Class UserAttributes


public class UserAttributes extends Object
This class stores user attributes like first name, last name and email address.
  • Constructor Details

    • UserAttributes

      protected UserAttributes(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc)
  • Method Details

    • store

      protected void store(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc, Element objectElement, ConnectionAttributes sessionInfo)
    • setPassword

      public void setPassword(String pass)
      Sets the password of this user. If users are in various international locations, special national language characters -- umlauts, accents, special letters, etc. -- should be avoided. Not all keyboards in all countries support such characters.
      pass - Password
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive()
      Returns true if the user is active. Active means that the user may log on to the Automation Engine. Inactive users must not log on to the system; logically, they are no longer part of the system.
      Returns true if the user is active
    • setActive

      public void setActive(boolean active)
      Changes the status of this User.
      active - true if the user should be active, false if the user should not be allowed to log on to the system.
    • isLocked

      public boolean isLocked()
      Returns true if the user is locked. The repeated indication of a wrong password has the effect that a user is locked.
      Returns true if the user is locked
    • setLocked

      public void setLocked(boolean locked)
      This method can be used to lock or unlock a User.
      locked - true if the user should be locked, false to unlock the user
    • getFirstName

      public String getFirstName()
      First name of the user
    • setFirstName

      public void setFirstName(String firstName)
      Sets the first name of this user. The first and last names of the user are displayed in various areas of the UserInterface. For example, in the System Overview.
      firstName - User's first name
    • getLastName

      public String getLastName()
      Last name of the user
    • setLastName

      public void setLastName(String lastName)
      Sets the last name of the user. The first and last names of the user are displayed in various areas of the UserInterface. For example, in the System Overview.
      lastName - User's last name
    • getEmail1

      public String getEmail1()
      Returns the first Email address of this user.
      User's Email address
    • setEmail1

      public void setEmail1(String email1)
      Sets the first Email address of this user.
      email1 - User's Email address, max. 50 characters
    • getEmail2

      public String getEmail2()
      Returns the second Email address of this user.
      User's Email address
    • setEmail2

      public void setEmail2(String email2)
      Sets the second Email address of this user.
      email2 - User's Email address, max. 50 characters
    • getDefaultLogin

      public UC4ObjectName getDefaultLogin()
      Returns the Login object for the database access of Variable objects with the source "SQL". The specified Login will only be used if the User has logged on and if the setting "Apply User's Login" has been specified.
      Name of the LOGIN Object
    • setDefaultLogin

      public void setDefaultLogin(UC4ObjectName defaultLogin)
      Sets the Login object for the database access of Variable objects with the source "SQL". The specified Login will only be used if the User has logged on and if the setting "Apply User's Login" has been specified.
      defaultLogin - Name of the LOGIN Object
    • isPasswordNeverExpires

      public boolean isPasswordNeverExpires()
      Returns true if the password never expires. In this case the user never has to change the password. The password "pass" is an exception and must always be changed immediately at the next logon.
      true if the password never expires, false otherwise
    • setPasswordNeverExpires

      public void setPasswordNeverExpires(boolean passwordNeverExpires)
      Changes the password expiration setting. If the parameter passwordNeverExpires is true the user never has to change the password. The password "pass" is an exception and must always be changed immediately at the next logon.
      passwordNeverExpires - true if the password should never expires, false otherwise
    • isIgnoreSSO

      public boolean isIgnoreSSO()
      Returns true if SSO is to be ignored.
      true if SSO is to be ignored, false otherwise
    • setIgnoreSSO

      public void setIgnoreSSO(boolean ignoreSSO)
      Changes the ignore SSO setting.
      ignoreSSO - true if SSO is to be ignored, false otherwise
    • isPasswordChangeRequired

      public boolean isPasswordChangeRequired()
      Returns true if a password change is required for this user.
      true if the User has to change the password at next login
    • setPasswordChangeRequired

      public void setPasswordChangeRequired(boolean passwordMustChange)
      Changes the setting for a password change.
      passwordMustChange - true if the User has to change the password at next login
    • isLDAPConnection

      public boolean isLDAPConnection()
      Returns true if LDAP is enabled for this user.
      LDAP Connection
    • setLDAPConnection

      public void setLDAPConnection(boolean ldapConnection)
      Enables or disables the LDAP Connection.
      ldapConnection - true if LDAP should be enabled for this user.
    • isLDAPConnectionSystem

      public boolean isLDAPConnectionSystem()
      Returns true if LDAP is enabled for the system.
      LDAP Connection
    • getDistinguishedName

      public String getDistinguishedName()
      Returns the distinguished name of this user.
      Distinguished name
    • setDistinguishedName

      public void setDistinguishedName(String distinguishedName)
      Set the distinguished name for the LDAP connection.
      distinguishedName - Distinguished name
    • getTimezone

      public UC4TimezoneName getTimezone()
      Returns the TimeZone to be used for this user following System logon. If no TimeZone has been chosen, the client's pre-set TimeZone is used.
      Name of the timezone object
    • setTimezone

      public void setTimezone(UC4TimezoneName timezone)
      Sets the TimeZone to be used for this user following System logon. If no TimeZone has been chosen, the client's pre-set TimeZone is used.
      timezone - Name of the timezone object
    • getValidTimeFrom

      public Time getValidTimeFrom()
      If hasLogonTimeSpan() is true this method returns the lower limit of the allowed logon time.
      Lower limit of the logon time
    • getValidTimeTo

      public Time getValidTimeTo()
      If hasLogonTimeSpan() is true this method returns the upper limit of the allowed logon time.
      Upper limit of the logon time
    • hasLogonTimeSpan

      public boolean hasLogonTimeSpan()
      Returns true if a logon time span has been set for this User. Logon is denied when attempted outside of the defined time frame.
      true if a logon time span is set
    • setLogonTimeSpan

      public void setLogonTimeSpan(Time from, Time to)
      Sets the time span in which a logon is allowed.
      from - Lower limit of the logon time
      to - Upper limit of the logon time
    • disableLogonTimeSpan

      public void disableLogonTimeSpan()
      Disables the logon time span limitation.
    • setCalendar

      public void setCalendar(CalendarCondition cond)
      Sets the authorization check according to the Calendar. If, during logon, none of the listed Calendars are valid with their Calendar keys, access will be denied
      cond - Name and Keyword of a UC4 calendar
    • getCalendar

      public CalendarCondition getCalendar()
      Returns the authorization check according to the Calendar. If, during logon, none of the listed Calendars are valid with their Calendar keys, access will be denied
      Name and Keyword of a UC4 calendar, never null
    • getMaxParallelSessions

      public int getMaxParallelSessions()
      Returns the maximum number of parallel login sessions a user may have. A value of "0" enables unlimited parallel access frequency.
      Maximum number of parallel login sessions
    • setMaxParallelSessions

      public void setMaxParallelSessions(int multiLogon)
      Sets the maximum number of parallel login sessions a user may have. A value of "0" enables unlimited parallel access frequency.
      multiLogon - Maximum number of parallel login sessions, values from 0 to 9999 are allowed
    • getMinActivityRefresh

      public int getMinActivityRefresh()
      Returns the User-specific minimum interval in seconds for refreshing activities (display refresh). The value "0" signals that no minimum value has been specified.
      Interval in seconds
    • setMinActivityRefresh

      public void setMinActivityRefresh(int refresh)
      Sets the User-specific minimum interval in seconds for refreshing activities (display refresh). The value "0" signals that no minimum value has been specified.
      refresh - Interval in seconds, values from 0 to 999 are allowed