Defining Applications

You use applications to group jobs and process flows. When defining or requesting jobs and process flows, you can select an application. To define an application, you must give it a name and description.

The Application field provides a way to assign jobs as well as process flows to an organizational group. The groups might be programs, machines, divisions, or some other characteristic. When editing or requesting jobs and process flows, you can select an application and the jobs and process flows displayed will be limited to those that are assigned to the application.

The Applications window

Applications Manager user groups control access to applications. If you do not have access to them, see your Applications Manager administrator.


To define a new application:

  1. From the Applications Selector window, click New.
  2. Applications Manager opens the Applications window shown above.

    For information on using selector windows, see Adding, Editing, and Deleting Applications Manager Objects.

  3. Complete the fields in the Applications window using the information in the table below.
    Field Description


    The name may be up to 30 characters long.


    The description may be up to 100 characters long.


    Optionally use notifications to send messages and output files based on task status to email addresses or any output device defined in Applications Manager. For information on defining notifications, see Defining Notifications.

    Environment Variables

    Optionally specify one or more environment variables as a single Applications Manager object. For information on defining environment variables, see Defining Environment Variables.