Package com.uc4.api.objects
package com.uc4.api.objects
ClassDescriptionCondition action that aborts the workflow.This class is the base class of text and xml documentations.Action on the Pre-Condition or Post-Condition tab of an Automation Engine Workflow task.This class represents an HSTA object (agent assignment).This class represents the filter tab of an HSTA object.This class represents a row in the filter table.Host attributes for BS2000 Jobs.Host attributes for GCOS 8.Host attributes for JMX Jobs.Host attributes for MPE.Host attributes for NSK Jobs.Host attributes for Oracle Applications Jobs.Host attributes for OS/390.Host attributes for OS/400 Jobs.Host attributes for PeopleSoft Jobs.Host attributes for RA Jobs.Host attributes for SAP Jobs.Host attributes for Siebel Jobs.This class represents information of the attributes tab of an object.Host attributes for SQL Jobs.Host attributes for UNIX Jobs.Host attributes for VMS Jobs.Host attributes for Windows Jobs.Authorizations of Agents.Represents a single authorization for a client.This class represents a Command (row) on the Variable of the type BACKEND.Backend Variable.Blocks the according branch in the ProcessFlow (as 'else block' in V8 or lower) without checking of further conditions.Calendar object.This class represents a calendar condition.Calendar Keyword.Cancels a ProcessFlow without checking of further conditions.Scope.Changes the Queue defined in the task.Checks the status of an activity.Checks the connection to a remote system, if the tasks has a connection.Checks if a file exists.Checks if the last execution of an object satisfies the defined status and the defined satisfaction lead time.Checks if a particular process is running on the host system.Process status.Deletes the content of a static variable.This class represents a UC4 CLNT object.Represents the Cockpit object CPIT.Represents the Bar control of the
.Represents the Box control of theCockpit
.CockpitControl.Represents the data source of aCockpitControl
object.Represents the Cockpit tab of theCockpit
object.Represents the Frame control of theCockpit
.Represents the Lamp control of theCockpit
.Represents the Pie control of theCockpit
.Represents the Threshold values for theCockpitControl
Pie, Bar and TrafficLight.Represents the Traffic light control of theCockpit
.Basis for all Cockpit control with values.Format of the 2nd caption of theCockpitControl
.This class represents a Automic CodeTable object.This class represents the panel "Variable" of an VARA Object with the source "Composite".Operation.Condition of a JobPlan task (PreCondition or PostCondition).Base class of all Conditions or Actions.Container for conditions.Console settings for BS2000.Console Event.Sub classes contain additional fields that are specific for a certain Operating System.Console Event settings for OS/390.This class represents a single filter entry for OS/390 Console Events.Settings for OS/400.This class represents a single filter for a OS/400 Console Event.SAP Console Event.This clas represents a single entry in the SAP ConsoleEvent of DataSource Event History.This class represents a single entry in the SAP ConsoleEvent of DataSource Java Event History.An instance of this class represents a single entry in the list of filter for XI Communication channels.Console Event Settings for Windows.An instance of this class reprensents a single filter line.Checks the Queue the task will run in.Checks the (physical) time in the timezone the object was started in.When operator.Custom Attribute.ACyclicException
is thrown if a JobPlan contains cycles.Dashboard object.This class represents a CONN.DB Object.Type of the database.Database event.This class provides acccess to Database Event settings.Represents a value in the database event.This class contains deactivate condititions.Type of the deactivate condition.This class represents the deployment tab of a ProcessFlow.This class represents the documentation tab of an Automation Engine object.This class represents a DOCU Object.Dynamic Executable Variable.Dynamic Database Variable.Internal database variable.The Enum represent ERT usage value for a Variables.Estimated Runtime.Attributes of this event object.This class represents the calendar tab on an Event object.This class represents a single line in the "Calendar" tab of an Event object.This class represents the "Event" tab of an Event object.Starts any Automation Engine object.Recurring definition of a task.Extended Reports.FileEvent.This class represents the panel "Variable" of an VARA Object with the source "Filelist".This class represents the "FileSystem" tab of an file event object.This class represents a FileTransfer Object.Filetransfer attributes.This class contains settings for the FileTransfer object ("FileTransfer")-Tab.List of valid status values for a forecast.This class represents a UC4 JOBG object.JobGroup attributes.This class represents a group calendar keyword.This class represents information of the header tab of an object.An instance of this class represents a single HOST object.This class represents the "Attributes" tab in HOST objects.Hostgroup object.This class represents a single filter entry in HOSTG objects.This class represents a row in the Operator assignments of a Notification.This interface represents a folder.Interface for host attributes of a Job.This class represents Include objects.Contains common methods of tasks in a Workflow and Schedule.This class represents the JCL tab of JOBS monitor.This is the base class for all jobs.This class represents the attributes of a job.This class represents a standard Workflow object.This class repesents JobPlan attributes.Deprecated.Use ProcessFlowGeneral instead, this class will be removed in the next main releaseJobPlan task dependencies.This class can be used to specify the earliest starting time for a task in a JobPlan.External Dependency.Task in the JobPlan.This class represents a single JobPlan dependency.This interface allows objects that implemented to be notified after save operations were executed on the object.Login object.This class represents a single entry a Login object.This class represents the datasource in a ProcessFlow loop.This class represents the maximum runtime settings.This class contains information