributes
Returns the distinguished name of this user.
getDistinguishedName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SynchronizeLDAP
Returns the distinguished name of the user.
getDriverName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getDriverVersion() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getDSTSavings() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeZoneAttributes
Returns the difference between normal time and daylight saving time (DST) in minutes.
GetDynamicComboList - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns a list of elements for a combo element, radio list or checklist in a PromptSet.
GetDynamicComboList(String, UC4ObjectName, int, TaskPromptSetContent...) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDynamicComboList
Creates a new GetDynamicComboList request in order to get the list of values of a dynamic ComboElement in a prompt.
GetDynamicComboList(String, UC4ObjectName, ITaskItem, TaskPromptSetContent...) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDynamicComboList
Creates a new GetDynamicComboList request in order to get the list of values of a dynamic ComboElement in a prompt.
GetDynamicComboList(String, UC4ObjectName, UC4Object, TaskPromptSetContent...) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDynamicComboList
Creates a new GetDynamicComboList request in order to get the list of values of a dynamic ComboElement in a prompt.
getEarliestStart() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Returns the earliest start time if configured.
getECCPlugIns() - Static method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetStorageItems
Create new object which points to storage with all ECC PlugIns.
getElementIDs() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition
Returns an array of Prompt element IDs.
getElseAction() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncItem
Returns the task handling if neither Start Action, Abend Action nor End Action can be processed.
getElseAction() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings
Returns the default else action when tasks are added to a Process Flow.
getElseExecute() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Returns the object that should be executed when a defined condition does not occur.
getElseExecute() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueManagerAttributes
Returns the object name of the object that is executed when a task ends with a Return Code greater than the max expected return code.
getElseExecute() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ProcessFlowSettings
Returns the default name of the UC4 Object which should be executed as ELSE action when a task are added to a Process Flow.
getEmail() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.ICallOperatorCondition
Returns an e-mail address or null if a User or UserGroup has been set.
getEmail() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SynchronizeLDAP
Returns the email address of the user or null if this request has not been sent.
getEmail1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAttributes
Returns the first Email address of this user.
getEmail2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAttributes
Returns the second Email address of this user.
getEmailRecipientFulfillment() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloFulfillment
Returns the recipient of e-mails on fulfillment.
getEmailRecipientViolation() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloFulfillment
Returns the recipient of e-mails on violation.
getEncoding() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ConnectionAttributes
Returns the encoding used for communication between API and CP.
getEncoding() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CreateSession
Returns the encoding of the XML messages.
getEnd() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMHistoryItem
Returns the time up to when data records have been stored in the partition.
getEndAction() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncItem
Returns the action that should be carried out when the task ends.
getEndDST() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeZoneAttributes
Returns the TimeChangeRule when the daylight saving time (DST) ends.
getEndMonth() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MonthlyCalendarKeyword
Returns the number of the end month of the monthly interval.
getEndTask() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlan
Returns the END-task of this JobPlan.
getEndTask() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Returns the END task of an IF.
getEndTask() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowLoop
Returns the END task of this FOR EACH workflow.
getEndTask() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor
Returns the end task.
getEndTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Returns the date and time of object end.
getEndTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CheckILMPartitionItem
Returns the date and time of object end.
getEndWeek() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WeeklyCalendarKeyword
Returns the end week for the interval.
getEnterParameter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesBS2000
Returns enter parameters of this BS2000 Job.
getEnterpriseServer() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSiebel
Returns the name of the Enterprise Server.
getEntryName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.UploadBinary
Return the entryName used for the Data to transfer.
getErrorMessageInsert() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarKeyword
Returns the insert string in case errorMessageNumber is not 0.
getErrorMessageNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarKeyword
Returns the number of the error message or 0 if there is no error in this calendar keyword.
getErrorText() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarKeyword
Returns the text of the error message or null if there is no error in this calendar keyword.
getErtUsage(int) - Static method in enum com.uc4.api.objects.ErtUsage
Gets the ERT usage Enum Value.
getErtUsage(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectValues
Returns the ertUsage for a given validity keyword The method returns ErtUsage.NONE if the validity keyword does not exist.
getErtUsage(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskValues
Returns the ErtUsage value for a given validity keyword The method returns ErtUsage.NONE if the validity keyword does not exist.
getErtUsageKeyValues() - Static method in enum com.uc4.api.objects.ErtUsage
Gets the Read Only Map of ERT usage.
getEscalation() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActiveNotifications.Entry
Returns the date and time on which the Notification escalates.
getEscalation() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NotificationMonitor
Returns the date and time on which the Notification escalates.
getEscalationCallOperator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationAttributes
Returns the escalation Notification.
getEscalationMinutes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationAttributes
Returns the time limit in minutes.
getEstimatedEndTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Task
Returns the Estimated End Time
getEstimatedRuntime() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the estimated runtime in seconds.
getEstimatedRuntime(int) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetLastRuntimes
This method returns one of 25 estimated runtimes measured in seconds.
getEstimatedRunTime() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor
Returns the estimated runtime in seconds.
getEstimatedRunTime() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Returns the estimated runtime in seconds.
getEstimatedStartTime() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Gets the estimated start time in millis for when the entry is supposed to be executed.
getEventID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleWindows.ConsoleWindowsFilter
getEventID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
getEventKeyValues() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RuleEventSetting
Provides a Map with all Value-Key pairs for this IA Event
getEventParameter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
getEventProcess() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleEvent
Returns the content of the "!Process" tab.
getEventProcess() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEvent
Returns the content of the "!Process" tab.
getEventProcess() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileEvent
Returns the content of the "!Process" tab.
getEventProcess() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RuleEvent
Returns the content of the "!Process" tab.
getEventProcess() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeEvent
Returns the content of the "!Process" tab.
getEventType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP.JavaEventHistoryFilter
getExceptionCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueAttributes
getExecObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DynamicExecVariable
Gets the executable object name.
getExecute() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanCheckpoint
Returns the name of the object that is to be started when the checkpoint has been exceeded.
getExecute() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ProcessFlowGeneral
Returns the name of the object that is to be started when the checkpoint has been exceeded.
getExecuteObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputScanFilter
Returns the name of the Automation Engine object which should be executed if the filter matches.
getExecuteObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Runtime
Returns the object which is executed when the runtime exceeds or falls below the specified limits.
getExecuteObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskResult
Returns the object that is to be started when the specified status is not reached.
getExecuteObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskRuntime
Returns the object which is executed when the runtime exceeds or falls below the specified limits.
GetExecuteOnce - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Reads the settings of a task that is or will be started with "Execute - Once..."
GetExecuteOnce(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetExecuteOnce
Reads the settings of a task which has already been started.
GetExecuteOnce(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetExecuteOnce
Reads the default settings for a task that will be scheduled.
