Class TaskCalendar

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TaskCalendar extends Object implements Iterable<CalendarCondition>
Task calendar conditions.
  • Constructor Details

    • TaskCalendar

      public TaskCalendar()
      Constructs an empty TaskCalendar where ConditionMatchOne is set to true.
    • TaskCalendar

      protected TaskCalendar(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc, Element task)
  • Method Details

    • addCalendarCondition

      public void addCalendarCondition(CalendarCondition cale)
      Adds a new CalendarCondition.
      cale - CalendarCondition which should be added
    • setCalendarConditions

      public void setCalendarConditions(List<CalendarCondition> calendarConditions)
      Overrides CalendarCondition
      calendarConditions - CalendarCondition which are overriding existing ones
    • getCaleList

      public List<CalendarCondition> getCaleList()
    • iterator

      public Iterator<CalendarCondition> iterator()
      Returns an iterator over CalendarCondition.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<CalendarCondition>
      Iterator which can be used to get the CalendarCondition
    • clearCalendarList

      public void clearCalendarList()
      Removes all calendar conditions.
    • setConditionMatchOne

      public void setConditionMatchOne()
      The task will be executed when the date of JobPlan activation or the logical date matches one of the specified calendar conditions.
    • isConditionMatchOne

      public boolean isConditionMatchOne()
      Returns true if the task will be executed when the date of JobPlan activation or the logical date matches one of the specified calendar conditions.
      True if one condition matches
    • setConditionMatchNone

      public void setConditionMatchNone()
      The task will be executed when the date of JobPlan activation or the logical date does not match any of the specified calendar conditions.
    • isConditionMatchNone

      public boolean isConditionMatchNone()
      Returns true if the task will be executed when the date of JobPlan activation or the logical date does not match any of the specified calendar conditions.
      Execute if no condition matches
    • setConditionMatchAll

      public void setConditionMatchAll()
      The task will be executed when the date of JobPlan activation or the logical date matches all specified calendar conditions.
    • isConditionMatchAll

      public boolean isConditionMatchAll()
      Returns true if the task will be executed when the date of JobPlan activation or the logical date matches all specified calendar conditions.
      Execute if all conditions match
    • setConditionMatchExt

      public void setConditionMatchExt()
      Use calendar definition of external dependency. This option is only available for external dependencies.
    • isConditionMatchExt

      public boolean isConditionMatchExt()
      Returns true if the calendar definition of external dependency should be used. This option is only available for external dependencies.
      True if the calendar definition of external dependency should be used
    • size

      public int size()
      Returns the number of calendar conditions.
      number of calendar conditions
    • clone

      Use copy() instead.
      clone in class Object
    • copy

      public TaskCalendar copy()