Class ExportObject


public class ExportObject extends XMLRequest
Exports an UC4 Object.
  • Constructor Details

    • ExportObject

      public ExportObject(UC4ObjectName name, File export)
      Exports a single Object.
      name - Name of the UC4 Object
      export - Export file
    • ExportObject

      public ExportObject(UC4ObjectName[] names, File export)
      Exports a list of UC4 Objects.
      names - UC4 Objects which should be exported
      export - Export file
    • ExportObject

      public ExportObject(UC4ObjectName[] names, List<IFolder> folders, File export, boolean exportLinks)
      Export given folder list and objects
      names - UC4 Objects which should be exported
      folders - UC4 folder Objects which should be exported
      export - Export file
      exportLinks - includes objects where the home folder is not the export folder but as an link inside
    • ExportObject

      public ExportObject(IFolder folder, File export, boolean exportLinks)
      Exports a single folder structure.
      folder - UC4 folder Object which should be exported
      export - Export file
      exportLinks - includes objects where the home folder is not the export folder but as an link inside
    • ExportObject

      public ExportObject(IFolder[] folders, File export, boolean exportLinks)
      Exports a list of UC4 Folders.
      folders - UC4 Folders which should be exported
      export - Export file
      exportLinks - includes objects where the home folder is not the export folder but as an link inside
  • Method Details

    • getImportRequest

      public ImportObject getImportRequest(IFolder folder, boolean overwriteObject, boolean keepFolderLinks)
      Creates an ImportObject request from the export.
      folder - Destination folder
      overwriteObject - flag to define if the object should be overwritten
      keepFolderLinks - If true, existing folder links will be kept
      ImportObject request or null if the output is saved in a file.
    • createRequest

      protected void createRequest(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc, Element request, ConnectionAttributes sessionInfo)
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      Creates the XML Document for the request. This method is used internally.
      Specified by:
      createRequest in class XMLRequest
      doc - Document, used to create new Elements
      request - Request Element - classes append information to this request element
      sessionInfo - Information about the session
    • handleContent

      protected void handleContent(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc, ConnectionAttributes session)
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      Sub classes extract the values from the XML document and provide public getter methods.
      handleContent in class XMLRequest
      doc - XML Document
      session - Info about the user session
    • writeExportXml

      protected void writeExportXml(com.uc4.util.XMLDocument doc, OutputStream out, ConnectionAttributes session, boolean isExportAsFile) throws IOException
    • wasSuccessful

      public boolean wasSuccessful()
      Returns true if the file was saved successfully. If this method returns false the method getExportException can be used to get the exception which occured during the export.
      True if the objects where successfully exported
    • getExportException

      public Exception getExportException()
      Returns the Exception that occured during the export or null if the export was successful.
      Export exception or null
    • getBinaryContent

      public ByteBuffer getBinaryContent()
      Returns the file content as ByteBuffer.
      file content
    • setExportLinksEnabled

      public void setExportLinksEnabled(boolean exportLinksEnabled)
      Sets the export links enabled.
      exportLinksEnabled - the new export links enabled
    • getSrc

      protected String getSrc()
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      Returns the request source. This method is used internally.
      Specified by:
      getSrc in class XMLRequest
    • isAllowedInClientZero

      protected boolean isAllowedInClientZero()
      Description copied from class: XMLRequest
      This method is used internally. Tests if this XMLRequest is allowed in client 0. The default implementation returns false, subclasses may override.
      isAllowedInClientZero in class XMLRequest
      true if this request is allowed in client 0, false otherwise
    • getResourceList

      public Iterator<DownloadBinary> getResourceList()
      Returns an Iterator with items of DownloadBinary objects after invoking the ExportObject instance. Use this Iterator to additionally download all related resource items of each STORE object containing within the export.
      An Iterator containing all resource items of each exported STORE object.