GetExecutePeriod - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Reads Properties of a periodical Task.
GetExecutePeriod(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetExecutePeriod
Constructs a new GetExecutePeriod request.
GetExecutePeriod(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetExecutePeriod
Constructs a new GetExecutePeriod request.
getExecuteRecurring() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Period
This method will return the ExecuteRecurring details.
getExecuteRecurring() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetExecutePeriod
Returns ExecuteRecurring of the periodical task.
getExecuteTestOption() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRestartInformation
Returns Execute Test Options.
getExecutionDateTime() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetExecuteOnce
Returns the scheduled start time if the task does not start immediately.
getExecutionInterval() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteRecurring
getExecutionInterval() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Period
Use getExecuteRecurring() instead
getExp() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XRequest
Returns the script on exporting object of XREQ Object
getExpandedRunIds() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskList
Gets the expanded RunIds.
getExpectedStatus() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanExternal
Returns the status expected for the external task's end of execution.
getExpectedStatus() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloFulfillment
getExpireDate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.LicenseListItem
Returns the date on which the license will expire.
getExportException() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportObject
Returns the Exception that occured during the export or null if the export was successful.
getExportException() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportWithReferences
Returns the Exception that occurred during the export or null if the export was successful.
getExportMessages() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportWithReferences
Returns export messages.
getExtendedReports() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EventAttributes
Returns the setting for extended reports.
getExtendedReports() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferAttributes
Returns the setting for extended reports.
getExtendedReports() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.GroupAttributes
Returns the setting for extended reports.
getExtendedReports() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobAttributes
Returns the setting for extended reports.
getExtendedReports() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanAttributes
Returns the setting for extended reports.
getExtendedReports() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationAttributes
Returns the setting for extended reports.
getExtendedReports() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueManagerAttributes
Returns the setting for extended reports.
getExtendedReports() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleAttributes
Returns the setting for extended reports.
getExtendedReports() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScriptAttributes
Returns the setting for extended reports.
getExternalParent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanExternal
Returns the parent of the external task.
getExternalParent() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Returns the name of the external parent or an empty UC4ObjectName.
getFailedCount() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetHostAuthorizations
getFavoritesFolder() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderTree
Returns an IFolder object which represents the "Favorites Folder".
getFile() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition
Returns the name of the file.
getFile() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ExitListItem
getFile() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetOutputDirectory.OutputDirectoryItem
Returns the file name of this report or an empty String.
getFileData() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFiles
Returns an unmodifiable map which contains output files data.
getFileException() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.UploadBinary
Returns the Exception that occured during the reading of the inputFile or null if it was successful.
getFileExistsAction() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
Returns an integer which indicates the behavior in case of an existing destination file.
getFileGroupTableSpace() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMHistoryItem
Returns the name of the filegroup (MS SQL Server) or the tablespace (Oracle).
getFileGroupTableSpace() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMPartitionItem
Returns the name of the filegroup (MS SQL Server) or the tablespace (Oracle).
getFileIOException() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DownloadBinary
Returns the Exception that occured during the writing of the outputfile or null if it was successful.
getFilename() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ResourceItem
Return the filename of the resource.
getFileName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
Returns the name of the dataset or member.
getFileName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.StorageItem
Returns file name represented by the resource.
getFileNameDestination() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight
Returns the filter for file names.
getFileNameSource() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight
Returns the filter for file names.
getFileTransferSetting() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRestartInformation
Returns File Transfer Restart.
getFileTransferSetting() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.RestartTask
Returns the file transfer restart setting.
getFileType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileSystem
Returns the file type.
getFileType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ResourceItem
Return the type of the resource.
getFileType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.StorageItem
Return the type of data representation.
getFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CustomAttributeFilter
Returns specified filter.
getFilterName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputScanFilter
Name of the filter object.
getFilterText() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFilter.Entry
Returns the filter text.
getFirstName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAttributes
getFirstName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns the User's first name.
getFirstName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetChangeLog.Entry
Returns the first name of the user who did the change.
getFirstName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SynchronizeLDAP
Returns the first name of the user or null if this request has not been sent.
getFirstTaskByName(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlan
Returns the first task in the JobPlan monitor which has the specified object name.
getFirstTaskByName(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor
Returns the first task in the JobPlan monitor which has the specified object name.
getFirstWeekOfYear() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.TimeSettings
Returns the display settings for the first week.
getFixedValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EstimatedRuntime
Returns the fixed value in seconds.
getFixedValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MinimumRuntime
Returns the fixed value in seconds.
getFlags() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.HostTraceOptions
getFolder() - Method in class com.uc4.api.SearchResultItem
Returns the folder in which this object can be found.
getFolder() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations.Candidate
Returns the name of the Folder.
getFolder() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CreateObject
Returns the IFolder where the object should be created.
getFolder() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList.ReplaceListItem
Return Object's folder path.
getFolder(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderTree
Returns the folder for the given path or null if the folder was not found.
getFolderByID(String) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderTree
Returns an folder object with the specified ID or null if not found.
getFolderID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FolderListItem
Returns the Folder ID.
getFolderID() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.ITransportable
getFolderID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.SearchResultItem
getFontSize() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.FontSettings
Returns the size in which the caption should be displayed in the UserInterface.
getForecastState() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Runtime
Returns the status, which should be returned by this task when making a forecast.
getFormat() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.TimeSettings
Returns the display time format.
getFormTitle() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Form
Returns the title of this form.
getFrom() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EventCalendarItem
getFrom() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueExceptionCondition
Returns the start of the validity period.
getFromDate() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GenericStatistics
Returns the from date for the selection.
getFromDate() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SearchObject
Returns the begin of the date range.
getGapInterval() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteRecurring
getGapInterval() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Period
Use getExecuteRecurring() instead
getGatewayFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Returns the gateway filter
getGatewayHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the Gateway Host.
getGatewayServer() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSiebel
Returns the network address of the Siebel Gateway computer.
getGatewayService() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the Gateway Service.
getGenericJdbcConnectString() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseConnection
Returns the JDBC connect string if "Generic JDBC" is selected as database type.
getGet() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XRequest
returns the script on read object of XREQ Object
getGroup() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the GROUP.
getGroup() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.MessageSettings
Returns the name of the user group if own messages are selected (EverythingInClient is set to false).
GetGroupMonitorProperties - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
This class is used to get Group options of a RunID.
