Package com.uc4.api.systemoverview
package com.uc4.api.systemoverview
ClassDescriptionThis class represents a row in the Agent assignment list in the system overview.This class describes one item of the AgentGroup list in the system overview.This class describes one item of the Agent list in the system overview.One row of the cache list.This class represents one row in the ILM check partition table.This class represents one row in the client list of the system overview.Data interface between applications.This class represents a row in the password exit list in the system overview.HostTraceOptions acts as data interface for using applciations.HostTraceFlag ist used to represent the data for a particular trace flag such as its index.Enumeration for HostTraceTrigger typesEnumeration for HostTrace typesThis class represents a row in the ILM history table.This class represents a row in the ILM partition table of the system overview.Deprecated.the license check has been removed in version 12.2 and higherThis class represents one row in the search result of the
.Description for one mqmem entryThis class represents one row in the Quarantine list.This class represents a single row in the queue list of the system overview.This class describes a single row in the server list of the system overview.This class describes one row of the User list in the system overview.This class describes one row in the System Workload Table.Data interface between applications.