about the maximum number of parallel tasks.This class represents the settings for Minimum Runtime.Sets return code without checking of further conditions.This class represents a monthly calendar keyword.Notification Object.Notification attributes.This class represents the "Notification" tab within a Notification object.Report source.This class serves to define access rights for a UC4Objects.Creates new tasks in Workflow without a check if there is an existing definition in the Automation Engine.This class represents a row on the authorizations tab of an object.This class contains values and PromptSets of executable Objects.This class provides access to the values of Connection Objects and Rapid Automation Jobs.This class represents a single row in this panel.Operator settings of an Nofitication.This class represents the "Output" tab of Job objects.Output Filter.This class represents a single filter definition in anOutputFilter
object.Operator.This class represents the Output-Scan tab in AE-Object definitions.Inherit setting.This class represents a single row Output-Scan tab of an Automation Engine Object.An object that holds settings that may be used for periodic execution of tasks.This class can be used to access the "General" tab of a task in a ProcessFlow.DeploymentDependency.This class is used to design Prompt Elements.Basis class of all prompt elements.This class represents a PromptSet Object in the Automation Engine.This class is created using the request com.uc4.communication.AddPromptSet An instance of this class can be added to executable Objects (for example Jobs) and default values for PromptElements can be set.Enum for all the various tables where prompt values can be storedRemoteTaskManager for PeopleSoft.Filter for PeopleSoft RemoteTaskManager objects.Publish a value.Queue Object.This class represents the "Queue" tab of a Queue object.This class represents a single line in the Exception table of a Queue object.Attributes of JOBQ Objects.This class represents an RA Connection Object.This class represents a CITC Object.Exits current evaluation cycle.Exits current evaluation cycle.This class representsStorage
resource items.This class represents Storage resource items.Restarts the task and exits current evaluation cycle.Checks the return code of the task.Interface for Rights.This class represents the rollback tab on executable Automation Engine objects.Rollback Action.Task.This class represents a reaction to a collision for roll calendar keywords.This class represents a Roll Calendar Keyword.IA Event.Settings of an IAEventRun Path.Starts the task without checking of further conditions.The "Runtime" tab is an object class-specific tab that is found in every executable object in UC4.This provides access to the values on the "SAP" tab of a host object.This class represents an SAP Connection object.Type of the connection object.This class can be used to read or set the HTTP connection data for SAP Connection objects (PI, SLD, JXBP).This class can be used to read or set the RFC connection data for SAP Connection objects.SAP BW Extended Monitoring.XAL version.XBP version.RemoteTaskManager for SAP ABAP Jobs.Filter for SAP RemoteTaskManager objects.Schedule.This class represents attributes of a Schedule.This class represents a task in a Schedule.This class represents a SCRI object.Attributes of SCRI objects.Dynamic Database Variable Secure.Secure SQL Variables.This class represents Server objects (type SERV).This class represents the "Attributes" tab of server objects.This class represents SLO objects.Sets or creates an object value which will be available for restarts.Scope.Sets the content of a static variable.Skips the task (as 'else skip' in V8 or lower) without checking of further conditions..Represents the fulfillment sheet of SLO objects.Selection criteria of SLO objects.Beneficiary of a service.This class represents a static calendar keyword.Checks the 'ENDED' status of the task.Item in a Step List for OS/390 Jobs.This class represents a STORE Object.This class represents Stylesheet objects.Sync object.This class represents an action of an Sync object.This class represents the attributes of Sync objects.This class represents a single row of the sync tab.This class represents the SYNC tab of an executable object.This class represents the state of a Sync object.Task calendar conditions.With theTaskResult
you can define a reaction to the end status of a task.Task runtime.Task states.This class represents task values and PromptSets.This class represents a documentation tab of type "text".Time Event.Checks time that has passed since the activation of the task.Operator.Represents a TimeZone object.Represents the attributes tab of aTimeZone
object.Defines the point in time for a time change.This is the base class of all the Automation Engine objects.This class represents a USER Object in the Automation Engine.This class enables the assignment of single users to this User Group.This class stores user attributes like first name, last name and email address.This class serves to define access rights for objects, files, statistics and reports.Compares two values.This class represents a User Group in the Automation Engine.This class enables the assignment of single users to user groups.This class represents the privileges of a user.Enumeration of all Privileges.This class represents a row on the authorizations tab of an USER object.User rights.This class represents the scope of a variable.This class represents UC4 Variable objects.This class represents variable attributes.Variable source.This class represents the "Variables" tab of a STATIC and XML VARA object.This class represents a weekly calendar keyword.This class represents an IF in a ProcessFlow.Interfaces for all workflow related classesIndicates that a class can be updatedThis class represents Workflow of type FOREACH.This class represents information of the header tab of an executable Automation Engine object and SYNC.This class represents a structured documenation.This class represents one node in the structured documentation.XREQ Object : Each X-request has an according X-request object XREQ available in the the AE database that specifies how a request is processed.This class represents a yearly Calendar Keyword.