GetGroupMonitorProperties(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetGroupMonitorProperties
Creates a request to read the Group monitor.
getGrp() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight
Returns the authorization group or -1 if NOT is selected.
getGui() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XRequest
Returns the script describing the GUI structure of XREQ Object
getGwName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the name of the TLS-Gateway, which the Agent uses as CP Port.
getHardware() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AgentAssignmentFilter.Item
getHardware() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroupItem
getHardware() - Method in class com.uc4.api.StorageItem
Returns the hardware type attribute.
getHardware() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the computer's hardware information (i.e.
getHardwareFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Returns the Hardware filter.
getHeight() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitControl
Returns the height of the CockpitControl.
getHeight() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitDesign
Returns the height of the cockpit form.
getHeight() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskPromptSetName
Returns the height of the window in the User Interface.
getHirarchicalParent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Task
Returns the RunID of the of hirarchical parent.
getHitRatio() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CacheListItem
Hits of the primary work processIt is responsible for the execution of Automation Engine internal tasks and work processes.
getHits() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CacheListItem
Number of entries found in the cache.
getHoldCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.QueueListItem
getHomeFolder() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the path to the folder where the Objects exists or null if the object does not exist or this request has not been sent.
getHomeFolderId() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the OH_IDNR of the objects home folder.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Returns the name of the destination Agent.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.BackendVariable
Returns the name of the Host.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileListVariable
Returns the name of the Host.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileSystem
Returns the name of the Agent for this FileEvent.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobAttributes
Returns the name of the Agent for this job.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.LoginDefinition
Returns the name of the Agent or a generic host name.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputScan
Returns the name of the Agent which is used for external file scans.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueManagerAttributes
Returns the name of the Agent for this job.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RuleEventSetting
Provides the name of the host destination
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight
Returns the filter for Agent names.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns the host name of the client.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Returns the selected hostname.
getHost() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskList
Gets the host.
getHostAttrTypes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Gets the host attribute types.
getHostDestination() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight
Returns the filter for Agent names.
getHostDetailElement() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns a value of the HostDetail section
getHostgPropertiesElement() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupProperties
Returns the host group property element
getHostGroupType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroup
Returns the Job type of all hosts in this HostGroup.
getHostGroupType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupMonitorProperties
Returns the Job type of all hosts in this HostGroup.
getHostname() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetHostAuthorizations.ModificationStatus
getHostName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleEventSetting
getHostName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
Returns the hostName for the JobPlan task if exist otherwise will return null
getHostName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
Returns the name of the computer on which the server process is running.
getHostPropertiesElement() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns the host property element
getHostTraceElement() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns a value of the HostDetail section
getHostTraceOptions() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns a HostTraceOptions Object
getHostType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AgentAssignmentFilter.Item
getHostType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileSystem
Returns the Host type value
getHostType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobAttributes
Returns the host typ of this job.
getHostType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.LoginDefinition
Returns the host type.
getHostType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueManagerAttributes
Method to fetch the host type.
getHostType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the host type.
getHostType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.StorageItem
Returns the host type attribute.
getHour() - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Returns the hour of the day.
getHour() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeZoneAttributes.TimeChangeRule
Gets the hour of the day at which the time change takes place.
getHours() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Time
Returns the hours as short.
getHw() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ResourceItem
Return the HW (from PlatformSwHwType) of the resource.
getHw() - Method in enum com.uc4.api.PlatformSwHwType
Return the HW.
getIcon() - Method in class com.uc4.api.SearchResultItem
Returns the name of the platform icon if the object type is JOBS.
getIcon() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMPartitionItem
Returns the name of the icon in the User Interface.
getIcon() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MessageListItem
getIcon() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NotificationMonitor.CallStatus
Returns the name of the icon of the recipient.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractFormItem
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FolderListItem
Returns the ID of this object.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FormItemLabel
ID has to be null for labels
getId() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.IFormItem
Returns the internal ID of this field.
getId() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.ITransportable
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AbortAction
getId() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.Action
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.BlockAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
Returns the oh_idnr of the Calendar.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CancelProcessFlowAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ChangeQueueAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckConnectionCondition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckHistoryCondition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckProcessCondition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ClearVariableAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitControl
Returns the Id of the CockpitControl element.
getId() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.Condition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionOrAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP.EventHistoryFilter
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentQueueCondition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CurrentTimeCondition
getId() - Method in enum com.uc4.api.objects.ErtUsage
Gets the id for ERT Usage
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteObjectAction
getId() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.IFolder
Returns the ID of the folder.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ModifyStateAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PublishValueAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReEvaluateAtAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReEvaluateInAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RestartTaskAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReturnCodeCondition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollbackAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RunPathAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RunTaskAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SetValueAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SetVariableAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SkipTaskAction
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.StatusCondition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeSinceActivationCondition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserDefinedCondition
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ValidityKeywordType
Returns the ID of the scope.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.QuickSearchItem
Returns the ID of this object.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.SearchResultItem
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentGroupListItem
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the ID of the Agent.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ClientListItem
ID of the client.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMPartitionItem
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MQMemListItem
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.QueueListItem
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
Returns the ID of this server process.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.VersionControlListItem
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.CreateFolder
Returns the IDNR of the new object
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CalendarList.CalendarListItem
Returns the ID of this CALE object.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList.ReplaceListItem
Return Object's Id.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorAgentTree.AgentNode
Returns the intern id of the AgentNode.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorCATree.CustomAttributeNode
Returns the intern id of the CustomAttributeNode.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorQueueTree.QueueNode
Returns the intern id of the QueueNode.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorZDUTree.ZDUNode
Returns the ID of this item.
getId() - Method in class com.uc4.util.FolderImpl
getID() - Method in enum com.uc4.api.objects.UserPrivileges.Privilege
getID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentAssignmentListItem
getID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
getID() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.DuplicateObject
Returns the ID (OH_IDNR) of the created object.
getID() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Get the internal object oh_idnr
getIdent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesGCOS8
Returns the name for the $ IDENT statement.
getIdnr() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Form
Returns the ID of the Request.
getIdnr() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.ITaskItem
Returns the ID of this or ScheduleTask task.
getIdnr() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
getIdnr() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ResourceItem
Returns the ID of the ResourceItem.
getIdnr() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleTask
getIdnr() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UC4Object
Returns the ID of the object.
getIdnr() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Template
Returns the ID of the template.
getIdnr() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCPProperties
Returns the idnr of the CP object
getIdnr() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
Returns idnr of the WP object
getIdnr() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskDetails
Return the idnr attribute
getIdType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MQMemListItem
getIgnoreDiffMinRuns() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EstimatedRuntime
Returns the number of past runs, which should be taken into account despite deviations.
getIgnoreDiffPercent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EstimatedRuntime
Returns the number of past runs, which should be taken into account despite deviations.
getImportance() - Method in class com.uc4.api.servicefulfillment.ServiceFulfillmentItem
Returns the business importance value.
getImportMessages() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ImportObject
Returns import messages.
getImportRequest(IFolder, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportObject
Creates an ImportObject request from the export.
getInCalendar() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarCollision
Returns the calendar keyword whose area may be used when moving days.
getIncludeJob() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesGCOS8
Returns the path and name of a file containing a Job.
getIndex() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.HostTraceOptions.HostTraceFlag
get the trace flag indext
getIndex() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TraceOptions.TraceFlag
get the trace flag index
getInherit() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputScan
Returns an enum which describes if the scan should affect child jobs.
getInheritFromParent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectValues
Returns an integer which describes how variable values are inherited from its parent.
getInheritFromParent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskValues
Returns an integer which describes how variable values are inherited from its parent.
getInitialContextFactory() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesJMX
Returns the initial context factory.
getInitialDataVersion() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getInputCheck() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FormItemText
Returns a String containing the term that determines how the user input should be checked.
getInputMsg() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MQMemListItem
getInputPriority() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesMPE
Returns the input priority (INPRI).
getInsert() - Method in class com.uc4.api.MessageBox
Returns the insert of this message.
getInsert() - Method in class com.uc4.api.servicefulfillment.ViolationReason
Returns the insert of this message.
getInsert() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TranslatedMessage
Returns the insert of this message.
getInsert() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.AsyncMessage
Returns the message insert for this message.
getInt(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OCVPanel
Gets a value by its name and converts the result to an integer.
getIntAccount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Returns the used account of the object.
getIntAccount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EventAttributes
Returns the internal account assigned to this Job.
getIntAccount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferAttributes
Returns the internal account assigned to this Job.
getIntAccount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobAttributes
Returns the internal account assigned to this Job.
getIntAccount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanAttributes
Returns the internal account assigned to this JobPlan.
getIntAccount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationAttributes
Returns the internal account assigned to this Notification.
getIntAccount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueManagerAttributes
Returns the internal account assigned to this Job.
getIntAccount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleAttributes
Returns the internal account assigned to this job.
getIntAccount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScriptAttributes
Returns the internal account assigned to this Script.
getIntervalEndDate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.YearlyCalendarKeyword
Returns the end date of the interval.
getIntervalEndDay() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MonthlyCalendarKeyword
Returns the end day of the interval.
getIntervalEveryDay() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MonthlyCalendarKeyword
Returns the interval in days.
getIntervalEveryDay() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.YearlyCalendarKeyword
Returns the interval in days.
getIntervalStartDate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.YearlyCalendarKeyword
Returns the start date of the interval.
getIntervalStartDay() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MonthlyCalendarKeyword
Returns the start day of the interval.
getInvalidName() - Method in exception com.uc4.api.InvalidUC4NameException
Returns the invalid name.
getIpAddress() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AgentAssignmentFilter.Item
getIpAddress() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the Agent's TCP/IP address.
getIpAddress() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
Returns the TCP/IP address of the server process.
getIPakChange() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the IPak Change parameter.
getItemId() - Method in class com.uc4.api.StorageItem
Returns the item id of this item
getItemList() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.CheckGroupElement
When a Prompt is executed (see request TaskPromptSetContent) this method returns a list of valid items.
getItemList() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.ComboElement
When a Prompt is executed (see request TaskPromptSetContent) this method returns a list of valid items.
getItemList() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.prompt.PromptInterfaces.ItemList
When a Prompt is executed (see request TaskPromptSetContent) this method returns a list of valid items.
getItemList() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.RadioGroupElement
When a Prompt is executed (see request TaskPromptSetContent) this method returns a list of valid items.
getItems() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CacheListItem
Number of all cache entries.
getJavaConnection() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPAgentPanel
getJclVariant() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentGroupListItem
Returns the JCL variant of the host group.
getJclVariant() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the JCL (Job Control Language) variant.
getJndiName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesJMX
Returns the JNDI Name.
getJobclass() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesBS2000
Returns the specification of the Job's class.
getJobClass() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
Returns the Job class in which the Job should run.
getJobClass() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSAP
Returns the selected Job class.
getJobCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
getJobDescription() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS400
Returns the name of the Job description used for this Job in the form Library/Job description.
getJobGroup() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
getJobName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesMPE
Returns the job name.
getJobName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
Returns the name of the Job in the system.
getJobName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS400
Returns the Job name.
getJobName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSAP
Returns the Job name.
getJobName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesVMS
Returns the name under which a Job should be executed.
getJobName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS390.ConsoleOS390Filter
Returns the filter for a job name.
getJobName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
getJobParameters() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
Returns additional job parameters, for example "TIME=1440".
getJobPlanTask() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AddJobPlanTask
Returns a JobPlan Task or null if the task was not found.
getJobQueue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS400
Returns the name of the Job queue in which the this Job has been put.
getKeepAlive() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the interval in which the server queries the Agent to test if the Agent is alive.
getKerberosToken() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ConnectionAttributes
Returns the kerberos token.
getKey() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOA
Returns the responsibility key for the Oracle user.
getKey() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ClearVariableAction
getKey() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitControlDataSource
Returns the used key of the data source variable.
getKey() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SetVariableAction
getKey() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ExitListItem
getKey() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MQMemListItem
Returns the key of this MQMEM entry.
getKey() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportAuthenticationPackage
getKey() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExportCompanyKey
getKeyword() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
Returns the calendar keyword.
getKeywordAsString() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
This method returns the keyword as String.
getKickEventType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.KickEvent
getKicks() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.AccessTokenConfiguration
This connection is registered to receive the kick messages returned by this procedure.
getKicks() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ConnectionAttributes
This connection is registered to receive the kick messages returned by this procedure.
getKicks() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.SamlConfiguration
This connection is registered to receive the kick messages returned by this procedure.
getKicks() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.SSOConfiguration
This connection is registered to receive the kick messages returned by this procedure.
getLabel() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractFormItem
getLabel() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.IFormItem
Returns the label of the field.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSAP
Returns the selected language.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSiebel
Returns the login language.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the logon language.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns the language selected at last user logon.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ConnectionAttributes
getLastCheck() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the time of last check or null if this host is not active.
getLastLogoff() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
getLastModified() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Header
Indicates user, date and time regarding the most recent modification of the object.
getLastModified() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XHeader
Indicates user, date and time regarding the most recent modification of the object.
getLastModifiedByFullName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the full name of the user that has done the last modification in the object.
getLastModifiedByUser() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the name of the user that has done the last modification in the object.
getLastModifiedDate() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the time stamp when the object was last modified.
getLastName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAttributes
getLastName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns User's last name.
getLastName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetChangeLog.Entry
Returns the last name of the user who did the change.
getLastName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SynchronizeLDAP
Returns the last name of the user or null if this request has not been sent.
getLastRestartPoint() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetRestartInformation
Returns the last restart point.
getLastRuns() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EstimatedRuntime
Returns the number of past runs which are taken into account when calculating the ERT.
getLastRunsPercent() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.EstimatedRuntime
Returns the value in percent for an upward correction or the ERT.
GetLastRuntimes - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns real runtimes (RRT) and estimated runtimes (ERT) of the last 25 runs of an activatable object.
GetLastRuntimes(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetLastRuntimes
Creates a new request to get the last 25 RRTs and ERTs.
GetLastRuntimes(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetLastRuntimes
Creates a new request to get the last 25 RRTs and ERTs.
getLastSession() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Date and time of the last logon or null.
getLastTimeCnt() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Returns the count for the last Activation.
getLastUse() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
getLastUsed() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Header
Indicates user, date and time regarding the most recent use of the object.
getLastUsed() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XHeader
Indicates user, date and time regarding the most recent use of the object.
getLastUsedByFullName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the full name of the user that has used the object at least.
getLastUsedByUser() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the name of the user that has used the object at least.
getLastUsedDate() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the time stamp when the object was last used.
getLatestEndDays() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Returns the number of days for the latest end time of this task.
getLatestEndTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Returns the Time for the latest end of this task.
getLatestEndTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloFulfillment
getLatestStartDays() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Returns the number of days for the latest start time of this task.
getLatestStartTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanDependencies
Returns the Time for the latest start of this task.
getLatestStartTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloFulfillment
getLeft() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitControl
Returns the distance to the left.
getLicenseCategory() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AgentAssignmentFilter.Item
the license check has been removed in version 12.2 and higher
getLicenseCategory() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostAttributes
the license check has been removed in version 12.2 and higher
getLicenseCategory() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
the license check has been removed in version 12.2 and higher
getLicenseCategoryFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
the license check has been removed in version 12.2 and higher
getLicenseClass() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
the license check has been removed in version 12.2 and higher
getLicenseClass() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.LicenseListItem
Returns the license class that complies with the acquired license and hardware and software.
getLicenseClassFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
the license check has been removed in version 12.2 and higher
getLinkedToServiceManagerFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Returns the service manager link filter.
getList() - Method in class com.automic.server.api.data.ClientQueueList
Gets the list.
getLnr() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.ITaskItem
Returns number containing the order of activation.
getLnr() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanTask
getLnr() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleTask
getLnr() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList.ReplaceListItem
Returns the usage number, if the item is used in a parent object
getLnr() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Returns the activation order number of this task.
getLoadAt(int) - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.WorkloadItem
Returns the workload of this client in percent at the specified time.
getLoggingDays() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
getLoggingMb() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
getLogicalDateTime() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetExecuteOnce
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.BackendVariable
Returns the name of the LOGIN object.
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition
Returns the name of the Login object.
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckProcessCondition
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DynamicSQLVariable
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileListVariable
Returns the name of the LOGIN object.
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileSystem
Returns the name of the login object assigned "FileSystem" tab of an file event object.
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobAttributes
Returns the name of the login object assigned to this job.
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputScan
Returns the name of the login object which is used for external file scans.
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionHTTP
Returns the Login
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the Login
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SecureSQLVariable
getLogin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight
Returns the filter for names of Login objects.
getLoginDefinitions() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Login
getLoginDestination() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight
Returns the filter for names of Login objects.
getLoginInfo() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.LoginDefinition
Returns the login information.
getLoginName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP
getLoginObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEventValue
getLongDescription() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
getMagneticArea() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.GeneralSettings
Returns the magnetic area in pixels.
getMagneticWindows() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.GeneralSettings
Returns the magnetic scope of the windows that are shown in the UserInterface.
getMail1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns user's first email address.
getMail2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns user's second email address.
getMax() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitThresholds
Returns the maximal value.
getMaxCharacters() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSQL
Returns the max.
getMaxConnectionCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the maximum number of concurrent RFC connections to the SAP system.
getMaxCPU() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesBS2000
Returns the maximum CPU time (in seconds) that is available for the Job.
getMaxFileTransfer() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupProperties
Returns the maximum number of FileTransfers, -1 if the Agent Group is not active or the setting is unlimited.
getMaxFileTransfer() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns the maximum number of FileTransfers, -1 if the Agent is not active or the setting is unlimited.
getMaxFileTransferResources() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
getMaximum() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FormItemNumber
Returns the maximum value which is allowed as input.
getMaximum() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TraceOptions.TraceFlag
Returns the maximum allowed traceflag value for this trace flag.
getMaximumDate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the maximum date or null if not set.
getMaximumLength() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the maximum number of characters for the first value in variable.
getMaximumNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the maximum number.
getMaximumTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the maximum time or null if not set.
getMaximumTimestamp() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the maximum timestamp or null if not set.
getMaximumValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.DateElement
use getMaxValue instead
getMaximumValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.NumberElement
use getMaxValue() instead
getMaximumValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TimeElement
use getMaxValue instead
getMaximumValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TimeStampElement
Returns the maximum value.
getMaxJobResources() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
getMaxJobs() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupProperties
Returns the maximum number of Jobs or -1 if the Agent Group is not active or the setting is unlimited.
getMaxJobs() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns the maximum number of Jobs or -1 if the Agent is not active or the setting is unlimited.
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FormItemNumber
Returns the maximum number of allowed digits.
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FormItemText
Returns the maximum number of allowed characters.
getMaxLength() - Method in exception com.uc4.api.InvalidUC4NameException
Returns the maximal allowed length of the name or zero if no restriction is set.
getMaxLength() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TextElement
getMaxNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.MessageSettings
Returns the maximum number of messages in the Message Window.
getMaxParallel() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Group
use attributes.maxParallel of this group instead
getMaxParallel() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.GroupAttributes
Returns the maximum number of executable objects which are allowed to run simultaneously in a Group.
getMaxParallel() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueManagerAttributes
getMaxParallelJobs() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroup
Returns the maximum number of parallel tasks when the execution mode is set to ALL.
getMaxParallelJobs() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupMonitorProperties
Returns the maximum number of parallel tasks when the execution mode is set to ALL.
getMaxParallelJobs() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetGroupMonitorProperties
Returns the maximum number of parallel tasks
getMaxParallelSessions() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAttributes
Returns the maximum number of parallel login sessions a user may have.
getMaxParallelTasks() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GroupMonitor
Returns the maximum parallel tasks in group
getMaxParallelTransfers() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileTransferSettings
getMaxReportBlocks() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentGroupProperties
Returns the maximum number of report blocks; -1 if the Agent Group is not active.
getMaxReportBlocks() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns the maximum number of report blocks; -1 if the Agent is not active.
getMaxRetCode() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Runtime
Returns the maximum Return Code for the normal end of a task.
getMaxRows() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSQL
Returns the max.
getMaxRunID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMHistoryItem
Returns the largest RunID of the partition.
getMaxRunID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMPartitionItem
Returns the largest RunID of the partition.
getMaxSingleObjectRecords() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.StatisticsSettings
Returns the maximum number of statistical data that should be shown in an object's statistical overview.
getMaxSlots() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueAttributes
getMaxSlots() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.QueueExceptionCondition
getMaxSlots() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.QueueListItem
getMaxSlots() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetModifyQueue
returns the max slots value for queue
getMaxStoreImportSize() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.GeneralSettings
Returns the maximum size in bytes for binary uploads (STORE objects).
getMaxTraceSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.HostTraceOptions
getMaxTraceSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TraceOptions
get the maximum trace size in MB
getMaxTraceSize() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
returns the max trace size parameter
getMaxTraceSize() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCPProperties
returns the max trace size parameter
getMaxTraceSize() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
returns the max trace size parameter
getMaxValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.DateElement
getMaxValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.NumberElement
Returns the maximum value.
getMaxValue() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.prompt.PromptInterfaces.Constraints
getMaxValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TimeElement
getMemberListSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAssignment
getMemberListSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserGroupAssignment
getMessage() - Method in exception com.uc4.api.InvalidUC4NameException
getMessage() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.NotificationSettings
Returns the message of this Notification.
getMessage() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MessageListItem
getMessage() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActiveNotifications.Entry
Returns the message text of this notification.
getMessage() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetChangeLog.Entry
Returns the message text.
getMessage() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NotificationMonitor
Returns the message text of this notification.
getMessage() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SetHostAuthorizations.ModificationStatus
getMessage() - Method in class com.uc4.util.NATDocument
getMessageBox() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.XMLRequest
Returns a MessageBox object if the server returns a message for this request.
getMessageClassesReport() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
getMessageDump() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ShowQuarantineMessage
Returns the message.
getMessageFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS390.ConsoleOS390Filter
Returns the filter for the console output.
getMessageFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS400.ConsoleOS400Filter
getMessageFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleWindows.ConsoleWindowsFilter
getMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS400.ConsoleOS400Filter
getMessageInsert() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptElement
This method returns a message insert for the message number returned by getMessageNumber.
getMessageInsert() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Returns the remote status message insert filter.
getMessageInsert() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
This method returns a message insert for the message number returned by getMessageNumber.
getMessageInsert() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObjects.ExecuteObjectsResponse
This method returns a message insert for the message number returned by getMessageNumber.
getMessageNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptElement
This method returns a message number in case a Prompt is executed but its value is not valid.
getMessageNumber() - Method in enum com.uc4.api.servicefulfillment.ServiceFulfillmentStatus
Returns the number of this message.
getMessageNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.QuarantineListItem
Returns the number of the message.
getMessageNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Returns the remote status message number filter.
getMessageNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
This method returns a message number in case that the execution failed.
getMessageNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObjects.ExecuteObjectsResponse
This method returns a message number in case that the execution failed.
getMessageQueues() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
Returns an array of message queues.
getMessages() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ActivationProtocol
Returns messages of the activation protocol.
getMessageServer() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPConnectionRFC
Returns the Message Server.
getMessageText() - Method in class com.uc4.api.StatisticSearchItem
Returns the message text for HOST, USER and SERVER objects.
getMessageText() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObject
Returns the error message translated in the language of the user.
getMessageText() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ExecuteObjects.ExecuteObjectsResponse
Returns the error message translated in the language of the user.
getMessageType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS400
getMessageType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MessageListItem
getMib() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the Agent's MIB information.
getMibFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Returns the MIB filter.
getMibInfo() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Client
Returns the MIB Info.
getMibInfo() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ClientListItem
Returns MIB information of the client.
getMibMonitor() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ClientListItem
Displays whether the client is subject to SNMP monitoring.
getMin() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CockpitThresholds
Returns the minimal value.
getMinActivityRefresh() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAttributes
Returns the User-specific minimum interval in seconds for refreshing activities (display refresh).
getMinEventInterval() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
getMinimum() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FormItemNumber
Returns the minimum value which is allowed as input.
getMinimum() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TraceOptions.TraceFlag
Returns the minimum allowed traceflag value for this trace flag.
getMinimumDate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the minimum date or null if not set.
getMinimumNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the minimum number.
getMinimumTime() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the minimum time or null if not set.
getMinimumTimestamp() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the minimum timestamp or null if not set.
getMinimumValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.DateElement
use getMinValue instead
getMinimumValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.NumberElement
Use getMinValue() instead
getMinimumValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TimeElement
use getMinValue instead
getMinimumValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TimeStampElement
Returns the minimum value.
getMinRunID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMHistoryItem
Returns the smallest RunID of the partition.
getMinRunID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMPartitionItem
Returns the smallest RunID of the partition.
getMinute() - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Returns the minute.
getMinute() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeZoneAttributes.TimeChangeRule
Gets the number of minutes after the hour at which the time change takes place.
getMinutes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReEvaluateInAction
getMinutes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RestartTaskAction
Returns the number of minutes or -1 if the parameter has not been set.
getMinutes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Time
Returns the minutes as short.
getMinValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.DateElement
getMinValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.NumberElement
Returns the minimum value.
getMinValue() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.prompt.PromptInterfaces.Constraints
getMinValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TimeElement
getMLSId() - Method in enum com.uc4.api.objects.ErtUsage
Gets the MLS id against ERT Usage
getModCnt() - Method in class com.uc4.api.ServiceLevelObjectiveListItem
Provides the modification counter for the SLO object.
getModCount() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UC4Object
Returns the modification count of the object.
getMode() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptElement
getMode() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.CheckListElement
getMode() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TimeStampElement
getMode() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentGroupListItem
Returns the mode of the host group.
getModifiationDate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.ServiceLevelObjectiveListItem
Provides the date of the last modification of this SLO Object.
getModificationCount() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the number of modifications on this object.
getModificationFlag() - Method in class com.uc4.api.StatisticSearchItem
getModificationFlag() - Method in class com.uc4.api.Task
Returns the value of the modification flag column.
getModified() - Method in class com.uc4.api.SearchResultItem
Returns the date and time of the last modification.
getModifiedBy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.VersionControlListItem
Returns the name of the UC4 user which has modified the object.
getModifiedBy() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetSyncMonitor
Returns the user or task that modified this sync.
getModifiedDate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.StorageItem
Returns the modified date of the file in local time zone of the user who uploaded the file.
getModifiedDate() - Method in class com.uc4.api.VersionControlListItem
getModifiedDate() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList.ReplaceListItem
Returns modified date.
getModifiedDate() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetSyncMonitor
Returns the last modification time of this SYNC.
getModifyFlag() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskList
Returns modify flag.
GetModifyQueue - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Class to fetch the modify queue data for a particular Queue.
GetModifyQueue(String) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetModifyQueue
Creates a new GetModifyQueue request object.
getMonitor() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ModifyProcessFlowMonitor
Returns an updated ProcessFlow monitor after this request has been executed.
getMonitor() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.OpenProcessFlowModification
Returns the monitor of the ProcessFlow or null if this request has not been executed successfully.
getMonth() - Method in class com.uc4.api.DateTime
Returns the month of this DateTime object.
getMonth() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeZoneAttributes.TimeChangeRule
Gets the month of a particular year in which the time change is made.
getMqaut() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getMqdwp() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getMqjwp() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getMqmem() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getMqmemCache() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
returns MQMEM cache
getMqmemCacheActual() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
returns Actual MQMEM cache
getMQmemType1() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MQMemListItem
getMQmemType2() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MQMemListItem
getMqowp() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getMqpwp() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getMqrwp() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getMqSetActive() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
Returns the name of the message queue set for new message.
getMqSetOwn() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
Returns the name of the message queue set that is used by this server.
getMqutl() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getMqwp() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getMsgClass() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
Returns the Job log's message class.
getMsgInsert() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskList
Returns remote status insert.
getMsgLevel() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
Returns the trace option for the job log.
getMsgNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.TaskList
Returns remote status number.
getMultiSelectSeparator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.CheckGroupElement
Returns the mulit select separator character.
getMultiSelectSeparator() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.prompt.PromptInterfaces.MultiSelect
Returns the mulit select separator character.
getMultiSelectSeparator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TextElement
Returns the mulit select separator character.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
Returns the name of the object or an alias if used.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.ComponentWorkflowObjectName
Returns the object name of the template.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.DetailGroup
Returns the name of this group.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FolderListItem
Returns the name of this object.
getName() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.ITransportable
getName() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.ITreeItem
Returns the name of this ITreeItem.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AbstractDocumentation
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AgentAssignmentFilter.Item
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarCondition
Returns the name of the Calendar.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CalendarKeyword
Returns the name of the Calendar Keyword.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckHistoryCondition
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CustomAttribute
Returns the name of the Custom Attribute.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteObjectAction
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteRecurring
Returns the name or null if it has not been set.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.HostGroupItem
getName() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.IFolder
Returns the name of the folder.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ObjectRight
Returns the UC4UserName (User) or UC4ObjectName (UserGroup) for the ObjectRight.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PromptSetDefinition
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ResourceItem
Return the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ServerAttributes
Returns the name in the Service Manager.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SetValueAction
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloSelection.Beneficiary
Returns the name of the Beneficiary.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskState
Returns the name of the task state.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UC4Object
Returns the name of the object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserRight
Returns the filter for object name and folder path.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.QuickSearchItem
Returns the name of the object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.SearchResultItem
Returns the name of the object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.ServiceLevelObjectiveListItem
Provides the name of the SLO object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.StorageItem
Returns name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentAssignmentListItem
Returns the name of the Agent assignment.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentGroupListItem
Returns the name of the host group.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
Returns the name of the Agent.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CacheListItem
Area of the Server input buffer: SCRIPT - for Script VARA - for UC4 Variable MQMEM - for message queues ODOC and XREQ - for UserInterfaces USER - for users who use an Automation Engine system.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.CheckILMPartitionItem
Returns the name of the object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ExitListItem
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.QueueListItem
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
Returns the Server process name.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.UserListItem
Returns the name of the user.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskPromptSetName
Returns the name of the Prompt Set.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.UC4ObjectName
Returns the name or an empty string if the name is not set.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.ActivationProtocol
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ActiveNotifications.Entry
Returns the name of the Notification object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAndGroupList.AgentOrGroupListItem
Object name
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CalendarList.CalendarListItem
Returns the name of this CALE object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations.Candidate
Returns the name of the Object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CreateObject
Returns the name of the object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo.MQEntry
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDeployObjectProperties
Returns the name of the UC4 JOBP Object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the name of the Object.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList.ReplaceListItem
Return Object's Name.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetSessionTZ
Returns the name of the Session TimeZone.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GroupMonitor.Task
Returns the name of the object or an alias if used.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorAgentTree.AgentNode
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorCATree.CustomAttributeNode
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorQueueTree.QueueNode
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorStatusTree.StatusNode
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NavigatorZDUTree.ZDUNode
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ScheduleMonitor.Task
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.SearchObject
Returns the object name filter.
getName() - Method in class com.uc4.util.FolderImpl
getNameFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Returns the name filter of the Agent.
getNDay() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeZoneAttributes.TimeChangeRule
Gets the predetermined weekday(for example, the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday) of the month the time change take place.
getNetArea() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
getNetArea() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ServerListItem
getNetAreaFilter() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentList.Filter
Returns the Net area filter.
getNewOperator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncAction
Returns the operator which modifies the new value.
getNewState() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncAction
Returns the name of the new state.
getNewValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncAction
Returns the new value.
getNextCheck() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ScheduleMonitor.Task
Returns the timestamp of the next check.
getNextStart() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ScheduleMonitor.Task
Returns the timstamp of the next start.
getNMonth() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MonthlyCalendarKeyword
Returns the period in month.
getNodeName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SAPQueueManagerFilter
Method to fetch the SAP node name.
getNodeName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.XMLDocuNode
Returns the name of this node.
getNoFolder() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.FolderTree
Returns an IFolder object which represents the "No Folder".
getNoMemberListSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserAssignment
getNoMemberListSize() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserGroupAssignment
getNotificationMonitors() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NotificationMonitor
Returns a list of NotificationMonitor objects.
getNotificationType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.NotificationMonitor
Returns the type of the notification independent of the logon languge.
getNotify() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesOS390
Returns a notify on OS/390.
getNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.MessageBox
Returns the number of this message.
getNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ForecastTaskState
Gets the return code of this status.
getNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.servicefulfillment.ViolationReason
Returns the number of this message.
getNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMHistoryItem
Returns the running number of the partition.
getNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ILMPartitionItem
Returns the running number of the partition.
getNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TranslatedMessage
Returns the number of this message.
getNumber() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.AsyncMessage
Returns the number of this message.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.VariableAttributes
Returns the number format for variable values with the type number.
getNumberOfActivities() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ClientListItem
Number of tasks currently being executed.
getNumberOfAgentDetails() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns the number of detail entries.
getNumberOfClients() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentListItem
getNumberOfFalseTasks() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Returns the number of tasks in the false branch.
getNumberOfObjects() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ClientListItem
Number of objects created in the client.
getNumberOfPages() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.Report
Returns the number of pages for this report 0 if this request has not been sent.
getNumberOfSettings() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.Client
Returns the number of entries in the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS variable.
getNumberOfTrueTasks() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WorkflowIF
Returns the number of tasks in the true branch.
getNumberOfUsers() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ClientListItem
Number of users that are currently logged-on.
getNumberOfWPDetails() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
Returns the number of detail entries.
getNWeek() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.WeeklyCalendarKeyword
Returns the interval in weeks.
getNYear() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.YearlyCalendarKeyword
Returns the interval in years.
getObjectAuthorizations() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the ObjectAuthorizations for the UC4 Object.
getObjectCache() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
returns object cache
getObjectCacheActual() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
returns Actual Object cache
getObjectClient() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UC4Object
Returns the client where the object is located.
GetObjectDocu - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Provides read only access to the documentation of an UC4 object.
GetObjectDocu(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectDocu
getObjectForType(String, XMLDocument) - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.OpenObject
Returns a sub class of UC4Object for the specified type.
getObjectName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.AbstractTask
In contrast to the getName this method returns always the object name.
getObjectName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.TaskFilter
Returns the filter for the object name.
getObjectName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetChangeLog.Entry
Returns the name of the object.
getObjectName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GroupMonitor.Task
In contrast to the getName this method returns always the object name.
GetObjectProperties - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns information about an UC4 object.
GetObjectProperties(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Creates a new Request to get information about an UC4 object.
GetObjectProperties(UC4ObjectName) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Creates a new Request to get information about an UC4 object.
getObjectSubType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Returns the SubType of the Object.
getObjectType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FolderListItem
Returns the language independent type of the Object.
getObjectType() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.ITransportable
getObjectType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.QuickSearchItem
Returns the language independent type of the object.
getObjectType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.SearchResultItem
getObjectType() - Method in class com.uc4.api.VersionControlListItem
getObjectType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.AgentAndGroupList.AgentOrGroupListItem
Object type
getObjectType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.CheckAuthorizations.Candidate
Returns the object Type.
getObjectType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns the type of the UC4 Object or an empty String if the object does not exist.
getObjectType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GroupMonitor.Task
Returns the type of the Object.
getObjectType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.JobPlanMonitor.Task
Returns the type of the Object.
getObjectType() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ScheduleMonitor.Task
Returns the type of the Object.
getObjName() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList
Returns the name of the AE Object.
getOdbcConnectString() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getOdbcVersion() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetDatabaseInfo
getOffset() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.RollCalendarCollision
use getAdjustSign() and getAdjustSign() instead
getOffsetUTCHours() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeZoneAttributes
Returns the difference to UTC in hours.
getOffsetUTCMinutes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeZoneAttributes
Returns the difference to UTC in minutes.
getOkState() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TaskResult
Gets the task status which should be reached.
getOkStateExecute() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanAttributes
Returns the object that is executed when a task does not have the expected end status.
getOkStateExecute() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleAttributes
Returns the object that is executed when a task does not have the expected end status.
getOkStateForTasks() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.JobPlanAttributes
Returns the end status that is expected for the subordinated tasks of the JobPlan.
getOkStateForTasks() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ScheduleAttributes
Returns the end status that is expected for the subordinated tasks of the Schedule.
getOnFulfillmentObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloFulfillment
Returns the name of the object which is executed on fulfillment.
getOnlinePartitions() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.ILMList
getOnOperator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncAction
Returns the comparison operator.
getOnState() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncAction
Returns the comparison state.
getOnValue() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SyncAction
Returns the comparison value.
getOnViolationObject() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.SloFulfillment
Returns the name of the object which is executed on violation.
getOpcode() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.KickEvent
getOpen() - Method in class com.uc4.api.SearchResultItem
Returns the name of the user who has opened the object.
getOpen() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetReplaceList.ReplaceListItem
Returns who has opened the object currently.
getOpenAutomatically() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.MessageSettings
Returns whether the Message Window should open automatically for incoming information or error messages.
getOpenByUser() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
If the object is currently edited by a user this method will return the name of the User.
getOpenedBy() - Method in class com.uc4.api.FolderListItem
Returns the name of the Automation Engine user who has opened the object.
getOpenSince() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetObjectProperties
Returns a DateTime instance that contains the time when the User started editing the object.
getOperation() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CompositeVariable
Returns the enum for the operation.
getOperationWindowFrom() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSLO
Returns "From" time of operation window.
getOperationWindowTo() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesSLO
Returns "To" time of operation window.
getOperator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
getOperator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DatabaseEventSettings
Returns the operator character.
getOperator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.FileSystem
Returns the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.OutputFilter
Returns the operator which is used to combine the filter in this object.
getOperator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ReturnCodeCondition
Returns the operator.
getOperator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.TimeSinceActivationCondition
getOperator() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.UserDefinedCondition
getOperatorID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.PSRemoteTaskManagerFilter
Returns the PeopleSoft operator ID or null if not set.
getOperatorName() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.objects.ICallOperatorCondition
Returns the name or UserGroup of the Operator which should be notified.
getOptionsElement() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetAgentProperties
Returns the option element
getOptionsElement() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetCPProperties
Returns the option element
getOptionsElement() - Method in class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetWPProperties
Returns the option element
getOrderName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesBS2000
Returns the order name (PNAME).
getOS() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.BackendCommand
Returns the operating system of the command.
getOsName() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleOS390
getOther() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AttributesMPE
Returns additional Job parameters.
getOtypes() - Method in class com.uc4.api.ObjectTypeFilter
Gets the object types, which will be returned by the filter.
GetOutputDirectory - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
Returns a list of reports (external and in UC4 DB) of a Job.
GetOutputDirectory(int) - Constructor for class com.uc4.communication.requests.GetOutputDirectory
Creates a new GetOutputDirectory request.
GetOutputDirectory.OutputDirectoryItem - Class in com.uc4.communication.requests
This class represents a single row in the Output directory.
getOutputFormat() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.DateElement
getOutputFormat() - Method in interface com.uc4.api.prompt.PromptInterfaces.OutputFormat
getOutputFormat() - Method in class com.uc4.api.prompt.TimeStampElement
getOutputMsg() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.MQMemListItem
getParallelTasks() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.MaxParallel
Returns the maximum number of paralle tasks.
getParallelTasks() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.AgentGroupListItem
Returns the number of parallel tasks or -1 if this proptery has not been set.
getParameter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP.EventHistoryFilter
getParameter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConsoleSAP.JavaEventHistoryFilter
getParameter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ExecuteObjectAction
Returns the parameter of this task.
getParameter() - Method in class com.uc4.api.systemoverview.ExitListItem
getParameter(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ConditionOrAction
Internal use only: Returns the value or message number of the specified parameter.
getParameter(String) - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.DynamicExecVariable
Gets the parameter from given key.
getParameterMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.AbortAction
getParameterMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.BlockAction
getParameterMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CancelProcessFlowAction
getParameterMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.ChangeQueueAction
getParameterMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckActivitiesCondition
getParameterMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckConnectionCondition
getParameterMessageID() - Method in class com.uc4.api.objects.CheckFileCondition